King Jesus
This sermon will walk us from Jesus being flogged to the cross. At the conclusion I want to challenge people to consider what kind of King Jesus is.
Read John 19:1-5
1. Pilate’s humiliation of the King.
2. Pilate issues a final judgment against the King.
Read John 19:6-7
Read John 19:8-11
Read John 19:12-16
3. Pilate orders the King brought to Golgotha and crucified him.
Read John 19:17-22
The arms would be fastened along with the legs, and the body would normally fall forward, creating great difficulty in breathing. The fastened legs would enable the victim to push up on the body and gasp for breath. Without the fastened legs the victim would die. The breaking of the legs of those crucified with Jesus would quickly hasten death, but since Jesus was already dead, that was, according to John 19:32–33, unnecessary.
It is almost as though the story affirms in capsule form the earlier statement of Jesus that power or authority is given from above. Two major themes throughout this Gospel are thus brought together: that Jesus was going to the hour of his glorification (cf. 2:4 to 17:1) but that he was also the expected King of Israel (cf. 1:49 to 12:13 and to the present verses). For John nothing could change these realities. Jesus’ kingship was certified by both God and Rome.