Saturday of the Third Week of Lent Year 1 and 2 2024
Hosea sees that God is not that interested in religious practices such as sacrifice as he is in their covenant loyalty and truly knowing him that may be expressed in sacrifice. And so in the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector the former knows he keeps all the outward rules and makes all the proper sacrifices (fasting and tithing) and ignores his inward nature by comparing himself to the tax collector whom he does not know. But God knows the Pharisee and does not declare him just, for he does not know God. The tax collector knows God and therefore knows that he is a sinner and that God is merciful. He does not get distracted with comparisons. This results in a desperate loyalty to God. God responds with declaring him just, for in knowing God he is becoming like God. That explains both the danger of the rule-keeping Christian or religious and also the possibility of blessing if we make the rules and practices simply the expression of our inward knowledge of God, which will show itself in humility.