Matthew 24

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Pray Psalm 119:89-104
“Olivet Discourse” Jesus sat on the mount of olives and taught his disciples about the future
Read 1-2
Road from jerusalem to bethany gave a great view of the temple
Prediction AD 70 when Roman Emperor Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the temple
Read 3-8
Chronological description
lessons on watching, waiting, and being prepared
waring of judgment and promise of reward at Christ’s return
many people in history, and even today around the world proclaim to be the messiag
6-7 wars, famines will be regular occurances
legit physical birth pains of humanity and the earth
Isaiah, Jeremeigh, Hosea, Micah all prophesy about this terrible suffering that will take place that Israel will have to endure before Christ’s return
Read 9-14
10/11 remaining disciples were martyrd, as well as countless other followers
thorny and shallow soil, get’s choked out or baked by the sun
False prophets are a real thing, always have been.
gnosticism, arianism (deny divinity of Jesus) docetism (jesus physical body was an illusion) adoptionism (jesus just an awesome dude that was so good he was adopted by God as his son), today prosperity gospel (obedience to God leads to more blessings)
READ YOUR BIBLE, ask questions of those ahead of you, resources, James says if we try and stay neutral we will be tossed about
13 “endurance of the saints”
you can know someones eternal security by fruit in this life and how they finish.
works don’t save you, but they should point to a transformed heart and life
Gospel will be proclaimed to all nations and peoples
internet is a lot of crap but get’s the word out to everyone
Read 15-28
in AD 67 christians had to flee, a great dispersion took place
AD 70 jerusalem is destroyed by Rome
Jesus tells us it will be much worse
Elect is all who follow christ in this period
Signs and miracles actually from Satan and not God
1 john 4:1 (test the spirits)
Jesus will NOT come secretly!
big, bold, and bright like lightening
You can see vultures from far away and know something died, Christ’s return will be visible and predictable
Read 29-35
Christ will return in power, and glory, and angles will gather all his people
“these things” most likely refers to the beginning of these things, the end times
Jesus stamps this all with his Divine authority
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