Send ME!
Relationship Builder (Mia)
Please stand for the Word of the Lord!
Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)
Prayer- Dear Heavenly Father thank You! for allowing me to have this alter to preach Your word. All Glory and praise goes to You a father! Thank You for everyone that is here today. Lord I know you gave me this message for a reason It is prepared for someone here today to help grow their relationship with you. To help grow their faith in You! To help build their trust in You. Father I ask that You guide my words and my thoughts so that they line up to You. Father we are all gathered here in Your name and Your Word says in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”” Father I ask all of this through Your Son Jesus Christ. And all of Gods people said Amen!
Depending on how everyone answers challenege to say louder!
As you are sitting down high five three people welcoming them to One Accord Fellowship!
Thank you for being here for our 1st youth takeover! All these kids have done an amazing job preparing and inviting everyone to this event. Thank You to our amazing leadership in Pastor Sam Madina and Mrs. Velma Medina! I know they are watching or going to watch. Be safe coming home we will see y’all soon! Everyone wave to the 1A Facebook Fam! Because we are live on the Facebook also Live on our 1AYouth page on Instagram! (How many are on there) If you are joining us type Amen or hello in the chat!
Send Me Era
Send Me Era
Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send ME! Everyone say Send ME! This verse has been with me for some time! Being my screensaver on my phone for over 4 years! Shout out to my wife for being awesome becuase it’s not her on my lock screen ,but she is my background. This verse really peaked my interest after the pandemic when people continued to call in sick. I remember getting really frustrated believing people would just say they didn’t feel well to get the 10 days off! Not going to lie I thought about it too! But It would not have sat right with my spirit! There were days laundry would not get done or athletes were wondering what the workout was and classes needing coverage! I believe this verse was in a Bible study that I was attempting when I read it The Lord’s spirit hit me in my heart! Why am I complaining about what everyone else is not doing when I could just pick up the slack! I just need to be quiet and go to work. So began the Send Me work era! I started saying yes to everything! Coach Burk can you do laundry? yes sir! Coach Burk can you coach baseball and track? sure can! Marcus can you do the dishes? No! Haha just kidding I would say yes to everything even one of the most important questions we have ever been asked MIa, Marcus would like to teach the Youth? Of course! This was a call that we answered years ago not knowing where this would take us! Doing the Lord’s work has been an amazing adventure from working Texas Tech football games and setting the record for the highest grossing concession stand in one night. To our first youth camp in Dallas Texas and eating wat a burger ten times. to now our very first youth takeover service! So I have a message today that should go approximatley five and a half hours. Turn to your other neighbor and say Send Me!
Then I heard- Are you hearing?
Then I heard- Are you hearing?
Let’s break down the first part. “Then I heard the Voice of the Lord” We could read it in Isaiahs voice or we could read it in first person. (Read again) Do you hear from the Lord? Maybe you are wondering how do I hear from the Lord? What needs to be asked is if we are truly seeking the Lord to hear Him or are you spiritualy deaf! The Lord can speak to us in many different ways! Songs, People and most importantly The Word! I have a certain Maverick City and Elevation Worship song (Man of Your Word, Rattle) they always seem to get played on Air one at the perfect moment. It is always when I have been praying or have a decision to make. There are no coincidences. People are also used I had a student at Estacado that reminded me about the Word that was supposed to be prepared! Saying I will see you March 3rd I was questioning March 3rd?? Oh wait I better get to studying!Even this morning (Mia) God will speak most through HIs Word! Take a look John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” He is literally the Word. So why would He not speak to you through His Word. Who has their Bible with them! If you got it raise it up! Where my Bible Gang at! Take a second to look around! If you dont have your Bible with you why not? If you don’t have it on Sunday then you probably don’t have it on Monday either. Not to put anyone on the spot ,but if I asked for the cell phones to come up I think there would be double the amount. We use those to communicate with people don’t we? So why wouldn’t we have a direct line to God? Chances are that there are people in here that haven’t heard from Him or wondering where is HE? He is right here (Point to Bible) We cannot look to only get fed from a projector on Sunday Mornings we must be able to feed ourselves. If you need one they are located in the front pew pocket. You can use that during the service. If you want to take one home we can get you one after the service. We must have the Word with us if we have the Word with us then we have God with us! How are we to know what the Lord sounds like if we don’t know His Word. You see how many young people have their Bible how are they supposed to know how to use it if we dont show them. They wouldn’t know the Lords voice. Here is this example of someone not yet knowing what the Lord’s voice sounded like. Turn with me 1 Samuel 3:6–7“Again the Lord called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” “My son,” Eli said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.” This is the second time the Lord is calling Samual ,but Samaual thought Eli was calling him. Being the respectful young man he continues to responded. Samual though continues to keep coming and is confuesed when Eli tells him “I did not call you go back and lay down.” We see why he is confused 1 Samuel 3:7 “Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.” He didn’t know what the Lord sounded like because the Word had not been revealed to him! How was he supposed to know he was just doing what he was taught. (explain) What are you teaching your children at home! Are you relying on someone else to reveal the word to them? How are they supposed to know the voice of the Lord? Youth do you have someone helping you if not find someone. There is a way you can help keep the youth help teach them the word by staying in your word! Proverbs 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Thank you to my parents for taking us to church on Sundays and having me go to Sunday school. Pinching me when I wasn’t acting right in church showing us the importance of who God is! What is your expectation for your child? You see and hear every day the enemy is after our children they want to confuse our children literally taking our children! What are we doing as adults of the church? Are you getting your child up are you making them come to church? Are you showing them the importance of church? Or is it just Sundays? Sundays and some Wednesdays? Or is it just your time and not Gods timing? Are you showing them how to use the Word. If you the parents or the older generation in the church show it is important here and at home your child will know its important. 1 Samuel 3:8–9 “A third time the Lord called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’ ” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” . Finally! Eli relized what was going! He helped Samuel. Eli knew the voice of God and was able to instruct Samual in how to answer the call from the Lord. As we look back at the verse Lets see how we can block ourselves from hearing or seeing God!
Whom Shall I Send?
Whom Shall I Send?
Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” We now see the Lord asking Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? Why is the all knowing God asking a question? He is asking these questions to challenge us. Just like when teachers ask questions to their students. The Teacher knows the answer they just want to see if we have been paying attention. If we have been studying. Sometimes when these questions get asked we get nervous. maybe we haven’t been paying attention or haven’t been studying. I had to think of when God asked another question.Turn with me to Genesis 3:9 “But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”” What a powerful question. Why was Adam hiding? Hid becuause they were naked. How did they know they were naked because they sinned. Isaiah 59:2 “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Our sin make us deaf towards God not only can He not hear us we cannot hear him either. Sin also seperates us from God it takes us into hiding! It hides us from his face! We have been struggling with this since the beggining of creation Adam and Eve sinned against God eating from the tree that He asked them not to. Which caused them to hide from God because of their sin! But God called them out gave them a fatherly correction then He forgave them Genesis 3:21 “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” He clothed them. God clothed Adam and Eve. He didnt abandon them! Nor forsake them He corrected them and forgave them. The same God who did it in the begining is the same God who will clothe you now! Romans 13:14 “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” We must repent of our sin. Ask God to forgive you. He will come in with that fatherly correction. Then He will forgive us and clothe you with His Son. then we get our spiritual ears back. Then we can come out of hiding. Once we do this then we can hear Him saying “ Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? We won’t have the spirit of fear anymore we will
Send Me!
Send Me!
Have the spirit of Isaiah! Everyone say Here am I! Send Me! Isaiah left no question un answered. Looking at how Samual asnwered his call also remember he got instructed on how to answer. 1 Samuel 3:10 “The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”” Samual made himself available! He humbled himself laying down calling himself the Lord’s servant meaning when he answered the call he did it with his whole heart willing to do anything the Lord asked! We can’t expect the Lord to use us if we arent making ourselves available to Him. God has a plan with each one of you in it ,but you must say Send ME! make yourself a servant to the Lord. We can’t do the Lord’s work if we aren’t the Lordsx2. It is time to open up the Bible and say here is Your servent! Some are “answering” but are still setting boundaries with the Lord. We are saying Send me but…. Not to that person. Not to that area of Lubbock. Not to that church. Who are we to put our almighty God in box. Ask the Lord to set up divine appointments! There are people all around that need to know of the Lord . Someone could be missing their calling. Because they have not been exposed to the Word! They don’t have an Eli with them. You may not hear from Him yet ,but you can by those around you. How can you be sent! Prayer- people can be prayed for everyday! we have had those instances where someone ask Pray for me brother/sister ,but we forget.we are missing our calling the Devine appointment. Say, Send Me! Pray right then and there be bold answer the call.and you will help that person they will know they are covered in prayer. Scripture- Are there people at your work or school that haven’t been revealed to the Word start with sharing the verse of the day! you will study it and not only are you feeding someone else but you are feeding yourself and giving a chance for the Lord to speak to you! Helping/Volunteer - FInd a way to help in the church we can always use your time not only in the youth I know there are multiple ministries that can use your time even if it isnt at this church make yourself available to the Lord. It all starts with doing it with your whole heart by giving your life. John 13:20
Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.”
God sends those divine appointments! Accept them
Thank God He sent His Son! Thank God Jesus answered that call so we can even think about having a relationship with God
Alter Call
Alter Call
(Call up Band)Stand with us Alter Call- If today is your day to accept Jesus’ sacrifice then answer the call don’t get nervous with this question He just wants you! We Love each and everyone of you so much. That we want to give you this oppurtunity to answer that call. The call to give your life to Jesus to make yourself available to Him! You are making that choice today to say Lord here is your servant! I am Yours I trust you with my life. I want you to send me! If that is you please come up! Prayer- Lord thank you for Your people that are answering your call thank you for tugging at their hearts. Father we will rejoice with them because we know you are rejoice and partying up there,