Maundy Thursday

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Jesus’ last night with his followers before the Crucifixion.
Recap Holy Week
Palm Sunday — Triumphal entry - ready for a Messiah
Monday — Jesus cleanses the Temple - had become a den of thieves taking advantage of people.
Tuesday — Jesus teaches in the Temple - Several controversies with RLs.
Wednesday — Jesus teaches in the Temple - relatively quiet.
Thursday — Prepared a place to take the Passover together —>
Before they take the meal together — Jesus does something strange.
The Conquering King (Authoritative, Powerful, Messiah) — stoops to wash the Disciples Feet.
What were the Disciples thinking?
This man we’ve seen command nature with a word, be transfigured before us with Moses & Elijah - God spoke his favor upon him - defy the RLs to their face.
This week!
He stoops to wash their feet.
Would have been expected before a meal.
No servant to do it…
Disciples were too proud to stoop to such a menial task…
Jesus teaches them, even in his final hours!
John 13:3–5 “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”
BECAUSE Jesus has authority over all things, he doesn’t have to pretend at authority —>
He has no qualms washing their feet.
Jesus Explains to the Disciples What this Means…
John 13:12–16 (ESV)
When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
In one final foreshadowing of the Cross that is to come — we see what followers of Jesus are called to — Service — that proves love.
His ultimate example of SERVICE proves his love for mankind - John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
“May we, as messengers of the one who sent us, be known for our service — which proves our love — for those that Jesus came to save.”
TRANSITION — The Last Supper — “After this final act of foreshadowing, Jesus shares a Last Supper with his Disciples”
In just a moment, we are going to take communion together — we remember this Last Supper & remind ourselves.
This was the Last Supper in 3 ways.
It was the last meal Jesus would eat with his disciples.
These men that he had spent years with.
Teaching | Training | Preparing | Praying for | Loving
It was the last meal Jesus would eat in His pre-glorified body.
This is the last sustenance he will partake of before his resurrection.
Not dis-similar from a Death-Row inmate — but he was innocent.
It was the final Passover meal of the Old Covenant.
We remember this every time we take communion together as a church family.
Jesus’ words are that “this is a NEW COVENANT, in my blood”.
Maybe the hardest part of Holy Week is to not RUN to the Cross.
As NT believers, we can & we do! — EVERY SUNDAY — Every morning — Every hour!
But there is something special in remembering & sitting in the uncomfortable in between.
God commanded Israel to remember — Feasts — He give us Baptism & Communion to REMEMBER.
So as we take COMMUNION — consider the WEIGHT of that meal — Consider the confusion of his disciples — Consider your thankfulness for the Cross.
Ushers will dismiss you by rows to come forward.
Please spread out to make room — 10-12 at each table.
We have a few options for you — I would encourage you to tear off bread & dip in the cup - hold and take at the end.
If you need gluten-free, or the usual chalices & wafer — they are available — please ask.
One of the Pastors will then lead your group to receive communion & pray.
Please exit along the walls to go back to your seats — As the next groups come forward.
There will be a lot of sitting & waiting.
PRAY — Music will be playing.
“Let us not take communion in an unworthy manner”
Pray for those that will be on campus this weekend.
Pray for the 10 children that will be baptized in our Resurrection services.
Pray for our Staff as we prepare for this weekend.
Pray for Nancy.
Pray for our Church Body.
Pray for unity.
Pray for us to represent “him who sent us well”
Pray for us to be a light in a dark world around us.
Pray for us to have a deep love of the WORD of God.
I’ll give you a few moments — I will close — Then we will begin to receive communion.
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