Gospel Workers

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If you were with us last week then you’ll have heard all about the Mission of Jesus.
To go to ALL who have not head,
to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God,
Where Jesus is King
And we ended with Jesus pointing out that the Harvest of people ready to hear and respond to the Good news, the Gospel, is plentiful!
There’s lots of people to reach,
But the workers are few,
And so Jesus’ first fix for this issue:
Matthew 9:38 NIV 2011
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’
SO if the end of chapter 9 was an introduction to the mission of Jesus and prayer for workers to go out.
Chapter 10 starts to show the answers to that prayer and what it will look like.

1 - Gospel Workers are under Jesus’ Authority v1-4

As we said last week - praying for workers to go into the harvest field is a dangerous thing to do.
We just might find we’re the answer to our own prayer as the disciples are about to find out.
Matthew 10:1 NIV 2011
Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and illness.
Because the disciples are in a very unique time in history, Jesus gives to them the same authority he had over evil spirits and physical health.
It’s a commission that by the end of Matthew - has narrowed to proclamation, teaching and baptising.
but for now in chapter 10, while there is no written NT and the church is about to be launched - great signs and wonders will accompany the Good news of the Kingdom as a proof of the authority it carries from Jesus.
What’s interesting though is the way the disciples are then listed in v2-4.
We’re given their names and a couple of family relations to help identify them, but why then
Matthew 10:4 NIV 2011
Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
From the off, It is important to remember that commissioned or ordained or sent people does not make them Christians.
It does not give them authority to forgive sins and save people,
It does not mean they are infallible,
or that they cannot make mistakes in their teaching or actions.
Judas - commissioned by Jesus himself makes that clear enough.
What a mistake it would have been for people at that time to trust in and follow one of the 12 disciples!
No, the only authority, and hope is from Jesus himself.
It’s a really helpful reminder that we listen to gospel workers, when we send out workers, pray for workers, become workers - we only do so as far as they teach and act by the word of God - the Bible. We only listen if they are showing us Jesus and Jssus’s word.
Because Gospel Workers are under Jesus’ Authority.

2 - Gospel Workers Preach Jesus v7

Matthew 10:5–6 NIV 2011
These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: ‘Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.
As Jesus began to announce his Kingdom, he deliberately started with the Israelites - the OT chosen people of God.
God had promised them a King for centuries - they should have responded very well and very quickly to Jesus!
And so the proclaiming starts rightly with them.
But sadly there is a fairly large scale rejection of Him,
to the point he is put to death on a cross by them.
And as such, Jesus’ ultimate plan is ready to be unveiled.
God is not just for the Israelite people group - he is For ALL Nations.
And so after his resurection to new life, he commissions the church at the end of Matthew’s Gospel:
Matthew 28:19 (NIV 2011)
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
And What is to be taken to all nations?
Matthew 10:7 NIV 2011
As you go, proclaim this message: “The kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Preaching about the kingdom of Jesus. A verbal proclamation of God’s truth, the bible that points to Jesus and his new kingdom. He is about to fulfil all promises,
to reveal his kingdom has come in Him. repent - as we’ll see shortly - before it’s too late.
Many churches have lost their way and ventured into being ‘social communities’ to seek to bring about good moral behaviour and social support structures.
That is not the gospel
The disciplses are not sent out ‘just’ to heal people of diseases. They are sent out to preach and heal.
Gospel work can include social care, but it cannot be only social care.
Gospel work is to preach the word of God that points to Jesus - and his kingdom.
When we send and support missionaries, or church planters or pastors, we need people committed to passing on the truth of God’s word.
Through sermons, 1-2-1’s, small groups.
Without proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus through his living and active Word - there is no mission or gospel work taking place.
And so there is no hope for those we seek to reach.
Of course you don’t have to be a preacher to help the gospel to be preached.
You could be a mechanic servicing planes that the preaching missionary uses to get to the unreached.
You could be a financial expert helping co-ordinate the finances of a mission.
You could be much in prayer for frontline missions from WP,
You could be a generous financial giver to frontline missions
But we must be clear - our aim is that the Good News of Jesus is proclaimed - is preached, either by us, or as a result of our help.

3 - Gospel Workers are worth their keep v9-10

I think there is a common misunderstanding of these verse.
We read the end of v 8
Matthew 10:8 (NIV 2011)
Freely you have received; freely give.
and then we read
Matthew 10:9–10 NIV 2011
‘Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep.
and we conclude that the gospel worker really doesn’t need much. They are super human sacrificial people who can live on bread and water and sleep on a park bench.
What Jesus actually says is I think quite different.
Freely you have received, freely give, does not mean you are not to be paid or supported for your work, Jesus means - You have freely received the gospel of salvation and forgiveness of sins through His death and resurection,
so proclaim that entry onto the Kingdom is free.
You cannot pay for or earn a place as a Christian, it’s not conditional on other things.
The gospel is a free gift - just as we received it freely.
The worker though, is actually worth their keep, v10!
Jesus does not send the disciples out with no money becasue they don’t need anything - he sends them out with nothing becasue he says that faithful and worthy people will be found within Israel who will supply their needs - and they are worthy of that support.
So we don’t say to Margot and Fernando, make sure you empty your bank account and take all that with you cos we’re not helping,
We say, you shouldn’t have to take your gold, you’re worth your keep - here is what you need.
We will show our love for you and our appreciation of being able to be part of what you are doing by supply what you need.
today, as missionaries travel further from those who are gospel hearted men and women, we must send them with everything they need.
So get your direct debit set up this week if you’re able.

4 - Gospel Workers Reveal the Sinfulness of Man v9-15

Matthew 10:11–15 NIV 2011
Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
It maybe sounds a little harsh, but it’s actually far from it.
The utter sinfulness of humanity and our rejection of the the creator God deserves nothing but just judgement.
And yet - Jesus has given up the glory of heaven , come down to be a man,
is walking the earth in relative poverty,
will walk to his death on a cross - all for this rotten humanity who is dead in their sin!
SO when His offer of a new kingdom - re-entry into relationship with the Almighty God is proclaimed and explained to them - well then the options are simple.
Repent and believe and enjoy His grace - for he is all in all.
or -
all out continued, deliberate rejection of the most loving grace and message in life.
TO reject it is to condemn themselves - and it will be worse for them - and indeed those today who reject the gospel than it will be for Sodom and Gamorrah on judgement day
- becasue while they rebelled against God - they had not yet been shown the saviour Jesus - and all his grace and goodness and compassion and love.
AS we proclaim the Gospel, we declare that even though we are terrible sinners - God has given us His Son Jesus to forgive and save us.
So to reject Jesus only highlights someones sin and rejection of God.
It’s a very dangerous thing to reject God - it’s even worse to reject him when you’re told of his incredible love in the person of Jesus and his free offer.

5 - Gospel Workers will need wisdom in persecution v16-18

From v16, what seems to be in view is the longer term outlook on gospel work beyond just the intial missionary journeys of the disciples.
And the message is clear. While some will believe - many will react very badly and threaten, attack, imprison and even kill.
And JEsus tells His disicples - if people really wont respond rightly to the gospel, it’s ok to move on.
Matthew 10:14 NIV 2011
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.
Matthew 10:23 (NIV 2011)
When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another.
Gospel workers are not endlessly enslaved to telling the gospel to those who refuse to listen or respnd in violence.
People are responsible for themselevs before God,
and it’s not a gospel proclaimers responsibility to covert them.
The disicples, and the church ever since is repsonsible for proclaiming, not for converting.
Converting is God’s work by His Spirit as he opens the hearts of those he calls.
All This doesn’t mean we give up praying for and evangelising our loved ones who don’t yet believe.
The context here is about keeping the gospel going to the ends of the earth, and all nations.
If one village rejects Jesus and starts to persecute you, or refuse to have you - then it’s ok to move to the next village - Where there may be a harvest!
Plant the seeds - And the fruit is up to God.
Be wise says Jesus. Be shrew as snakes and innocent as doves - v16
It’s a hard line to walk - and people will disagree about when to stay and when to leave -and that’s ok.
But what is essential is that the gospel is proclaimed.
Such will be the strength of feelings towards the gospel that it will even split families Jesus warns.
Matthew 10:21 NIV 2011
‘Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.
A son who accepts Jesus will so highlight the sinful nature of his father who refuses to repent that the father will betray and even kill his son! OR VISA VERSA!
I hardly think we need to avoid the extreme of staying quiet and being shrewd - we’re probably too good at that -
but we probably need the be encouraged towards the being bold and proclaiming so that persecution finds us at some level, at work, at school in our families.

6 - Gospel Workers are Not Alone v19-31

For those around the world who are arressted and flogged and called to give an account for Jesus - there is great encouragement.
You wont be on your own says Jesus.
Matthew 10:19–20 NIV 2011
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
The HS will be with you and give you wisdom as to what to say.
Many an account of a martyred Christian can be told - as they sing a glorious hymn even as the guillotine falls/
Or as countless remain firm in honouring Jesus even in pain of death, rather than deny him and go free.
They are never human words of power - but God the Father’s grace to them.
Most of us will never know such terror as Jesus warns of - perhaps some of us should though - But never fear opposition is the message - for God is on your side.
There are a number of further encouragements given by Jesus to stand up in our work on earth to proclaim Him,
Jesus suffered, so so will his followers - v24-25,
God will reveal and judge all things, so trust him - v26
God is much scarier than man! - v28
Matthew 10:28 NIV 2011
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
How hard that is to live by, but how true!
God is in control and has you v29-31

7 - Gospel Workers - Are You One v32-42

These last few verses are fascinating - and so often overlooked by Christians today.
We’re so busy looking for what we can get out of life not that we even start to rewrite what Jesus said.
It should have become pretty clear to us by now that the Gospel is not a one way ticket to popularity and an easy life.
ON the contrary. Being a faithful Christian who speaks the truth about JEsus is going to mean life is not easy -certainly when it comes to relationships with others around us.
Becasue we need to be telling them the Good News of Jesus and that we and they need to repent of our sin to avoid God’s judgement, so that we don’t go to hell and instead - can receive eternal life in the glorious kingdom of Jesus
Good News is only good news when we accept the bad news of our sin and coming judgement.
While we’re busy chasing comfort, we’ve forgotten what JEsus promised in this life for his followers:
Matthew 10:34 NIV 2011
34 ‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:37 NIV 2011
37 ‘Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Proclaimng Jesus must come before our own desires and comforts - what ever that may bring for our jobs, relationships or comfort
And why wouldn’t we…
Matthew 10:32 NIV 2011
‘Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.
The gospel is divisive and will split even families - not becasue God is mean, but sadly becasue of the depth of human sin.
But Jesus leaves us with the challenge.
Who do you really live for.
Jesus - or yourself?
And if you choose Jesus - you choose a life that is one of relational and often financial sacrifice.
We don’t put Jesus and his work and his workers first if we’re after an easy life of keeping quiet and fitting in with the world.
We choose JEsus - who will honour us before our HEavenly Fatehr,.
We choose proclaiming Him,
We choose praying to Him for more workers,
We choose him by decidling if we can be a frontline worker,
We choose him by supporting frontline workers
And what a joy - that even the smallest action is greatly rewarded:
Matthew 10:42 NIV 2011
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.’
Friends - do not risk your eternal reward with Jesus, for the sake of an easy life.
Or as Jesus puts it:
Matthew 10:38 NIV 2011
Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Rather - says JC Ryle:
Happy is he who understands that though Christianity holds out a crown at the end, it brings also a cross in the way.
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