Seeing the Kingdom of God
10 Lepers
10 Lepers
Crying out to Jesus —> Master have mercy! Jesus says “Go show yourselves to the Priest (according to the Law). As they went they were cleansed!
One saw it and returned and with a loud voice glorified God . . . fell at Jesus’ feet (built an alter) and worshipped Him
Jesus asked “Were there not 10? Where are the other 9? Just this foreigner (Samaritan)? Reason for not returning? to caught up in their cleansing; in a hurry to see family; wanting to get away from the shame; being Jews they may have felt they deserved cleansing.
Jesus says, “Go your way, your faith has made you well (sozdo = delivered, rescued, saved!
Note: some cleansed physically but not spiritually. One cleansed both physically and spiritually!
Point: The Kingdom of God will be filled with saved believers where worship and praise out of a heart of gratitude will fill the air with shouts of glory to God!
Truths of the Kingdom
Truths of the Kingdom
For there to be a Kingdom their has to be a King — Jesus! In the Kingdom, He will rule and reign with absolute authority and power!
a.) The Kingdom does not come with observation . . . visible signs of its coming! Not a physical city at present, but soon!
Jesus teaches that the Kingdom is here now and is coming in the future!
He says the Kingdom is within you — better translation is in you reach!
b.) The Kingdom will not be secret. When Jesus does come setting up His earthly Kingdom it will be seen to all. As lightning is seen across the sky so will His coming be. All will know it!
But before that it comes other things had to take place — His suffering and being rejected by this generation!
c.) The Kingdom is coming with Judgment! Noah and Lot are spoken of. Life going on until judgment comes!
misunderstanding of the 2s mentioned here. i) rapture - wrong context is judgment; ii) one taken to judgment the other left for His Kingdom; iii) one taken to safety the other left for judgment!
Point: Those who reject the King will experience judgment!
In the Kingdom, Righteous Prayer happens!
In the Kingdom, Righteous Prayer happens!
a) the widow receives justice after persistent seeking from unjust judge. Jesus says God hears and will avenge His elect quickly! Jesus asks if He will find this kind of faith when He comes?
b) Pharisee and the tax collector. One prays out of pride and arrogance the other out of brokenness. The one who understood his place and need would go home justified!
Point: Kingdom praying comes from understanding who we are and who’s we are!
Requires Child like Faith!
Requires Child like Faith!
Childlike faith is dependent and expectant!
No one gets in without this kind of faith!
It is a Heart Thing!
It is a Heart Thing!
Rich young ruler comes to Jesus calls Him good and then asks what he must do to inherit life eternal? Good question asked to the right person, but was unable to take hold of the truth!
Keep the law! His pride said he had done that. Jesus says you lack one thing! Sell all you have give it to the poor and follow Me! Rich young ruler leaves in sadness and sorrow.
Jesus says how hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom! The disciples ask “then who can be saved?” Jesus responds that God can do the Impossible!
Point: The Kingdom of God is where the impossible happens daily!
The Blind See
The Blind See
In the Kingdom of God the blind gain their sight! Physically and spiritually!
Point: In the Kingdom of God the blind will see God’s glory and will walk in the light of His truth daily!
The Kingdom is for Everyone!
The Kingdom is for Everyone!
Zacchaeus sees Jesus. Jesus goes to his house. The Pharisees complain. Zach is saved!
Jesus reveals that the purpose for His coming was to “seek and save THAT which was lost!
He did come for believers, but He came for non believers too! You see that Jesus came to restore the opportunity to enter the Kingdom for ALL! Those who will receive it and those who will not!
Point: The Kingdom is available for ALL!