God Leaves Himself a Witness
[NOTE TO TEACHER] The focus of this lesson is on the things Paul and Barnabas say to the crowds, who are stuck in their pagan thinking. God had “left Himself a witness” by giving humanity many blessings, and yet the Lycaonian people kept attributing these things to lesser beings and idols of their own making. When they saw Paul perform a miracle, they attributed it to Paul, a simple man, rather than the almighty God who Paul had already been telling them about. In the same way, we commonly fall into this same error. We take all the good things God gives us and fail to follow the trail of those blessings back to Him. The goal of this lesson is to exhort people to identify and correct this error in their own lives, so they are ready to help others also see where God has “left Himself a witness” in their lives.