Have Students (one or multiple) Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-16
Discussion Questions
What are a few of the biggest fears/obstacles we face when trying to talk to people about Jesus? (Discuss, then point towards “Fear of not knowing enough”)
Paul was a smart man, but what did he realize about all of his knowledge. (Vs. 1-2)
What does it mean to “know nothing…except Jesus Christ and him Crucified?”
Do you think that Paul was ever afraid or worried? (Yes..Vs. 3) What does that mean for us? (We aren’t expected to have it all together, but to be faithful)
How does Paul contrast Earthly wisdom vs. Spiritual wisdom in (Vs. 6-9)
According to Vs. 10-12, how can we know the will (thoughts) of God? (We only know the thoughts of who is inside of us. So in order to know the will of God, He must be inside of us.)
Why is it so difficult to choose the spirit of God over the Spirit of this world? (Vs 13-14)
What decisions/disciplines must we prioritize in order to “have the mind of Christ?” (Prayer, Obedience, Bible reading, etc.)