Is Jesus Your King? (John 12:12-19)
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Is Jesus Your King?
Is Jesus Your King?
we must consider that many who wanted Jesus to be their king on Sunday
shouted “crucify Him” days later
AND only 1 of His 12 disciples was at the cross
now you may not have come here today to declare anyone your king
may not even want a king
or didn’t know that having a king was an option (we live in America)
but now that you are here
will you consider Jesus as your king?
not as your earthly king
but as ruler over your life and eternity
that’s heavy, but totally worth it if eternity is at stake
one caution — you cannot have Jesus be your king on YOUR terms
crowd didn’t fully understand what Jesus being their king fully meant
they wanted Jesus to be king on their terms
we cannot be like the crowd
Jesus is the king as represented in God’s Word
Jesus will be king on His terms
will you take Jesus as your king?
the setting
Jesus has been avoiding Jerusalem
disciples have warned about going there
the religious leaders
who should be the first ones to recognize Him
are the ones who feel most threatened by Him
they even want to murder Lazarus (12:9-11)
because of the gravity of the testimony
triumphal entry
1 of few events recorded in all 4 Gospels
crucial event we cannot miss
great implications for Jesus’ ministry
12:12 pew Bible # 1,068
Sunday of passion week
population at Passover
75,000 normal
180,000 passover
Josephus — 2.7M
Jesus was a rockstar
many were Galileans who knew of His ministry
many others heard OR WITNESSED of His raising Lazarus from the dead
Bethany only miles from Jerusalem
last sign Jesus did in John’s gospel
and possibly the greatest and most significant
plot to kill Lazarus (12:9-11)
the crowd wanted Jesus to be their liberator king
the crowd wanted Jesus to be their liberator king
palm branches
feast of booths/tabernacles
palm branches to celebrate
then likely used to make “booths” to commemorate 40 years in wilderness when had no permanent home
live in booths for 7 days
but had different meaning later
nationalistic meaning
Simon the Maccabee drove Syrian forces out of Jerusalem
honored him with music and waving of palm branches
palm branches are on coins struck by insurgents during Jewish wars against Rome (AD 66-70, 132-135)
this means crowd saw liberator (warrior) arriving on scene
to drive out Romans
palm branches were symbols of victory and kingship
crowd welcomed Jesus as king
hosanna = O Lord, save
sung each morning by the temple choir during the Feast of Tabernacles
every man and boy waved his lulav ( a few shoots of willow and myrtle tied with palm) when the choir reached the Hosanna! in Psalm 118:25
the connection was so strong that many Jews referred to their lulavs as hosannas
may have lost original meaning
shout of praise
closer to “Hail to the king”
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,
even the King of Israel!
the crowd was proclaiming Jesus as king
and He let them this time
earlier in his ministry he eluded the crowds who wanted to make him king (6:15)
but now he accepted their praise
many Jews wanted the Messiah (promised one from OT) to liberate them
they thought it was Jesus
supernatural stories (lame walking, blind seeing, dead coming back to life—Lazarus)
but is this how Jesus presents Himself as their liberator king?
but Jesus presented Himself as their peaceful king
but Jesus presented Himself as their peaceful king
a donkey
Jesus didn’t need to ride into town
used to walking
and most people came to Jerusalem on foot
THUS making a statement
donkey as chosen animal seems lame (think war horse vs. donkey)
but not lame when consider prophesy (12:15)
Zechariah 9:9
crowd wanted Jesus to be on a war horse
if would have, insurrectionist frenzy
but Jesus purposefully rode a lowly beast of burden
symbol of gentleness and peace
Jesus was not coming as the militaristic Messiah
but as the prince of peace
Zechariah 9:10-11
The coming of the gentle king is associated with the cessation of war
The coming of the gentle king is associated with the proclamation of peace to the nations
The coming of the gentle king is associated with the blood of God’s covenant that spells release for prisoners
not only will most of the Jewish people reject this type of king
they will want Him crucified
which implies God will be creating a new community who believe this Jesus is the Messiah (both Jew and Gentile)
Jesus is the Messianic King
Jesus is the Messianic King
but many did not understand what that meant
but many did not understand what that meant
even His own disciples did not understand (12:16)
John 2:19 “Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.””
46 years vs. 3 days
temple of His body
John 2:22 “When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.”
same with Jesus triumphal entry riding a donkey
disciples didn’t understand significance
only after glorified (death, burial, resurrection, exaltation)
after they saw the whole picture of Jesus
the crowd misunderstands Jesus intentions (12:17-18)
the crowd knew of the resurrection of Lazarus
and possibly so many more of Jesus’ miracles
so their expectation of who Jesus was tied to His power and deliverance in the miracles
thus it is not crazy for them to assume Jesus was going to be like the Maccabeen warriors who would cast Rome out of Israel
the crowd confessed Jesus as king BEFORE Zech 9:9 is introduced and Jesus rides donkey
Jesus is not the kind of king many thought
He does not execute judgment on their political foes
or embolden their nationalist aspirations by riding on a war horse
He is on a donkey
a beast of burden
a symbol of gentleness and peace
AND a prophecy from Zech 9:9
the things the disciples didn’t understand at first
became fundamental after Jesus glorification and were later revealed by HS
while disciples didn’t understand Jesus riding a donkey to the tune of Hosannas and laying of palm branches at the time
they understood later what Jesus was doing
AND this became crucial for understanding Jesus
He did come as king to defeat an enemy…the greatest enemy
not Rome, but SIN
almost all of the Pharisees understood Jesus incorrectly (12:19)
Jesus could have initiated an armed revolt
but that was not what He was doing
Jesus now appearing openly and in public
Pharisees were stuck
could not arrest Him because people revered Jesus
Look, the world has gone after him (12:19)
Pharisees mean (overstatement)
everyone in Jerusalem area (pilgrims from all over)
kosmos commonly means
people everywhere without racial distinction but who are lost and in rebellion against God
John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
anticipation of broader sweep of humanity that will enjoy Jesus’ saving reign
irony within irony—unbelief is main reaction to Jesus
by end of John 12, there is one overwhelming reaction to Jesus
which is what we will consider
do you understand Jesus correctly?
do you understand Jesus correctly?
many people have their understanding of Jesus
but it is only what they think
and not the Jesus God presents in the Bible
many people want Jesus to be the king they want
defeat-all-my-enemies king
overcomes all of my problems and defeat my enemies
what if Jesus doesn’t defeat the problems you want?
or defeat the enemies you want?
maybe He is doing something inside of you by not defeating your enemies
He cares far more about you becoming holy like Jesus
than your comfort and happiness
give-me-what-I-want king
like a genie in a bottle
pray — poof
what happens when He doesn’t give you what you want?
is He no longer worthy to be your king?
I don’t think this is how His kingship works
He is king, not you
ticket-to-heaven king
they want His power to be applied to their life (heaven not hell)
but don’t want a relationship with the King
that is not what Jesus wants or who He is
He is not impersonal but personal
Jesus is not the king you necessarily want
Jesus is the king you absolutely need
the kind of king Israel wanted is not the king they needed
easier to see why Israel rejected Jesus
not conquering king
but lamb led to the slaughter
Rome was not defeated like Israel wanted
but sin was
do you see sin as your greatest enemy???
do you understand how significant it is that Jesus (God in the flesh) came to die in your place?
Is Jesus Your King?
Is Jesus Your King?
if you will consider things from the perspective of eternity
your greatest enemy is different than if you only consider your greatest enemy of the next 70-80 years
and according to God
sin is your biggest problem
do you have the ability to do anything about your sin?
may be able to sin less BUT you cannot erase sin
payment required for your sin is physical and spiritual death (Rom 6:23a)
separation from God for eternity (HELL)
but Jesus can erase your sin (Rom 6:23b)
He did by paying your full debt by dying in your place
and God raised Him from the dead showing His acceptance of His sacrifice
more on that next Sunday
is Jesus your king?
is Jesus still your king?
Brad announcing Matt