You Have No Power Over Me
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John 19:1-16
John 19:1-16
You Have No Power Over Me
Our Jesus has been betrayed and arrested. Our Jesus has been dragged into the court yards and has been questioned by the high priest. The officers have struck Jesus. Annas sends our Lord to Caiaphas the high priest. The Sanhedrin, the Jewish counsel, tries Jesus. He is beaten and mocked.
They blindfold Him, hitting Him in the face, and then they ask Him: “Prophesy! Who is it that struck You?”
Then they lead Jesus to the Praetorium to stand before Pilate. Pilate questions Him and the Jews chose to release a thief, Barabbas, rather than Jesus.
Pilate then scourges/flogs Jesus; the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and puts it on His head; and a purple robe is placed upon the Savior… to mock this “King of the Jews.”
And they continue to mock our Savior, striking Him with their hands. And the crowds scream “crucify Him!”
Pilate asserts all power over Jesus: “Do you not know that I have power/authority to crucify You, and power to release You.”
And the Savior is silent, as He is led to the slaughter… but in this moment, Jesus makes it clear to Pilate and to everyone else… Jesus speaks up and lets us all know something...
And Jesus answers: “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above...”
“You Have No Power Over Me” You Have No Control Over Me
What Does Jesus know? And What do we need to Know today?
Jesus knows Who is in control. Jesus knows the truth.
On the outside, it looks like man is in control. On the outside, it looks like soldiers, religious leaders, and government leaders are in control. It looks like men are being swayed and controlled by other men, and politicians are having their way… and they are laughing about it...
It looks like Satan is in control and is winning...
But Jesus knows the Truth
Do We? Do you? Do you know who is in control?
As you look around the world today… As you function in the workplace… In America… Do you know who has the power?
Jesus makes it very clear:
There is nothing that is outside the control of Almighty God… Not even the Death of the Son of God.
There is no power, no authority, no action exercised that has not first gone through the will and hands of God.
There is great comfort and security to be found here today.
There are those who think that they have power. There are those who think that they are independent and can do whatever they want… There are those leaders...
Psalm 2 - The nations rage and the people plot… the kings and the rulers set themselves up against the Lord, against Christ, and they say “let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.”
Verse 4 - “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, and the Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath...”
There are those leaders, everywhere throughout the world who think they can do whatever they please, and play God.
Psalm 115:3 - Our God does what He pleases. Prov. 19:21 - Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of God that will stand. Prov. 21:1 - The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He will.
Do you know this about your God today?
As you look at the T.V., as you listen to the news, as you hear about, America, Biden, China, Russia, and so on...
“Oh look at the power they have.. Look at the control they have...” And the fear of men, of presidents or dictators, rob us of our peace and joy...
And we lose sight of the One Who is over them all.
Have you not read: Isaiah 46:10 - Declaring the end from the beginning and ancient times things not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose...”
Have you not read how God promised to do all these things before anything was… How nations would rise and fall, how the Promised One would come in the fullness of time and accomplish all these things...
*None of this was a surprise to God. Not even the Cross.
And we say, “But look at this great evil...”
All throughout God’s story, people acted and freely chose to do what they wanted to do, and they chose to do evil, and God worked in and through all things through all times to bring about His good purposes...
Going back to Joseph, in the Old Testament, in the book of Genesis 50:20... Joseph’s brothers do things, evil things, and they are guilty for what they do.
But this is what Joseph came to learn about God and circumstances: “You (brothers) meant it for evil; but God meant it for good, to save many people.”
(The Story of St. Patrick) Pirates kidnap a child, take him into slavery, through which he is transformed by God; he escapes, and comes back to Ireland, by the call of God, to preach the Gospel to the nation… And the nation is almost completely converted!
Listen: God will work through all things, through good and the evil, to bring salvation to many.
Now a few words about this:
There are people in your life. There are leaders in your life. There are governments in your life...
And when they do wrong… when they do evil… when they commit sin… It is sin, it is evil, and it is wrong.
And they will give an account one day. They will answer for what they did. They will not be able to blame anyone, or the devil, on that day. They themselves will have to give an account.
The Jewish people here will be held accountable. And they will be judged more strictly. They are guilty of a greater sin. Pilate, and all the rest will answer for what they did...
But believe also this: They are not your final authority. They do not have the final say. God will have the final say, and He will only allow what He wills to be done...
Now listen: I am not saying, police officers should not stop us. I am not saying that judges should not judge us when we do wrong. God has established civil government and church government...
So: I am not talking about you committing crimes and sin, and then you claiming that the police officer, the judge, or the pastor, does not have the rights that God gave them to exercise their authority...
God has established governments and authorities outside the church and inside the church… and they are to exercise their authority according to God’s Word...
All governments are made by God and for God.
But Jesus has done nothing wrong. Their is no sin. There is no crime. There is no reason for this arrest and penalty. He is doing what is right. He is doing good, and being godly...
*And this may be true for us throughout life.
We may be godly and still be attacked, criticized, and be placed under some penalty. And it doesn’t make sense… And it looks like God has lost control… that He has no authority or power… and that man and Satan is sovereign over these matters...
That is the way that it may look… But what is the truth?
They have no ultimate power over Me. They do not have the final say. All authority they have is borrowed. God is over all.
Jesus is Over All.
Going back to chapter 18: Jesus only speaks the words, “I AM He,” and the troops and officers drew back and fell to the ground...” With only a word...
With a word… This trial would be over. With a word… They would all fall down… With only a word… It is finished...
This is the One, through Whom all things are made. This is the One Who holds all things together.
This is the One that speaks worlds into existence, heals the sick, casts out demons and raises the dead.
Jesus said, “I will lay down my life and take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again.”
With a word… Jesus could have commanded legions of angels to fight on His behalf… and wipe out every single one of them...
To all the men. To all the world. To all governments, and powers, and authorities… to all forces of darkness, and to Satan himself...
You Have No Power Over Jesus.
**It looks like men are winning. It looks like Satan is winning. But what is the truth?
Christian, do you see the vision of Isaiah 6 or not?! This is Jesus, God the Son, on the Throne… is complete control!
I am sick of this idea: I have heard ministers give more power to Satan than to God. I have heard ministers make it sound like Satan is more sovereign than God...
Well, God wanted to do this or that… but Satan kept that from happening. Well, God didn’t want this to happen, but Satan...
Listen folks: According to Scripture, Satan has to get permission. He has to ask before he can do anything.
God says “you may, or you may not; you may, but you can only do this or that...”
(picture) An idiot beating a piece of metal into a masterpiece, while the Master Craftsman directs him… (Satan and God)
God is the Master Craftsman, and He is working right here, right now, through the pain, through the trial, and through the Cross.
Someone has asked this question: “Where was God when this happened, when that happened, when there was that death, or sickness, or something else terrible...”
Where is God while Jesus is on trial? Where is God when Jesus is on the Cross?
In the same place He always has been: On the Throne. In control.
*Jesus prayed in the garden: “Father, if it is Your will, remove this cup from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but yours be done.”
What was the Father’s will? For Jesus to go to the Cross to save sinners and to redeem the world, to finish the work He began.
Christians, we are going to struggle and go through the pain of life and it will eventually lead to death… without rapture.
How are we going to live? How are we going to fix our minds?
We are going to pray, seek God’s face and walk with Christ wherever He leads us. And we are going to pray in accordance with God’s will… knowing that, and believing that, if God allows pain/affliction/sorrow/death to come… It will come through His will...
How are you going to respond? When the nations rage? When presidents rise and fall? When dictators act in evil ways? When it looks like men are winning? When it looks like Satan is winning? When it looks like… you’ve lost.
How are you going to respond when people stand against you? How are we going to reply when people stand against you for doing what is right and good?
Do you know the truth?
They have no power over God, they have no power over you, unless God gives it to them. They have no control over you.
Nothing and no one can touch you outside of God’s will.
And this sets us free from fear.
In the Name of Jesus, may we be set free from our fears, in light of the Mighty Name of Jesus, in light of the One who sits in sovereign control over all creation.
Christ has come, and He has laid down His life freely, for the salvation of sinners and for the Glory of God Himself.
He has always been in control, and will forever be in control.
No One Has Power over this Great God
And this great God has said in John 16:33 - These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
“Disciples, you are going to be hated, arrested, oppressed, and persecuted. Disciples, you are going to battle with the flesh and with spiritual forces.
Disciples, you are going to go with Me and you will be despised. But they have nothing on you. They have no power over you.
Because I have overcome, you will overcome.”
All power and authority is mine. All powers and authorities are under the Lordship of King Jesus.
And you are under the Lordship of King Jesus.
Christ’s power is over you. Christ’s power is in you. Christ is behind you. Christ’s power goes before you.
Nothing can touch you apart from His will.
Man is not going to win. Satan is not going to win. They have no power over Christ. Christ is going to win. Christ has won.
And we have won and will win with Christ.
We believe that God will enable us to stand.
Christ will fight for us. He is our avenger. He is our defender. He is our Victorious Warrior.
Vengeance is Mine, declares the Lord.
So, to the world around us, we say:
Jesus is Lord over All. Submit yourselves to Him before it’s too late!
And, to the enemy we say:
“You have no power here. You have no power over my life. You have no authority. You have nothing on me.”
I am in Christ, and He has all power and authority.”
All you have is borrowed power and borrowed time.
And all of this is about to be taken from you...
You have no power over us. You have no power over Spring Branch. You have no power over our families.
I submit myself to the Lord this day. I submit myself to His power today. He is Lord over my life!
And I am willing to go through whatever comes, because I know who is really in control.
God is going to bring me through this and He is going to be glorified.
God’s power, God’s grace… is sufficient for me.
Dear Christian, look again to our God, Who is All-Powerful, and believe that He is with you today.
All power, honor, and glory is His. Amen!