Sermon on Revelation 3:15-16

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Revelation 3:15-16. These verses are a powerful reminder of how our relationship with Christ should be. Let's dive into these verses together:
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
At first glance, these words from Jesus may seem harsh, but they are a loving call to self-examination and genuine commitment. Let's unpack this together.
1. The State of Being Lukewarm
Being lukewarm spiritually means being in a state of complacency, sitting comfortably between devotion and disinterest. It's attending church, but not engaging with God. It's professing faith, but not living it out. Jesus knows our deeds; He sees beyond the external. The call here is not for perfection but for sincerity and passion in our walk with Him.
2. The Desire for Hot or Cold
Jesus expresses a desire for us to be either hot or cold, not lukewarm. Why? Being "hot" signifies a vibrant, lively faith, one that is active and growing. Being "cold," surprisingly, is also preferable to being lukewarm because it reflects a clear state, one that can be awakened and revived. Lukewarmness, however, is deceiving; it suggests a satisfaction with mediocrity in our spiritual lives.
3. The Consequence of Lukewarmness
The consequence of being lukewarm is severe — being spit out from Jesus' mouth. This is not about losing salvation but about losing effectiveness and the joy of our relationship with Him. It's a wakeup call. Jesus is not content with halfway commitments; He desires all of us because He gave all of Himself for us.
Application: How Do We Respond?
1. Self-Examination: Let's ask ourselves, "Am I passionate about my faith? Am I growing, or have I become comfortable?"
2. Commitment: Commit to stoking the fire of your faith. Engage with Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with a renewed vigor.
3. Action: Let your faith be evident in your actions. Serve, give, and love boldly, as Jesus did.
Revelation 3:15-16 is a loving invitation from Jesus to examine our hearts and rekindle our passion for Him. He doesn't want us halfway; He wants us fully, passionately in love with Him. Let's not be satisfied with being lukewarm. Let's be fervent in our faith, reflecting the love and light of Christ in everything we do.
Let's pray together for the Holy Spirit to ignite in us a passion that will never grow dim. Amen.
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