Mark 11:27-33 — 3/10/2024 - English
Good morning.
It's good to see you all. I'm sorry that I'm not Diego and I hope that you can understand as much of what I'm saying as possible. In our English Sermons we've been going through the last week of Jesus life. It began when he entered into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Claiming to be the king of Israel, but also to the whole world he is the Messiah who is come. And the crowds were chanting blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. And as we go through the last week of Jesus life, Not only are we further understanding who this is, but we're also understanding what he must do. Their question that we're trying to answer is when is this all going to happen? And the reality is it's going to happen in just a few short days in our story. In Mark chapter 13, the disciples asked him tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished. Their question was about the destruction of the Temple. But it also applies to destruction of his Temple, the temple that he would rebuild 3 days later. So this morning we continue our look at the last week of Jesus in Jerusalem. And today we begin a series of sermons looking at what happened on Jesus' last Tuesday alive. Don't ask questions if you don't want the answer. This is a common phrase in English. I don't know if there's something like this in Spanish, but if you don't want to know the answer, you probably shouldn't ask the question. What do I mean? Do you know where hot dogs come from? if you knew where a hot dog came from, would it ever even cross your mind when you're eating a hotdog I wonder how this was made. This isn't a cut of meat. this isn't directly from some animal. It's a highly processed
amalgamation of meat
Same goes for your cheeseburger at McDonalds. You never see an all beef patty
advertisement for McDonald's. One of my classes in high school, we took McDonald's french fries and we set them out for the entire semester and it looked at the end of the semester as they did in the beginning.
I'm not going to ask where my food comes from cuz I really don't want to know the answer. Some of us are a little sensitive about our singing voices.
I really want to know how I said. Cuz I know it's not good. So I stopped asking my wife was that okay? I don't want to know. And there are some questions we ask for spouses that we probably don't want to know the answer to this is a book that I found on Amazon a Man's Guide to the loaded questions women ask. Does this dress make me look fat.
Oh, man, you probably shouldn't answer that question. With anything even remotely close to yes.
But a simple answer of you look beautiful, sweetheart, no matter what would probably suffice.
Sometimes we ask questions. We don't want to know the answer to What's the most famous movie lines of all time? Colonel Jessup, I'll answer the question you want answers. And then Lieutenant Caffey. I think I'm entitled to them curled Jessup then said you want answers and the person examining him said I want the truth. Jack Nicholson Is Colonel Jessup yells? You can't handle the truth?
but that begs the question why wouldn't we want answers to questions we ask I think there's a few reasons one of them is that the questions we ask give us answers about ourselves and our text today. We see Jesus asked the first of many questions meant to trapping. Let's examine the questioners the questions and the answers.
Mark chapter 11 verses 27 through 33
first the questioners When we look at verse 27, we see three different groups of people mentioned. first the chief priests the chief priests are the people who have been given the responsibility of taking care of the temple. They're the ones responsible for putting together the worship ceremonies. They're the ones responsible for making sure that this Passover feast is going to go off without a hitch in general. The chief priests were people who were supposed to be from the tribe of Levi.
In general in the Old Testament. This is the chief priest is a single person. It's the same person who is also known as the high priest. But as we start looking through this narrative, there are many Chief priests and there is one high priest. We know from history that many of the chief priests were a political party called the Sadducees. They were a group of elite people who had control of the Jewish Sanhedrin. They were people who were intent on keeping peace with Rome and enacting Roman policy so that the Jews and the Romans could live in peace.
The chief priests were the high-ranking priests and likely members of that Sanhedrin Council.
Checking you out of the scribes. The tribes are specifically people who were tasked with writing and reproducing scripture as part of their job in writing and reproducing scripture They would also write commentaries. This made them the extra experts in the wall and make them experts in scripture. They were the maven's experts when people had a Bible question. Many of them were also likely members of the Sanhedrin. And many of these were probably Pharisees Jesus over and over again calls out the scribes and the Pharisees and the Pharisees as opposed to the Sadducees believe in the entirety of Old Testament scripture. And so describes were people who were so well-versed in all of the Old Testament.
Finally we see the elders. In Exodus chapter 24 Moses chose 70 elders to climb part of the way of Sinai as he went to meet God and this tradition of having seventy Elders continued throughout history. It manifested itself in the Sanhedrin which is essentially a 70 members Supreme Court. They can help decide matters of law in Jewish Society again, the Sadducees this group of people who denied any part of the Old Testament other than the first five books. This was a group of people who denied an afterlife. They denied a resurrection. They denied that the prophets that the Jewish people believed in we're actually sent by God. To deliver God's message and judgment on his people in general many times. They would defer to the Pharisees because the Pharisees were way more popular with the masses the Sadducees were the liberal Elites the ruling class. The Pharisees were the conservative. Layman and the conservative masses into the Sadducees would inevitably defer to them on the Sanhedrin at times in order to keep the peace because they were so afraid.
Did the masses would revolt? Which would put them in odds with Roman governments.
These people come to Jesus. They watched him cleanse the temple over turntables. chasing out the vendors in the money changers These people know at least. My reputation did Jesus has been able to command the winds and the waves. He's been able. To cast out demons he's been able to heal disease and suffering and sickness. He has even claimed to have the authority to forgive sins.
So they bring a question to him. Where'd you get the authority to do this?
question or asking
says more about them. Then it says anything about Jesus. The question or asking is a question of control.
We are the authorities there saying we are the good people who have kept the law of Moses. We are the good people that have kept order in Jewish Society. Weird the good people. We are the ones who people trust to lead. We authorized what is Waffle. Where do you come off? challenging our Authority
they obviously felt like they were losing control. Because throngs and throngs of people bearing witness to the things Jesus had done and it's becoming more and more difficult to deny that only someone sent from God himself.
Would have this kind of authority.
But here's where Jesus shows his authority.
He answers their question with a question.
And he asked them. Okay. You've asked me this question. What do you have to say about this 40 of John and his baptism? Jesus knows exactly what they think of John scripture tells us very clearly. Any ask them this because he is trying to show them. That the authority he has is the same Authority. John the Baptist
I think we have to ask ourselves. What is John's baptism? Look at Shepherd 19 verses one through five.
is in Ephesus
and this is a passage of him encountering some people.
who are followers of the way people who acknowledge and believes that Jesus is the son of God.
This is a 19 read Acts 19 1. Verse two. Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? I know they told him we haven't even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. Into what then were you baptized? Yes them into John's baptism. They replied also John baptized with the baptism of repentance telling the people that they should believe in the one who would come after him that is in Jesus when they heard this they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. What John is? baptizing people into is not a baptism into the Holy Spirit. He's baptizing them to repentance. You may have heard something Illusions call baptism an H sign of an interchange. That has been used to say that baptism is not necessary to be a follower of Jesus.
That's not what the baptism into the holy spirit is you see John came with the specific purpose to baptize people. As an outward sign of an interchange a baptism of repentance and repentance alone is just that it's people admitting and submitting. To their need for something Beyond themselves. It's an admission of guilt. It's an admission of falling short is an admission of missing the Mark. It's an admission that you need someone other than yourself to help you if you have any hope of being righteous and acceptable to God.
That's all John's baptism. Once it was people congregating out to hear this Prophet telling them. Hey. Do this. Do this and show that you realize?
You need a cleansing. You need to be washed. You need to be changed.
But don't believe in me. Believe in the one who comes after me.
Cuz he's the one you need to change.
In the encounter of Luke where Jesus is talking about John the Baptist. He says a 28 I tell you among those born of women. No one is greater than John, but the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he
and when all the people including the tax collectors heard this they acknowledged God's way of righteousness because they have been baptized with John's baptism. But since the Pharisees and experts in the law and not been baptized by him, they rejected the plan of God for themselves. It's quite simple John's baptism. The baptism of repentance was a simple acknowledging that my way of righteousness is not going to be enough to get it done. It was a simple admission that we needed God's way of righteousness and we needed God's plan for our lives.
and yet the Pharisees and scribes the experts in the law. refuse to be baptized by John
not because they thought it was worthless. Not because they thought it wouldn't do anything not because they didn't want to get wet. They made any number of excuses.
But what it actually said about them. Is it they were rejecting God's plan and his way of righteousness for themselves?
They could do it better. They didn't need what came after John. They didn't need the Holy Spirit. They didn't need any of that stuff because they had it figured out all on their own.
And third we see the answers to the questions that are raised.
They don't know what to say. They don't know what to answer. They're scared to death of the people because the people think John came from God. Because he told about the one that came after and they've seen but the one that came after. Is so incredible and so amazing and has so much authority over things that only someone from God could have authority over.
They know that John came from God and that Jesus does as well.
these experts these leaders these authorities.
continue to reject God's plan for them They continue to reject his way of righteousness.
And they're afraid if they admit.
Did Jesus and John came from God? But they will lose control.
And they are afraid. I'm not only losing control. But they're afraid of what will happen to them. If they say he's not from God they may lose their life. These people may Revolt the Romans may come in and shut them all down.
The reality is they realize the question that Jesus asked them. There's no answer they can give.
Because they've already rejected him and his wife.
Jesus responds with neither will I answer you?
If you can't answer me truthfully.
Cuz you're rejecting me and rejecting God's way. It doesn't matter if you say you don't believe just so you don't believe Does it matter if you say you do believe just so you believe just saying, you know where the authority is and where it comes from? It's not that hard. But if you can't give a straight answer.
In your original question doesn't deserve one either.
DC The Authority it takes to say that DC The Authority, it takes from Jesus that he gets to set the rules for engagement. He gets to set the rules of the questions and the answers which are given because he has all the 40.
It's pretty clear here that he is an authority over these authorities.
It's going to be even more clear as we work our way through this Tuesday with Jesus that he has authority over the authorities because over and over again, they ask him questions and his responses to their questions leave them before.
and yet he doesn't even say he has this Authority.
I told his admission is accomplished. He doesn't Matthew chapter 28. all authority on heaven and on Earth have been given to me.
And baptize make disciples in the name of the father son and spirit. Teaching all the things that I've commanded you.
excuse the authority of authorities the questions we ask give us answers about ourselves. The questions that these leaders are asking Jesus they say more about what they're concerned about. They say more about where their heart is. They say more about where their minds are.
Then were Jesus's.
The questions that they're asking say and show us that they want control. They want to be control. They want to be in control and they don't want to give up control. They want to be the authority. They don't want someone coming along this peasant from Nazareth this little measly Carpenter with no formal training. They do not want to give up control.
of being in control
and they were free.
They're afraid of what might happen to them. If they denying the ra fraid of what might happen to them if they accept it. They're absolutely afraid. And no matter which way they go. They feel like they can't win.
I think there's some incredible application for us. When we look at why we will not submit to the authority of Jesus. I think it's because we want control. We want to be able to dictate the way our life goes we want to be able to dictate. An authorized how we live our lives what we do in our lives. We can't imagine that some of the things Jesus make all us to do our things that we have to do in order to be obedient and submissive followers of Jesus. And we are deathly afraid.
of what that will mean for our relationships frauleins, but we may have to give up. In order to submit to his way of righteousness.
We want control. We are free.
Is Jesus challenging your Authority? Is Jesus making you afraid?
This is one of my favorite quotes from a man named Timothy Keller. It's a quote from his book The reason for God belief in an age of skepticism then I'll read the quote.
Are you creating a god of your own making?
If you're not having your Authority challenged if Jesus is in in some way making you afraid. If you aren't constantly wrestling with some of the things that the Bible says about Jesus and about how you should live.
Be careful. Because you may be creating. the god of your own making you may be creating a tameable Jesus. You may be creating a Jesus that you can stomach. You may be creating a Jesus. You can handle you may be creating a g. If I was you. Rather than a Jesus, Eufaula.
Paul reaffirms that the first century Believers and followers of the way of Jesus Christ They believed. They believed that he was the authority Paul says I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling. What is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the Saints? And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the mighty working of his strength saying I hope you can understand how incredible his way of righteousness is I hope you can understand how Mighty and powerful and great. his plan for you is
because they were people who just don't get it. There are people who can't understand the plan that he has for them. They can't fathom that God's way of righteousness could look a certain way. in the 21st century
He says he got exercise this power in Christ by raising him from the dead and seating in at his right hand in the heavens. Far above every ruler in Authority power and dominion and every title given not only in this age, but also in the one to come.
Any subjected everything under his feet appointed in his head over everything for the church, which is his body. the fullness of the one fills all things in every way
Paul was an apostle. There was Universal approval of this fact from the first century churches. There was some skepticism and hesitancy at first, but over time he proved himself a genuine follower of Jesus and Peter.
One of Jesus closest Apostles affirm in his own writing that what Paul wrote was God breathed and inspired scripture. He was to be held as at high of a standard as anything in the Old Testament as anything. That would be written about Jesus.
And Paul became an apostle at word gist means.
One sent on a mission. And the mission that Jesus gave him.
Who's to help churches? Jesus is the head over everything for the church. Call became his messenger. All became his direct Messenger to these churches. To help them in their ways. To bring them into full and lifelong submission to Christ.
So the question this morning. Hoosier Authority
Do the man being your own authority?
Do you have to be the one in control? What are you trying to control? That isn't under your control.
What are you afraid of losing?
as long as you're the authority you won't be afraid. Cuz you will be able to decide what you have to give up. But if you make Jesus your Authority if you put him in control.
There's going to be some fear.
There's going to be something you have to give up. There's going to be some Conflict for confrontation with someone you care about.
the Let It Be
because you have accepted God's way of righteousness.
Play Jesus Spirit 40.
He begins being your Authority. when you decide to repent and change when you decide to replant yourself to dig yourself up from wherever you're relying on. Need to replant it in him. It begins when you say with your mouth that Jesus is the Eternal living Son of God Who Rose from the grave?
After dying for me.
And I will put myself to death in baptism.
So that he has a place to live. So that he can come in me through his spirit.
And make me the person he created me to be.
He will be my Authority for the rest of my life.
There's something you're still trying to control. There's something you're still afraid of. You have not made him your total Authority.
The question again this morning, who is your Authority?
If you need come out while we stand in while we sing.