Mary And Martha

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  45:13
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the Lawyer how to inherit eternal life
the answer Jesus gave to him is obey the law perfectly always without fault
trying to help this man see his need of a savior
inheritance only goes to the children
and if you are not saved you are not a child
the inheritance not only comes to you in the afterlife
But Jesus is our inheritance /our portion
Lamentations 3:22–24 LSB
The lovingkindnesses of Yahweh indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “Yahweh is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I wait for Him.”
Jesus is the bread of life that we can feast upon
Jesus is the living water that we will never thirst
Jesus is the light that lights our path so we don’t stumble
this is something that Mary knew
and Martha needed to learn
let’s look at these 2 sisters as Jesus comes to visit
read Luke 10 38-42


Martha is a server/ a hospitality wizzard
V 38 Martha was the homeowner
living there was her sister
and brother Lazarus
She invited Jesus into her home for dinner
with Jesus was the 12
so a very large crowd
possibly totally unexpected
so 13 more people for dinner
and this is Jesus, the Messiah God invited into the home
pulling more fish out of the freezer
insuring the good china is pulled out the silver is cleaned
the white table napkins and linen are white
get the biskits made and cook them so they are ready right at mealtime
everything needs to be perfect for Jesus
doesn't the Bible say whatever you do do all for the Glory of God?
Martha is being hospitable to her guests
being hospitable is something that is highly respected in this society
Romans 12:13 LSB
contributing to the needs of the saints, pursuing hospitality.
hospitality is something Paul gives instructions to do
was it wrong of what Martha did?
did Jesus scold her for being hospitable?
after all she was working for Jesus
what she was doing she was doing for God
how can you do wrong putting your very best effort for God?
V 40 Martha was distracted, upset, worried
the silverware is tarnished the fish is still frozen
the linens have a stain from the new years eve party
everything is going wrong
I want everything to be perfect and it just not happening
So she blames Mary
and blames Jesus for not caring
V 41 Martha Martha a repetition for emphasis
a repetition for loving instruction/ correction
V 41 you have too much on your plate
I don’t need the best china the silverware
just a simple meal will do
you are getting worked up over trivial things
Martha has lost her Joy of serving
Her love of hospitality has turned sour
the elaborate meal will eaten in 10 minutes and forgotten in 2 days
What Martha was attempting was not the best thing to do


Mary is Martha’s younger sister
Mary is not helping with the preparations
Mary was doing the best thing
Mary is in the living room sitting at the feet of Jesus
learning all that He has to say
V 42 only one thing is necessary
absorbing the lessons that He is teaching His disciples
Jesus might have told them that he was going to die soon
because we see Mary pouring perfume on the feet of Jesus in preparation of His death
V 42 Mary has chosen
this is a conscious decision made by Mary
to spend time with the Lord
she could have stayed in the kitchen with Martha
but she chose to go and sit at the feet of Jesus
this is something we also have to do out life has to have a balance
a lot of things are possible but only one thing is necessary
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Nine: What in the World Does a Christian Do? (Luke 10)

Few things are as damaging to the Christian life as trying to work for Christ without taking time to commune with Christ. “For without Me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5

Martha was burned out serving Jesus
she should balance her time
Martha was distracted from hearing from Jesus
Mary has chosen the Good part
chosen to receive from her inheritance
chosen what wont be taken away from her
1 Corinthians 3:11–15 LSB
For no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident, for the day will indicate it because it is revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
the needless work we do
the work we do on our own
the work we do out of balance with being with Christ
will be that made of wood hay and stubble
that will be tried through the fire
In life do you find yourself frustrated with what others are NOT doing?
is your life overwhelming with all that you find yourself doing?
and the things that you are doing is it going to matter a hill of beans in a years time
how about eternity
Mary chose the one thing that is necessary
Psalm 27:4 LSB
One thing I have asked from Yahweh, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of Yahweh And to inquire in His temple.
do you have one thing that is necessary?
is your life balanced between working for Jesus and feeding on the bread of life
our worship of Jesus should take priority over everything else in our lives
our time spent in communion with Jesus will put everything else into perspective
do you talk directly with Jesus
do you tell Him everything
do you read the word as if He is speaking to you
as you are listening intently sitting at His feet
do you meditate throughout the day on what you have read
asking the Holy Spirit to teach you
Read Matthew 6 25-34.
Martha was worried distracted and upset about the situation that she was in
she was upset at Jesus and Mary
but her priorities were in the wrong place
where are your priorities?
why dont you sit with Jesus and talk with Him?
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