Mark 14:26-72; Betrayed by All
Mark 14:26-72; Betrayed By All
Mark 14:26-72; Betrayed By All
Sermon in a sentence: We must guard against our betrayal of the Lord.
Sermon in a sentence: We must guard against our betrayal of the Lord.
Betrayed By His Friends (vs. 27-42)
Betrayed By His Friends (vs. 27-42)
The disciples were his new family and friends.
The three closest friends Jesus had could not even stay awake and pray with him. (Mark 13:23)
Beloved, how often have we not heeded the words and warnings of Christ. The disciples were just told they would betray Jesus. Instead of making spiritual warfare (by praying with Jesus) they fall asleep.
We must remind ourselves of the warnings of persecution and pain in this life often lest we forget God’s warning to us.
When we do face the trials that God promised us, let us be ready because we have already been in spiritual training.
Betrayed By His Followers (vs. 43-52 & 66-72)
Betrayed By His Followers (vs. 43-52 & 66-72)
Judas was not the only disciple to betray Jesus.
Peter was courageous enough to kill a man, but he was too afraid of a little girl.
Dear friends, many of us are very good with split decisions of following Christ. It is often the slow pressure that causes us to crack.
Peter’s threefold denial lead to brokenness and then restoration from Jesus. (John 21:15-19)
Betrayed By His Fraternity (vs. 53-65)
Betrayed By His Fraternity (vs. 53-65)
Jesus came to his own Jewish people, but they rejected him.
The high priest, the religious leaders, and even the crowds betrayed Jesus to the Romans.
Jesus was betrayed by his people so that he can make those who are not his people, his people.
We must be very careful in the church to not betray Jesus in how we treat one another.
Mike Bickle is a perfect example of his abuse and manipulation.
The Romans betrayed justice by crucifying Jesus.
We must keep our government accountable and demand true biblical justice.
The church must not attempt to take the responsibility of the government.