The Call of the Kingdom
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Read Matthew 10
Jrol roams freely because his Dad is somebody
Road Map
Road Map
observation of the passage
Contemplate how this passage affects us
CIT: Jesus calls his people to live for the Kingdom by proclaim the Gospel without fear, knowing that our Lord sits on the throne.
Each Gospel has its own reason for writing
Matthew is writing to show that Jesus is the Messiah that has been prophesied
Major themes
Son of God
Son of Man
Genealogy and Birth: 1
Prerequisites: 2-4a
Jesus’ Ministry begins: 4b
Calls some Disciples
Starts doing miracles
Sermon on the Mount: 5-7
Life in the Kingdom
Miracles: 8-9a
More Disciples: 9b
Teaching: 9c
Miracles: 9d
Teaching: 9e-10
Service of the Kingdom
6 Observations
6 Observations
I. Jesus gives authority to the 12
I. Jesus gives authority to the 12
Jesus has the Authority to give Authority
It specifies the 12. Only they have this authority
II. Their Mission: Gather the Sheep
II. Their Mission: Gather the Sheep
The apostles are to go to the Jews.
Notice what they have authority to do
They are making clean those who are unclean under the law
This illustrates how Jesus fulfills the Law
This reverses sins affect
Proclaim the Kingdom
Trust the Lord to provide
Shake the dust- Don’t compromise
Andy Griffith Show Salesman
- He didn’t beg or alter his product to make sells
III. Jesus warns them: Beware of Wolf
III. Jesus warns them: Beware of Wolf
He is sending sheep out amongst wolves
be wise
be innocent
God’s Spirit will be with you
His shepherds hook is long
They will hate you
keep going
The King will rise to his throne soon
IV. Jesus encourages them: Do Not Fear
IV. Jesus encourages them: Do Not Fear
Proclaim the Truth
It will be made known
Don’t fear
Judges condemns to Death
Jesus condemns to Hell
God is in control
He values you
He has numbered your days
V. Christ Above All
V. Christ Above All
Belief in Jesus will divide
You must be willing to lose and suffer
VI. The Righteous will be rewarded
VI. The Righteous will be rewarded
As we think about this passage, we have to understand that we are not given this same authority.
imago dei
we will serve likewise
there is more to come
Respond to the Gospel
Serve the Kingdom
in your job
in your school
in your family
in your marriage
in your life