Romans pt 24

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In Romans 10 we discussed how the Gentiles obtained what Israel had failed to obtain, because they did not approach it in faith. The Gentiles received the Gospel, which proclaims the good news that we are saved by GRACE ALONE THROUGH FAITH ALONE in JESUS CHRIST. Today Paul continues to elaborate on a point he started in Romans 9. If Christ is the Messiah, why have the Jews rejected Him? We covered this extensively. Now the question turns to, “Are the Jews lost forever? Have the Gentiles replaced the Jews?” No! Absolutely not. God has a plan for Israel, and that is what we will discuss today.
Israel has NOT been rejected
Paul has made his argument that not all of Israel are truly Israel, and that’s why not all have come to Christ, and he has made it so strongly it is natural to conclude that what he is saying is that Israel has been rejected. Therefore Paul must clarify.
Paul says of course God has not forsaken His people. I AM AN ISRAELITE!
Phil 3:5.
God will never forsake those whom He has chosen
1 Sam 12:22. Jer 31:37. Psalm 94:14.
v3 is from 1 Kings 19.
God says, “I have kept people for myself”.
You NEVER KNOW what God is doing in the background. Just because you can’t see the full plan doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have everything working together according to His will!
In 1 Kings 19, Elijah thought he was the only one left who was serving God. He couldn’t see that God had kept prophets for Himself.
This is the idea Paul uses here for our big idea in Romans 11. Just because you don’t understand how the Jews could reject the true Messiah, just because you don’t understand how God could harden hearts for His glory, just because you don’t understand the plan doesn’t mean that God isn’t in full control. Thats a lesson we need for our lives.
A Remnant chosen by GRACE!
Just like in the days of Elijah, when Jezabel had killed all of the prophets. God had a chosen remnant hidden away for Himself. For His purpose. And why were they chosen? Were they better than the rest? They were chosen by GRACE!
Even so, today there are Jewish believers, a remnant of Grace!
If it’s truly by grace that we are chosen and saved, it can have NOTHING to do with works. Remember, we have works BECAUSE WE’RE SAVED. We do not have works to get saved. That’s the whole misunderstanding of the Jewish nation.
Rom 4:3-8.
Israel failed to obtain to this righteousness, because they didn’t approach it in faith.
We see here another mention of how God hardens, but Paul will explain this (the same way he did in Romans 9) as we move further down in the chapter.
Gentile Salvation
v 11-16
Their stumble is not permanent!
Their stumble has brought salvation to the gentiles!
If their rejection meant riches for the world, how much more will their fullness mean?
v 15 says it’s life from the dead!!
Paul here uses two metaphors, explaining the fact that the gentiles should not boast, or be proud and arrogant. They have not replaced the Jews.
The first metaphor is based on the firstfruit offering Israel was commanded to bring to the Lord.
Num 15:17-21.
If the firstfruit of the dough is holy, then the WHOLE LUMP IS HOLY!
If the root is holy, so are the branches.
The Branches
We see here, Paul states that some of the natural branches were broken off, and we, unnatural branches, WILD OLIVE SHOOTS, were grafted in. and we now share in the nourishing root of the tree.
THE ROOT IS CHRIST! The root supports us, we don’t support the root. A branch would have NO LIFE WITHOUT THE ROOT so who are we to brag?
Ephesians 2:8-9.
God did cut out natural branches, because of their UNBELIEF! So also, if we don’t stand in faith we can be cut out.
We have to note.. if salvation was simply dependent upon PREDESTINATION why does Paul say here that it’s about unbelief and belief? He said Israel has not believed, The gentiles have. And that the Jews can be grafted back in BY BELIEF IN CHRIST!
BUT WE MUST ABIDE IN THE ROOT! WE MUST REMAIN IN THE FAITH! Instantly we see John 15 in mind for this entire passage.
Israel will be saved
first we must see about the HARDENING OF ISRAEL!
So if this is the reason Israel was hardened, if this is Paul’s doctrine of hardening, it was only until the fullness of the gentiles would come in; and in the case of Pharoah it was ALSO TEMPORARY; then how can we ever think that GOD WOULD HARDEN PEOPLE FOREVER AND UNTO DAMNATION, WHEN HE USES IT TEMPORARILY TO BRING SALVATION!
All Israel will be saved?
v 28 shows the true doctrine of election!!!!
v32, just like the law, God confines all under disobedience that He may be merciful to all!
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