When the King Comes to Town

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:18
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The Preparation for His Arrival

vs. 1-7
Now all this was being done so that prophecy would be fulfilled.
Zechariah 9:9 KJV 1900
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: Behold, thy King cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; Lowly, and riding upon an ass, And upon a colt the foal of an ass.
Anytime a king would decide to go into a neigboring town or Kingdom, there had to be preparation for His arrival.
Anytime the POTSUS goes into a city, there is days if not weeks of prepartaion before he arrives.
(describe some of the preparation that occours)
These are all standing orders for his detail.
They have been given and they just go and do it.
A king was no different,
So the first thing we see about the preparation is

The King’s Command

Christ gave the command to his disciples to get the ass colt that had never been riden on.
Christ commanded the disciples to go and He commands us today to go.
The King has given the command to go into all the highways and hedges and compel them to come in.
Our King has given us a command to prepare for His arrival and what are we doing?

The Disciples Obedience

The disciples could have simply said, why dont you get a donkey that has been rode. An ass colt could throw you off.
They could have said, Master, You should be riding into town on a great stallion.
They didnt say anything like that
The disciples did exactly what Jesus told them.
When a king goes into another kingdom or town in his kingdom, he has specific instructions that must be done or he can not go.
Now our king is going to come regardless of what we do, but dont you think it would be in our best interest to do as He says?
Dont try to give an excuse like those in Matt. 22 and Luke 14.
Obey like the disciples.

The Presentation at His Arrival


The Audience

they laid Clothes and Palm Branches
When Christ came into the city the people laid down their coats and some took Palm branches and laid down as a sign of humility and respect.
One day respect will be given again , but this time they will put themselves on the ground
Phil 2:9-11
Philippians 2:9–11 KJV 1900
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

The Announcement

Any time a royal court would arrive in a city, there was always an announcement made.
They always announced who it was and where they were from.
The same thing happened here.
The word Hosanna( save we pray) was most likely used to show homage to the coming Messiah.
It was used to illustarte joy. like saying glory to God
When they shouted this word it was announcing the arrival of what they believed was their messiah from the Roman oppression.
They called Him the Son of David
Christ was presenting Himself as the King but knew that the people were blind and would in three days reject him.
But the announcement was still made
they announced His arrival
they announced His authority
Cometh in the Name of the Lord
One day the Lord will return with a shout and the whole world will know that the King has arrived

The Response to His Arrival


There was Rejoicing

They shouted with Joy at His arrival.
They were not shouting for joy because they knew, they were shouting becasue they believed their Messiah had come to rescue them from the Roman oppression.
We can apply this to todays culture, there are many that say a prayer because they think it will save them out of some trouble they are in.
Some say a prayer becasue they think it will give them something they have been needing.
NOw in the crowd there may have been some that knew eactly what this ment but scripture does not tell us. Even his disciples did not really understand what was going on.
Just like that crowd there are some of us that rejoice because we know that one day he is coming to town becasue one day we realized our sinful state, realized, there was nothing we could do to fix it, met the one that could do something about it, confessed and believed and now we rejoice that the King is coming to town real soon.

There was Reservations

As in unsure of what they are seeing.
Dont really understand the uproar
There are those that that have seen and heard about Christ and still have reservations about Him.
They still say, why are you so happy, who is He really?

There was Rejection

Then you will have those that will flat out reject Him.
Some will say, yeah he is a good man
yeah he did good things
yeah he was a prophet
yeah he was a miracale worker
but they will never say He is Lord
Luke 19:39 KJV 1900
And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.
Even after the many miricals that were performed, there were some that still rejected him.
Now Isreal had already rejected Christ as King back in Matt. 12, but here we see it again in the form of believing Him to be only part of what he is.
Yes He was a prophet, but he was also a priest and king.

There was Remorse

It does not say this exactly, but Matthew does tell us that they were sore displeased. ( to be greatly afflicted)
When Kings came to town, there was some that rejoiced, some that refused to accept it, others that tried to reject it and there were those that remorsed that he had come.
When Jesus returns, the one that were saved during the tribulation will rejoice, just like we rejoice knowing that one day we will be called up to meet him in the air.
There are those today that refuse to believe it is even possible
there are others that reject the fact that he will come back, and I think they will even try to reject it when He does.
But there will be many that will Remorse in the fact that he came and they were not ready
They will remorse at the fact that they were doing wrong when He called them up
then there will be those that will remorse that they never believed when they had the chance.

There was Rebuke

When the King comes to town, it is not always on good terms.
When He rode into town that day, he rode to fulfil prophecy, but he also rode to bring judgement.
Luke 19:42–44 KJV 1900
Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.
His rebuke was against the way they were treating His fathers house and the rejection of who He really was.
When the King comes to town again, he will once again come to fulfil prophecy, but instead of pronouncing judgement, He will execute judgement.


When the King comes to town, there is a preparation for His arrival.
Are you preparing?
Are you doing as the King commanded
Are you living in obedience
When the King comes to town, there is a Presentation at His Arrival.
Do you rejoice at the fact that He is coming?
Do you still have reservations about who it is that is coming
Do you still reject the fact that He is the King
Will you be one that has remorse when He does come or stand in remorse because you did not do as you should have when you stand before Him?
He has already declared judgement on all men, but he has also made a way out.
Have you taken it?
Are you a child of the King ?
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