A Name Like No Other
Like No Other • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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There truly is no one like our Jesus! Jesus is… like no other!
And if you stop and think about it… that is a pretty large claim! But it is far more than a claim… it is truth to be heard and accepted for there is nothing and no one like our Jesus!
This morning, we dive into our Easter series that will focus in on the nature and character of our Lord and Savior.
Easter is a special time of the year in which we focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus. That one moment in history… truly changed everything! God’s love for the world was on full display as He sent His Son to die for sinners on the cross. And… three days later we know… death could not hold Jesus! The stone was rolled away and Jesus rose from the grave!
These events are amazing to read about and hear about… but how many know that we can experience victory, grace, and the resurrected life all because of what Jesus did?
Yes… the events of the cross happened some two thousand years ago. However, time does not disconnect us from being able to experience the power of His blood and the victory of His resurrection.
It’s more than a story… it’s more than a historical account… it is the power of God at work! He wants to work in you… He wants to work in those around you. My point is… God is STILL working today and His work is a redemptive work! And at the center of this work is… Jesus!
This morning, we are going to focus in on the name of Jesus… a name like no other. And to some, it might seem a bit odd to take a Sunday to talk about a name… but church… this isn’t any ordinary name. There is POWER in the name of Jesus!
I want you to stop and consider the importance of a name. A name is a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing.
Names will often come with meaning. For instance my name, Christopher, is a Greek name that means “bearing Christ” or “bearer of Christ.” My brother’s name, William, is of old German origin and it means "resolute protector" or "strong-willed warrior."
Throughout the Bible, names are given and the meaning is often expressed as they are given. So why was the Son of God given the name, Jesus? Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua which means “to deliver” or “to rescue.”
Was this name something that Mary and Joseph came up with on their own when Jesus was born? No… it is the name the angel Gabriel told Mary to give to God’s Son.
31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,
The name of God’s Son means to deliver or rescue. And that is exactly what Jesus was sent to this world to do - to deliver and to rescue.
This begs the question… what did Jesus come to deliver and rescue the world from? Does the world need rescuing? Does the world need deliverance? Yes… and yes. And… there is only one name through which true deliverance can come.
The people were in need of a deliverer. The world is in need of a deliver. The sending of Jesus was not God’s answer for Israelites… Jesus was God’s answer to the world. John 3:16 makes that very clear. This is what the Word says Jesus came to do.
In fact… Jesus Himself made this declaration. And we see this roll out in Luke 4.
Jesus had been traveling. After spending significant time in the wilderness, Jesus went to Galilee and then to Nazareth to minister. While there, He went to the Synagogue on the Sabbath and He stood up to read from the Scriptures. He is handed a scroll from Isaiah and the Bible says “He found the place where it is written” meaning… Jesus personally selected this passage to share. What did that passage say?
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
If there was ever a drop the mic moment in Scripture… THIS WOULD BE THAT MOMENT! What did Jesus just do? He just declared to all in the Synagogue that He is the One Scripture has been talking about. He is the One they had been waiting for! The deliverer and rescuer had arrived… and His name is Jesus!
Remember, a name is a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing.
Jesus was designated by the Father to do the things Scripture said would take place. We are going to look at those things listed in Luke 4 as a reminder of what Jesus came to do… and as a reminder of what Jesus is able to do even to this day.
Jesus was anointed… set apart… for this specific task. Again, let’s look at some of the specific things He came to do.
Anointed to Proclaim
Anointed to Proclaim
First off, we need to recognize who it was that anointed Jesus to serve in this capacity. The Word makes clear that the Spirit of God was on Jesus… He had anointed Him for specific ministry.
Jesus was God’s Son and anointed of the Spirit.
Anointed means to authorize, or set apart a person for a particular work or service. The anointed person belongs to God in a special sense.
When do we see this type of anointing in Scripture?
Priest, kings, and prophets were anointed. Oil was poured on the head of the person being anointed. The oil used was symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Kings were set apart through the ritual of anointing, which was performed by a prophet who acted in God’s power and authority. The Old Testament also records two instances of the anointing of a prophet.
Jesus the Messiah is described as “anointed” in the Scriptures. This description is found in the Psalms that prophesy of the coming of Christ and in the preaching of the apostle Peter in the Book of Acts.
And in Luke 4, we see a reading of Isaiah 61 by Jesus that declares Him to be anointed.
Again, the point is Jesus was set apart for this work. There is NO OTHER PERSON that could do what Christ came to do. He was anointed… BY GOD’S SPIRIT… to proclaim. Oil was not poured on His head symbolically as the Spirit of God Himself anointed Christ for this spiritual work.
Now, what did this prophesy say Jesus was coming to proclaim?
First, Jesus was anointed to proclaim the good news to the poor. Who exactly is the Bible referring to when it speaks of the poor?
Immediately our minds may gravitate toward a financial status… those without much monetary resource. But did God send His Son only to proclaim good news to those in financial need? Did the Holy Spirit anoint Christ to proclaim to those with less material wealth?
The original word used here ptochos (toe-chose). It means poor, destitute - especially so poor as to be dependent on others for support.
The poor… are those who cannot make it on their own. These are those who are struggling… those who are without. It is those that society often overlook. Perhaps they are even considered a burden by some.
Jesus was anointed to proclaim good news to these people… the forgotten and downtrodden.
But before we focus in on a certain group of people identified by their level of lack instead of wealth… let’s consider something else.
A person can truly have it all material wise… and have nothing at all spiritually. In fact, some of the “richest” people I have met had little wealth… but were full of Jesus! Remember what the definition of poor was - dependent on some else for support. We are all dependent on someone or something for support… problem is… there is only one source of support that will never leave you in lack… and that support is found in Jesus!
He is the source of our hope, peace, understanding, wisdom, and freedom. He is our healer, our provider, our Savior, and friend. He is the One that lifts us up when we are down, the One who brings us joy unspeakable, the One who breathes life into our weary souls. He IS Jesus… the One anointed to proclaim GOOD NEWS to the poor!
The good news Jesus proclaims… is salvation. The good news Jesus proclaims… is freedom. The good news Jesus proclaims… is deliverance. The name of Jesus has the power to break ANY chain that might bind us.
Secondly, Jesus was anointed and sent to proclaim freedom to the prisoners. Who is exactly is the Bible referring to when it speaks of prisoners?
Again, our minds might go toward people in jail cells or in hand cuffs. But this words prisoners indicates a whole lot more.
The original word used here means captive… those held against their will… those being taken or conquered. And I get it… we don’t live in a “conquered” land or community… but there is something that conquers hearts that is far more dangerous than an occupying nation.
Jesus came to proclaim freedom to those held captive by sin. Sin is a terrible prison… and inescapable prison. The only way out… is death. The only payment that will satisfy the debt is… death.
From the moment Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God’s creation has been dealing with the chains and shackles of sin. They rattle all around us. They bring despair and destruction to our souls.
God did not create us for sin. God did not create us so that we could be destroyed in this way. So God unleashed His redemptive plan… that included the giving of His Son… to pay the price for our freedom.
As Jesus proclaims freedom to the prisoners or captive… He also is announcing His sacrifice to pay the price.
Our spiritual freedom came at great cost. We receive it freely… but our freedom wasn’t free. Jesus broke the chains and set the captives free as He breathed His last breath on the cross.
Where sin may try to take you captive, Jesus has come to conquer sin once and for all. Where transgressions may try to bind you and defeat you, Jesus has come to bring you victory.
The prison walls fall and the shackles break loose at the name of Jesus! There is no other name that can bring freedom to hearts and souls!
Three, Scripture says Jesus was anointed and sent to proclaim recovery and sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free. Jesus has come to helps us with our spiritual and physical infirmities.
I like the word used here… recovery. To recover is to a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. When Jesus speaks of recovery of the blind, He is not speaking of a partial recovery… He is speaking of a total recovery… as if the blindness had never happened at all!
We know that in Christ Jesus we find both physical and spiritual healing. Jesus’ body was broken… that we might be made whole again.
We know what physical blindness is… and we know what spiritual blindness is. And Jesus can bring healing in both areas. He wants to open our eyes to His truth and love. He wants to open our eyes regarding the plan God has for us. He wants to open our eyes to love, mercy, and grace.
“Okay preacher, I get this… but where does the oppression come from?” The enemy oppresses God’s people through darkness. The enemy wants to keep the blinders on. The enemy does not want God’s light exposing the lies and the deception he brings. Satan oppresses through spiritual blindness.
And church… that oppression is real. The lostness is real. People don’t know where to turn. People don’t know the name to call on… many of them only know the name of Jesus as a curse word.
But when we call on the name of Jesus… our eyes are reopened! Our sight is fully recovered! The darkness of the enemy is no match for the light of our Savior!
Lastly, Scripture says Jesus was anointed and sent to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
What does this mean, exactly? This proclamation is connected with the Jubilee year legislation in Leviticus 25.
Following a series of seven seven year periods, (49 years) the fiftieth year was to be a time when
Leviticus 25:10 (NIV)
10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you...
Some argue that Jesus was announcing the the observance of the Jubilee year. However, the more likely interpretation suggests Jesus related the figure of “the year of the Lord’s favor” to the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ ministry signaled that the time for liberation of the impoverished and oppressed had come!
Again, this favor, this liberation is experienced as a person calls on the name of Jesus!
Jesus was anointed by the Spirit to bring some incredible news to this world! But we need to understand something else about this passage that is extremely important: Jesus came not only to proclaim… but Jesus was also...
Sent to Deliver
Sent to Deliver
(Worship Team Return) Jesus came to announce the good news and to deliver on it. Jesus didn’t just talk of freedom, He delivered freedom. Jesus didn’t just talk of recovery, He delivered recovery. Jesus didn’t just talk of liberation, He delivered liberation.
Remember, the name of Jesus doesn’t mean proclaimer… it means deliverer or rescuer. He not only proclaimed the good news of spiritual change… He ushered in a new era of spiritual change.
This is who Jesus is… and this is what His name has the POWER to do. Just how powerful is His name?
John 14:13-14 says we can ask anything in the name of Jesus and it will be done.
Philippians 2:9-11 says that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and tongue will confess that He is Lord.
Acts 4:12 says salvation is found in no other name under heaven
Luke 10:17 reveals that even the demons are subject to His name
Romans 10:13 declares all who call on His name will be saved
Mark 16:17 says believers will cast out demons by His name
Proverbs 18:10 reveals that the name of the Lord is a strong tower. There is safety and refuge in His name.
John 8:36 tells us there is freedom in His name.
This morning, God is in this place… He sent His Son Jesus to do a work only He could do… to help us in ways we couldn’t help ourselves.
There are a lot of names of people and things we can call on help… but only One name can bring deliverance. There are a lot of names of people and things we can call on for direction… but only One name give us new sight. There are a lot of names of people and things we can call on in our moment of weakness… but only One name that can give us true strength. Jesus is the name of our deliverer… and His is the Only name that can set you free today.
He came, anointed of the Spirit , to bring good news… how many could use some good news right now?
He came, anointed of the Spirit, to bring freedom to the captives… how many need to break free through Jesus today?
He came to bring recovery to the blind and freedom to the oppressed… how many need to come out of the spiritual darkness the enemy has been trying to keep you in?
If that’s you, I want you to get on your feet, Get your hands raised toward heaven… and call on the name that is above ALL names! Jesus is a name like no other and He is the answer you have been looking for!
Now… Let’s get specific. Jesus is our deliverer… our rescuer. If there is something you need deliverance from… let’s get that thing under the blood. If there is something you need rescued from… let’s get that thing under the blood.
Jesus didn’t come just to tell of new things… He came to deliver new things to us. It’s time to receive from Him.