March 24th Service Notes

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Call to Worship: Gal. 2:20 // Prayer

Adoration: Father, may your name be glorified in us. You have freely given us your Son, and through him, a Kingdom of righteousness and love—a Kingdom which cannot fail; an inheritance which cannot fade.
Confession: But we have not glorified your name as we ought: even this week, we’ve traded worship for idolatry, love for selfishness, purity for sin. Father, forgive us; for we have sinned against you.
Thanksgiving: But you have forgiven our iniquity, and you remember our sin no more. You have covered us with the righteousness of Christ!
Supp: As we stand forgiven, we ask: please connect us together, as a congregation, to disciple one another—especially, we ask, please connect the generations together, that those who’ve been walking with you for years may pour themselves into newer believers; that those who’ve received much from you may turn and give their spiritual riches sacrificially to those in need // and for Cross Creek we ask: these saints also be strengthened for a sacrificial practice of discipling one another—and as we join them this Good Friday, please show us the glory of your love in the crucifixion of your beloved Son // Father, for the Mayor and City Counsel of Beaverton, we ask your blessing and protection; and we ask that you would direct their hearts to govern with justice and wisdom, and to reject anything which would interfere with the proclamation of your gospel there // and in Turkey, we ask that you would restrain those in the government there who desire to silence or harm your people: give our brothers and sisters holiness, truth, boldness, and love to speak the gospel to their neighbors, for the glory of your name // And now, as we turn to your word, please give us ears to hear, and guide Jeff as he preaches to us, that you alone might be glorified by it…

Family Matters

Easter Weekend:
Good Friday @ Crosscreek Bible Church, 6:30 pm
Sunrise Service @ Laural Community Church, 7:00 am
Easter Brunch (here—signups on back table) @ 9:45 + Egg Hunt; no Sunday School
Easter Worship Service @ 11:00 am
April 7 annual board + congregational meeting (elect church officers—no changes to current board; + hear budget update)
Shepherding Notes:
Change in a congregation is just naturally hard; it’s disorienting, uncomfortable, and worrying—just naturally, even for seasoned saints.... want to offer four thoughts:
Your feedback for the past few weeks has been extremely helpful—and you all should know that every single bit of feedback I’ve personally received has been given in love and faith. I’m grateful.
There’s different kinds of change: change initiated by leaders, changes leaders make in response to stuff that happens, changes God brings upon us, where none of us have a choice… and everything in between…
So, as under-shepherds, Jeff and I only have partial control over changes… but as far as we can, we want to balance wise changes with our need, as a congregation, to rest and reorient ourselves to Christ. And your feedback is crucial for helping us know how you’re doing—and maybe discovering that we made a wrong decision.


Psalm 90:16–17 ESV
Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!
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