Fanning the Flame of Sincere Worship
Fanning the Flame of
Sincere Worship
Psalm 96
Sing of God’s Greatness
1. Sing (3x) to the LORD.
• To the “LORD”
• Vibrant, life-filled song
2. Evangelize the nations.
• Bless, tell, declare
• “among the nations/all peoples”
Worship God’s Glory
1. Ascribe (3x) to the LORD
• Tell God what you observe in him
• Glory: size, beauty, grandeur
2. Bring fitting worship.
• He is the King.
• Offer holy gifts.
Declare God’s Justice
1. Tell the world of his reign.
• He is coming soon!
• He will judge in faithfulness.
2. Rejoice in his justice.
• Universal praise: heavens, earth, sea, trees.
• God is on the move to judge.
Look Back, Look Up, Look Forward
• Our past has been graced with sincere worship.
• Our history testifies to God’s faithfulness.
• Our future must fan the flame of sincere worship.
Fanning the Flame of
Sincere Worship
Psalm 96