Joy and Sorrow- An Eternal Perspective
Paul ends Chapter 8 with the love of God that holds on to us and gives us joy in persecution knowing the glory that he has reserved for us in heaven with him
However, Paul is not without sorrow but his sorrow is not in his own present sufferings but in the eternal sufferings coming to the unbelieving Israelites
Just as Paul has great joy in the anticipation of eternal glory for those who trust Christ, he also has great heartache in the knowledge of eternal damnation for all who reject Christ
This is the eternal perspective that we must have as God’s people- we are people with our eyes on eternity
Heart of Christ (1-2)
Heart of Christ (1-2)
This is the truth in Christ
Now that Paul has come into Christ he has accepted the truth of the gospel and rejected the ways of the pharisees
The Holy Ghost is impressing these truths of eternity on his heart
This is a continual sorrow
Just as Christ was in great heaviness while he hung on the cross to forgive and save those who hung him there, so is Paul burdened for those who persecute him
It is easy to be burdened to preach the gospel and reach the lost from afar, but it takes the heart of Christ in a believer to remain while suffering persecution and rejection
Have an eternal perspective of love towards those who reject you and the gospel
Heart of a father (3-4)
Heart of a father (3-4)
The same heart as Moses who brought Israel out of Egypt
Exodus 32:32 Blot me out if you do not forgive their sins
These were Paul’s brethren and kinsmen, and he felt responsible to bring them on to glory
He can clearly see all that God has done for his people and stands as a frustrated father whose children do not receive the instruction given
They had the adoption- they were God’s chosen people and they prostituted themselves to other gods
They had seen the glory of God
They had received the Word of God
Have an eternal perspective to use our relationships and position to continue calling people to Christ
Heart of a child (5-6)
Heart of a child (5-6)
Paul ends his list with the fulfillment of all God’s plans for Israel, the coming of Christ
Paul is not bound to his people according to the flesh but to Christ according to the Spirit
With the coming of Christ a new spiritual family was started that is not according to the flesh
Not all Israel is Israel
Jesus is now the one that we all must bow down to and worship
He was before the fathers but came after to redeem all of mankind (John 8:58)
Because of his death, burial and resurrection he is now over all, God blessed for ever. Amen
Have an eternal perspective to see Christ lifted up as the God of all and live in service to him as a child of God not a child according to the flesh