Overcoming Temptation
Intro: There once was a notorious outlaw named Jose Rivera who strolled into small South Texas towns robbing their banks and businesses. The people of Texas grew weary of the plunder and hired a Texas Ranger to track Jose Rivera down and retrieve their money. The Ranger tracked Rivera into Mexico, to a small desolate Cantina. As he entered inside he noticed only two patrons. The first was a young man enjoying a drink at the bar and the other was sleeping in a chair with his hat pulled over his eyes. The Ranger said to the young man at the bar, “I am on a mission to bring back Jose Rivera dead or alive,” then asked “Can you help me find him?” The young man smiled and pointed to the man sleeping in the chair. The Ranger woke the sleeping man and asked “Are you Jose Rivera.” The man answered “No speak English.” So he beckoned the young man at the bar to translate for him. The Ranger warned Rivera, “You have two options, Tell me where the loot is hidden and you can walk away a free man or.... be shot dead instantly,” the young man translated. Jose Rivera pulled himself together and said, “Tell him to go out the of the bar and turn right, then go about a mile outside of town and you will see a well. Near the well is a very tall tree. Beside the tree is a large stone slab, he will need help removing it. Under the slab is a pit in the ground, if he carefully uncovers it he will find all of the Jewelry and most of the money I have taken.” The young man paused for a moment, took a deep breath, then turned to the Ranger and said, “Jose Rivera says… Go ahead and shoot!”
That was a funny story about a very serious issue that we all face, temptation. Temptation means to be tested for the purpose of making one sin. No person is beyond temptation, there is an enemy in this world who wants to see you fall and if he had the gall to tempt Jesus the Son of God then he will tempt you. Temptation can come at an time, in any place, and in different ways. It came to Jesus directly after His anointing for ministry, to Eve in paradise (the Garden), and according to 1 John 2:16 most often comes in the form of personal passions, alluring possessions, and personal pride.
Each of us have fallen prey to temptation and some of us fall prey quite regularly but there is one man in the history of the world who did not, One man who conquered temptation and stands victorious over it, His name is Jesus and He serves as our example and power in the matter of overcoming temptation.
After Jesus was baptized He was lead by the Holy Spirit into the barren wilderness where for 40 days He was constantly tempted by the devil and overcame everything the devil threw at Him.
CPS: Today I want you to know that Jesus overcame all temptation and the resources that were available to Him are available to us today as we struggle to overcome Temptation.
I. The Love of God will help us overcome temptation. 3:21-23
A. God’s Love For Jesus
God loves His Son and tells Him so at His baptism, He boomed from heaven “You are My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Beloved means one who is considered dearly loved. The NIV Translates “You are My Son, whom I love., with you I am well pleased”
God’s love for Jesus was not dependent on any deeds. It is unconditional and He sets His love on His Son. I love my sons not because what they do but because they are mine and though I love my sons greatly, my love for them pales in comparison to God’s love for His Son!
B. God’s Love For You
If you cried out to God on the basis of grace alone through faith alone in Christ Jesus alone you too are a child of God. Eph. 1:4-5. Sons and daughters of God, He loves you with such a great love! Let me tell you about God’s great love for you.
ILL: A medieval monk announced he would be preaching next Sunday evening on “The Love of God.” As the shadows fell and the light ceased to come in through the cathedral windows, the congregation gathered. In the darkness of the altar, the monk lighted a candle and carried it to the crucifix. First, he illumined the crown of thorns, next, the two wounded hands, then the marks of the spear wound. In the hush that fell, he blew out the candle and left the pulpit. There was complete silence because there nothing else to say. Romans 5:8!
He loves you so much that He sent His Beloved Son to die for you so that you can be saved and so that He can sympathize with you! So the next time you are tempted to sin (make personal) remember the great love God loves you with and turn away, lest you spurn His love and tread the blood of Jesus!
II. The Holy Spirit of God will help us overcome temptation. 4:1
Once Jesus was baptized He was lead into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted. It was God’s purpose to show us that Jesus would not sin and Satan’s strategy was to get Jesus to act independently from God. When Satan tempts believers he uses the same strategy. So, total Dependence on God is key to overcoming temptation!
A. Being Filled with God
Luke 4:1 tells us Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. Full means complete totality of fulness.
ILL: It’s like taking a sponge and squeezing it tightly then placing it under water and letting go. The sponge fills to complete fullness and there is no room for anything else. In the person of Jesus there was no room for lust or pride, There was no room for sin because He was filled to the fulness of God.
If you have been saved by grace through faith the Holy Spirit is in you and you too can be filled to the fullness of God. This is the apostle Paul’s prayer for the saints! Eph. 3:14-19 This can become a reality when we repent of sin and become completely obedient to God’s direction. You see, as a believer you have the Holy Spirit, but does He have control over you?
B. Be Submissive to God
Notice, during the temptation Jesus was in complete submission to God. He was led around by the Spirit. (NASB). Led means directed or guided. Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the 40 days of temptation. Jesus wasn't alone in the wilderness (John 8:29) neither did he have to depend on the strength of His humanity as He faced Satan! Notice that He fasted, drawing near to God. Likewise you are not alone when you face temptation however you too must be be guided by The Holy Spirit. This is the idea of total submission.
ILL: Roger Staubach, led the Dallas Cowboys to two Superbowl victories, yet he did not call his own plays. Coach Landry sent in every play. He told Roger when to pass and when to run. Even though Roger considered coach Landry to have a “genius mind” when it came to football strategy, but pride said that he should be able to run his own team. Roger later said, “I faced up to the issue of obedience. Once I learned to obey there was harmony, fulfillment, and victory.”
Likewise we must submit to God and let Him make the calls, then we too can have victory!
III. The Word of God will help us overcome temptation. 4:2-13
For forty days Jesus was tempted over and again. We are now told what these temptations looked like.
A. The Lust of the Flesh
Satan appeals to a basic need that Jesus had. He had been w/o food for 40 days, certainly He was hungry. He tells Jesus, “Since you are the Son of God” satisfy your hunger and turn this stone into bread. The temptation was to make Jesus captive to His appetite. But Jesus takes up the sword of the Spirit, the word of God and quotes Deut. 8:3.
The devil will try to make a god of your cravings too. Food, sleep, sex, drugs, and games, but don’t fall to the devil’s ploy take up the Word of God!
B. The lust of the eyes
Satan now appeals to the allure of possessions. He shows Jesus in an instance the kingdoms of the world and offers them to Him. He is telling Jesus, they can be His now and He won’t have to suffer the cross instead all He has to do is worship him. But there is only one God and the kingdom He was shown will fall. Again, He takes up the Sword of the Spirit and quotes Deut. 6:13.
You may be thinking, “the devil will never offer me the kingdoms of the world.” He doesn't have to because we are cheap. For Judas it took 30 pieces of silver, Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of portage, and Eve sold out God for a piece of fruit. Perhaps for you its a new TV or phone but when the devil comes with the allure of possessions come back with the Word of God.
C. The Pride of Life
Satan doesn't give up and now appeals to Jesus’ desire for the people of Israel to follow Him. He say’s Since you are the Son of God wait here on top of the temple until the courtyard is full of people then make a grand entrance. Step off and let the angels float you down and they will bow at your feet and claim you as their Messiah. He even quotes Scripture, Ps. 91:11-12, (Misquotation, leaving out “in all your your ways” referring to Israel’s security as they Trust God).
Jesus quotes Deut. 6:16 telling Satan that we are to trust God not test God. Once the devil is finished he leaves but will come back at another time.
Just as Jesus was dependent on Scripture when tempted we should be too! Notice Jesus didn't pull out His KJV or apple phone, He had it memorized! Memorizing scripture is an important discipline and comes in use during temptation. But, its not about knowing Scripture, its about obeying Scripture! When you bring the Word of God against Satan the fight is no longer between you and the devil, but between the devil and God and guess who is going to win that fight!
Conclusion: When temptation comes remember that God loves you so much that He sent His son to die for you, don’t spurn His love not tread the blood of Jesus, Be submissive to God, let Him guide you, and wield the Word of God and Satan will not win! But there is one more resource that we have to call on that Jesus didn’t have, a sympathetic High priest Heb. 4:14-16 who is our mediator. Jesus is our example and Power, trust on Him!