Drawing near To Jesus Our Great High Priest

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Introduction ( 4 Minutes )


Welcome hybrid family and those who joined us for our sunday gathering,

Opening Story ( 2 Minute )

I remember when me and pastor sameul were once talking about his turning point and he shared with me, One night he was in the club and his two different group of friends and they were getting in a fight and as he tried to break it up! He Got pushed and he fell and cracked his head, and as his laying in a hosptial, he heard a voice say your friends are here but im here for you? I alway touched by that becuase His story reminds us That God always want us to draw near to the broken hearted.

Transition (30 Seconds)

My message tonight is simply about drawing near to jesus christ? 1. What are Jesus qaulifications to allow us to draw near to the father? 2. Why and how how do we Draw Near to Gods Throne.

Jesus Qaulifactions as Our Great High Priest ( 8 Minutes )

Story 2 Minutes

We recently had a relationship panel, i wish i mentioned this and when i wanted to purse my wife, i remember the first i did was ask what does qualifactions for a good wife biblicially, i didnt want the world standards nor the my personal perference but i submitted to submit my standards to Gods standards for me? Sometimes we miss great people becuase our Qaulifactions arent Gods qaulifactions and sometimes we date someone who doesnt meet Gods qaulifactions. We require much more the God requires but The point in this story is my qaulifactions were based on God will not mine. In the same way when jesus came to his isreal they didnt choose him because there qualifactions for the messiah was based on there culture and perference instead of Gods revealed will in scripture. Why does jesus qaulifed as being our high priest who draws us near to God?

Teaching & Application 5 Minutes

The Question

The author of hebrews, first question he wants to answer is what are jesus qaulifactions to be our high priests and he says his priestly linage isnt connected to the aaron and the levites. The first question is what is a high priest and a high prieset was a person selected to represent to work and keep the tabernacle in the old testament. the tabernacle was a earthly pattern of a heavenly temple. The high priest had a unquie role because he would make atonement of sins for the people once a year but going into the most holy place. All the high priest were selected from the line of levites who came from aaron but jesus didnt come from the line of aaron but he came from the line of judah. So the jewish objection was is jesus qaulifactied to be our high priest if he didnt come from the levites? The answer is yes becuase be came from a greater line of a priest.
Hebrews 5:6 NIV
And he says in another place, “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”

The Answer

The first time we meet Melchizedek is after abraham won a battle and on his was back he mets melchizedek, were told important details about who he is first he is a king second, he is a priest and lastly he ruled selam which is considered to be jeruselam. The author is saying jesus comes from his line jesus is king of kings but he is also our high priest and he will rules the heavenly jeruselam that is coming from heaven.
Transition 30 Seconds
Jesus didnt ordain himself but he was ordained by God to fulfilled a specfiec purpose as a high priest? That purpose was to allow us to draw Near to God.

Why we Should have Confidence to Draw Near To God ( 8 Minutes )

Story 2 Minutes
i Remember when i was 12 years old, I loved skateboarding and i was getting really good but one night for some reason i cant remember i got home late and im standing outside my house afraid because i was afraid my father was going to beat me. I started praying outside and i said to God, if your real exist let not my father beat me tonight for coming home late and will believe in you. so i slowly go down the starirs and my father for some random reason he wasnt home that night. The hebrew writer wants us to know We dont have to fear becaue of jesus but rather appointed has our high priest so that we can draw near to our heavenly father. Why should should we have confidence to draw near to God?
Teaching & Application 5 Minutes
The purpose of the High Priest
Hebrews 5:1 NIV
Every high priest is selected from among the people and is appointed to represent the people in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.
The high priest had many roles, like teaching, adminsitrion, interseding for the nation but he had a important event once a year, which was to make atonement for the nation of isreal,
The Old Testament Way of making atonement
The High Priest in lev 16 tells us the whole proccess The High priest would have to take a bath and putting own new clothe, then he must kill a young bull own sins and his own family, after that God would choose would take two goats and one would be killed as a replacement for them to be purified from sin for the whole nation The high priest would take the blood of the first Goat into the most holy place and he would sprinkle the goat 7 times on the atonement cover. The second goat the high priests would confess all the sins of the isreal and it would be drive outside the camp. this was required for to make atonement for the nation and last point on the curtain was the cerbiums that guards Gods presence. That why people would draw near.
The New way Jesus made Atonement
The old testament was system was shadow but the reality came through jesus christ,
The high Priest came through Levites, Jesus came through melekdiek
The high priest needed to take a bath to go the holy place, Jesus lived a sinless life
The High priest went to a symbolic earthly throne, but jesus went to the true taberancle
High Priest killed one goats one for the sins of the nation, and sent one out into the wilderness, jesus was slain for the sins of the world and was killed outside the gates of jerselam
The high priest went through the curtians that had the cerbuims that guarded Gods presence but Jesus body torn the old curtain and now we call all enter Gods presence through his body.
Hebrews 9:12 NIV
He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.
Transition 30 Seconds
How do practically draw near To God?
Hebrews 4:16 NIV
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 10:19–22 NIV
Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
Sincere Confession and Repentace
Sincere Faith that cleanses us of a guilt conscience
Transition 30 Seconds
Worship team give us a few minutes to pray as a church and i want us to confess and repent anything that the lord reveals and also cleanses us but after that will hearts full of faith of the eternal work of christ lets worship the Lord.

Conclusion ( 4 Minutes )

Call of Action
Confession and cleansing
Sincere faith Worship
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