Easter Sunday

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is this

Jesus is for everybody. Like I don't care what you are or what you think you are.

I don't care. I don't care. What's your religious background, or maybe you were an atheist? Don't care. Jesus loves you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to be so connected to him that it's just weird.

I don't get it. Why would we try to be normal when we have a supernatural God? What I mean weird, I don't mean you're going to go around dancing in the 22, but if you want to I'm not going to stop you.

Tim's not here dealing with your he actually did that.

But I want you guys to know he's for you. Why is Jesus for us? Why is he for everybody? What's the reason that we even celebrate this thing?

Let me tell you what it says in Romans. It's in Romans. It says this. Romans 3:23 and says for all have sinned and are in need of the glory of God the King James says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It means that every person who ever was born is Born the place of sin which then makes you a center. That means all of us every last one of us. You were born. We're Sinners nothing that we can do about it. You want to get mad at someone get mad at me and your great-grandfather?

serious Adam screwed that one up pig

but it is all sin. So we're stuck under sin and we're messed up and got a lot of things going on. So Jesus had to come to do one. I like this picture. We need it God's glory. So Jesus came.

The reason why you had to call us because there is no way to get your sins forgiven on your own. You can do good works. You never try to be super good ride to be super good I did but then I got this thing called a conscience. Am I conscious reminds me that matter how good I am or how good I act that. There's still some jacked up stuff right there. He said just a little bit.

I'm the problem was even if we try to do good enough. We could not Escape our conscious reminding us of all the areas we messed up that you know what I'm talkin about. All the things we did wrong.

But my question to you today is can you recall what Jesus did right? Scripture says in Hebrews 9:22. This is actually nearly everything under the law with purified with blood. His forgiveness. Only comes through an outpouring of blood.

So why do we need Jesus?

Cuz we were all understand and there was no forgiveness for us. Army sure under the law we had to get a bunch of animals, right? Some bull some dogs. I mean, I don't know about you. I talked to Willie this morning, really me and him were conversation about it. We're like, you know, if that was still going on today. I probably need 100 sheep a day. All right, Willie country Seafood day just to make sure I'm okay.

I don't know what I'll do with the next day though, because if I'm out of the hundred that damn probably just that are getting stoned. That's what they did back in the day. There was Stone you. You I know what you were thinking.

I looked over at you and you're like, huh?

I will pray for you later, Andrew.

It's probably both of them to be honest.

Who is Jesus what Jesus is the son of God born from a virgin? He never said. He died, which was our atonement. And yeah the resurrection. And after that it was to be continued. We're actually waiting for his imminent return.

Which I don't know if you guys can tell by the signs and things that's going on.

Could be any day.

Because I had a dream and in the dream God told him that Jesus is coming soon. How many you guys ever had a Jesus dream that he's coming?

They look around.

Put your hands up. Don't be scared. I want you to understand that because God does that he'll give you dreams to let you know. Hey man, this is real. This is true. Tattoo scripture in Joes with says and the Lord gives his instruction to men while they sleep at night and dreams.

We're going to look at some scripture that talks about the blood of Jesus and why his blood is important and why he had to die for us to forgive our sin. We're going to dive into that if you have your Bibles, I want you to go to Hebrews. 10 Road at 10 through 16 I'm going to read this in two different versions. Okay. First we're going to look at it the Amplified version. I love that. I'm you guys ever read the Amplified version Bible. I loved because they go into deeper detail the other translation. We're going to look at the passion translation. It's just going to give different wording for the same thing that's going to paraphrase in a way that brings understanding. So here we go. This is the agreement Testament Covenant that I will set up and conclude with them. After those days says the Lord I will impart my laws upon their hearts and I won't spray them on their minds on their innermost thoughts and understanding he then goes on to say and their sins and their lawbreaking. I will remember no more. It's cross reference with Jeremiah 31 33 and 34. Now where there is absolute remission forgiveness cancellation of the penalty of these sins in law breaking there is no longer any offering made to atone for sin there for brother and sister. We have full freedom in confidence to enter into the holy of holies by the power and virtue and the blood of Jesus.

Let's look at it in the passion translation.

Afterwards I will give them this Covenant. I won't bet my laws into their hearts and fasten my word to their thoughts and then he says I will not ever again remember their sins and Lawless Deeds. So if our sins have been forgiven and forgotten they would why will we ever need to offer another sacrifice for sin? And now we are brothers and sisters in God's family because the blood of Jesus and welcomes us to come right into the most holy sanctuary and the Heavenly realm boldly with no hesitation.

This whole passage is letting you know that when Jesus died for you. He died to forgive your sins once and for all. I know there's some thoughts of what what happens if I send tomorrow right or the next 5 minutes? My question to you is what happens if you don't.

He did.

tell me the thoughts that we have is like what happens if I send still but when Jesus died he died for all your send all of them. How many flames of war doll?

Andy Jesus died for your past

did Jesus die for your present? What do you think Lisa?

Nick did he die for your future? All your sins. How much is that? It does everything in it. That's inspired. This is this all you would ever do wrong in your complete life. He died for if you receive him you get forgiven. simple as that what would happen to geologist with his wife, right? What happens if you said something else? Hey, buddy. And now she's offended your hurt. She's hurt and you're like what's going on get over it? I mean do just so you know, a lot of us husbands been there. exact

I saw at least today. She looked at you and they were talking.

He's just like I can't yeah, you're right.

But even that Jesus died for already and all you had to do was apply what he already supplied.

A lot of times. All we have to do is apply with Jesus already supplied to us through his death and Resurrection.

The reason why he did that is because this is why it is the second Corinthians 5:21. It says for our safety made Christ virtually to be sin who knew no sin so that Andrew him we might become and dude with his exciting and dude with viewed as being in in examples of the righteousness of God that we ought to be a prudent acceptable and and right relationship with him by his goodness. What are the pastor translation for God made? The only one who did not know send the become sin for us so that we who did not know righteousness might become the righteousness of God through our Union with him. Tracy saying Jesus had to become sin for us. He had to become the thing that we screwed up at. But you didn't just become when we screwed up that he became the whole screwed-up situation.

He became sin so that I can become righteous.

Beats me thinking about just I understand be at 8, but do you understand that your righteous? You know how many Believers I'm meeting their question if they're really saved or if it really born again.

My question is this did you believe that Jesus died for you? Did you believe that he his blood was enough for you? Because if you do that makes you righteous.

This is in your heart, isn't it? I could see it.

That makes you righteous when you believe what Jesus did it makes you right in the sight of God. He doesn't sit there and say oh my goodness Andrew such a sinner. Yes, I am.

You might need to get saved. weather Austin car in a little bit

became sin.

Well, how did he become Cinema when he hung on the cross would happen when he holding the crosses that he that knew no, sin became that means every last one of our sins the original sin of man cop put on Christ.

That's right in all of our junk one on him.

It is.

He took on all of it. Come on. the whole world in complete world Can you just take on that moment that present generation he took on the past generation the present generation and future generations of sin.

If you didn't the heat need to come back about everyday to die again.

So that's not happening.

So it's for us to know here that the cross changed everything. Cross change completely changed everything for us. But if he didn't die, we would still be offering sacrifices and everything has changed everything for us and made a way in which we can go to the father. We can go to. We can have a relationship with him and a place where we can all we could have a relationship but actually commune with him in a real way.

Come on be honest with you guys. I really would not be a Christian if I can encounter God.

Let me see it this way. I don't know about you, but some of you ladies you probably wouldn't be married to your spouse if he didn't. Love you.

Come on and tell me you guys we would probably say something else right back this do that, by the way. This is the Zac that likes to snack and that's the exact over there.

but some of us like dudes for guys man, if I wife's like totally would just reject us and not one or some of us want to be married when we

There is never no intimacy. So if you like what in the world's going on.


let's get rid of all the religion. Let's get rid of all the nonsense and let's be real people. Okay?

It is an experience.

Salvation is an experience.

The scriptures when he said Adam knew his wife that means to intimately know and experience in connection and relationship.

Doing it says for you to know. It means to intimately experience and to know through the means of relationship. How many people have an encounter God because many people are connected. Some people hate that saying but it's just the truth.

To the question comes how can we be connected to him? Come on, how can you really be connected to God? How can you really sense? His presence here is spirit and be moved by the spirit. How can you do that?

Yeah, you got to get real. That's the first thing you got to get real man. You got to be so real with him.

One way that you can get real with him is my understanding when he died you died with him.

When Jesus died on the cross you died with him many of us on Easter. We hear the story of the Cross where that guy had Jesus died. He rose. I heard it over and over. I know it by heart. I just come to church on Easter.

I don't know you think that's for sure way to take people out.

I'm not being mean I'm being loving cuz I want you to get him something. I want you to gain something. Another reason why we even do that is because we're not connected to God. We just know of him. We're not connected to him. Many people know about him, but don't know him. Read you can tell you the story of Jesus without being in relationship to Jesus.

Yu-Gi-Oh come to church or here that you'll do this will sing some songs and you'll leave the same broken mess that you were when you walked in. So then what's the point of even going to church? Maybe it was never intended to go somewhere, but the become something.

Maybe it was really meant that you would be transformed. You don't get transformed by sitting down reading you get transformed by actually encountering and knowing god.

A lot of times we take if we we read a lot we study a lot that we get to know God and yet we still are messed up busted discussing and dealing with the same crap that we dealt with on day one. Can we sing songs that who the son sets free is free indeed. You don't experience it. But aren't you tired of not experiencing freedom?

From where you got to get stirred in your heart and say God, I don't want to read about David. I don't want to read about Samson. I don't want to read about all these people in the Bible that new you. I want to know you like they did.

Something has to change man. Cuz if it doesn't you're just religious.

I know it's a strong word. But you have to get to a place where you said God. I want to know you I want to hear you. Like I don't know about you guys, but when I look in the book of Acts and I see the apostles and people who are influenced by the Apostle's begin to start a relationship with God. I'm so jealous.

But I'm jealous, dude. The first martyr Stephen its face lit up like an angel.

Look up those crazy women who who do crazy things for dogs. I mean Peter had daughters that prophesied, but I'm like dude. I'm hungry for what God has for us and it's not going to get filled if we're just

Doing this religious dance. We have to actually get into it with God. We have to be intimate allow him to impress in our hearts. To a place to where we just brakes us and we're allowed to be soft with him, which means were pliable. It only comes if you understand the cross. Because if you don't understand lacrosse, you won't understand a thing I'm saying.

To go to church to be bored and you'll be like, well, that's for other people. Well, this isn't my thing. Did I was like you I promise I was like that. I got so sick and tired of going to church.

I did.

I got so sick and tired of stuff. So sick and tired of my problems.

Or maybe doing something with someone else for a relief for a moment. You follow me.

But it wasn't until Jesus made himself real to me.

And you don't have to die for him to make himself real to you. Add a friend that told me top is Jesus going to be real to me. I need to overdose and die to I'm like you're stupid.

I hope you do overdose on Jesus and then you die to yourself. Like what in the world and why would you ever say that that's the weird but I promise you he did so, you know the ways not to do it.

Put the cross change everything for you. Galatians 2:20 says this I've been crucified with Christ in him. I have shared his crucifixion pause right there. Why do we call the crucifixion and not crease the fact

a side note

my dad joke. My husband laugh either he gets it was bad. What is this? It is no longer. I who live but Christ the Messiah lives in me and the life. I never live in the body. I live by the Faith by the adherents in it to the Reliance on and complete trust in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me up for me passenger asleep. So I like it. It says this my old identity has been Co crucified with the Messiah and no longer lives for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of new life is no longer mine, but the anointed one lives his life through me. We live in the Union as one of my new life is empowered by faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me and dispenses his life in to mine.

That's beautiful. Bracelet saying that we've been cold crucified with him. That means when he got nailed I got nails.

It means you totally I totally died with them. I see myself with them of the problem is a lot of times. We don't see ourselves with Jesus.

Call me if you guys actually see yourself with him on the cross.

You don't.

I think if you couldn't even talk so much because of religion. We've been taught so much that he's dead on the cross. Now, you got to receive that and now you got to go and live your life and try to be a better person each day my talking to somebody. The gospel is not about you be a better person. It's about you live in a better way. It's totally not about it's not a self-help book. It's a diet of yourself book.

It's you realizing that I died with them. I bet his blood is so much more and it's enough for me. Like the blood of Jesus is so much.

Are wheezing sounds about right? What's a good song that you know about the blood of Jesus?

I know you would Blake didn't you?

In 5 seconds, we get to bring your hair colored Blonde 2.

I love you Lisa.

Oh shoot.

Is Power in the Blood your good there's power in the blood would have thought that with nothing but the blood

How's it go? What can what?

We got to do this.

With Dr. K12

That was awesome.

So are you guys is how you grew up in church and that you guys were just singing acapella and singing that song to you, but it seriously. What can make what would wash away my settings blood but do we actually believe the next part of that song?

What can make me whole? See, we believe that the cross can make this clean by by taking our sins away, but we don't really believe it can make us whole.

Tell me you guys have thought well, I dealt with this on my life, and I'm going to die deal with dealing with it.

That is so weird. If you want to wait till heaven to be really free.

Why would you wait till you died actually get free. You know Todd he would say something if you have to wait till you die to be freezing death is your savior and not Jesus. He said that.

who has like that was a tough word. He's like he he this mild

but that's what we do man. So we're going to do an activation. Are you guys ready?

I need two volunteers.

ew Not yet for you to see you later. b w grab someone else

It's a easy job. Just going to pass the stuff out.

Here your mother do that. Hey, dude. A d w got this side you got that so I don't you make sure everyone gets one.

Does everyone have a pain or if you need a fan who all needs a pen? We're going to pass the pin box around.

Kept you kiss.

If you're looking down this list that you're receiving, I want you to check each one that applies to you now. Listen, very carefully to me. I want you to check the ones that apply to you whether you do with it in the past.

Or you're dealing with it in the present.

It isn't.

We need more how many who didn't get one yet? Guess I'm right there in the sand. You can get one. Will give you this one. I need a pad the pens are coming around.

Will do something with him. Don't worry about him.


if you didn't get one, this is all we have right now.

One thing I know that's true whenever you deal with something like let me share this with you for them to get up and share a marital spat that they had you understand people. The reason why people don't do that because they feel shame. The reason why the church is not a safe place for people that because of Shame built. It honestly rejection because we're liking people really knew some of the junk I dealt with or deal with they would reject me. I already feel bad about it anyway, but the church becomes a place to stay.

but there's a scripture that says confess your sins one to another that you could receive a healing but the reason why we don't do that is because we're scared of being shamed for missing it at some of us the church hasn't been a place of safety is in a place of judgment and condemnation.

It's seriously been that we're going to do you guys ready?

We're going to read off this list any of these places apply to you. I want you to put a check by it. But this is where it gets fun at and it's where we get to break off fear and shame.

the first category that we're going to deal with

What size is the biggest one in the church that causes the most shame?

You guys ready? Is everyone ready? Everyone has a Ben. If I call out and it's how we're going to do the brakes came off if I talk into my car this area and you're struggling in this area. I want you to stand up don't wait for me to get to certain area that you're struggling with stand up if this is you whether you dealt with it in the past and you overcame it or you're dealing with it in the present.

Yeah. Oh, yeah, if you were like that, why do I have to you know, why because it's cuz fear is what the church has been stuck in. So we don't share this stuff. But you know, I think it back in the 90s 90s and 80s when the when when divorce was out the roof in the church and because he didn't deal with family issues and became a normal. I did I think to myself. Why do you think the church has the the families are broken today? Because it wasn't a place of healing because we didn't deal with anything. All we would do is get you to sing some songs and hear some Doctrine and send you home.

Tell me if I'm lying you guys who ever grew up in that era tell me if I'm lying. I'm not lying. Thank you Frank Frank. So I know you're not lying. This is true. They didn't come on. It was very rare that they dealt with real heart issues. She got swept under the rug.

No, they didn't. No, they didn't.

It's a really all they were focus is on keeping up appearances with each other. I don't care about keeping up appearances.

I care that your hole in your maid free in your heart and that you get to know Jesus.

First year we're going to deal with this cut sexual sin. If you have ever struggled with this stuff or you still do if you have overcame it. I want you to stand up.

Let's talk about it. That means lust fantasy pornography masturbation sex outside of cheating homosexual and every other sexual sin.

I don't care what it is in your life right now whether you're struggling or you have dealt with it. I want you guys to know the blood is enough to cover it.

You're not condemned. Scripture said Jesus Will didn't go around condemning people that religious people went around condemning people. But Jesus did not regard their sins against them.

But you scared enough. Guess what's happening? Just in case you guys didn't know cuz I'm already standing. I'm in this category with you guys.

That he forgives you a few forgives you guys. And by your boldness of standing up to those who already overcame you're declaring your freedom and it's a testimony and is being released to everyone else around to those who haven't overcame. This is where you're getting ready to get free from because you're willing to say hey that to me. You may be seated.

Next area. We're just a couple times. Oh, he's already standing. He's like I might as well stand up. I'm just going to stay standing. He's like, I just supplies totally to me. next theory of fear That means any phobias anxiety paranoia worry abandonment timidity sinus rejection self projection inadequacy idleness. Lets you. Okay. Wow.

Okay. I'm in this group two.

Are you guys you standing up like this? I'm telling you something. It may seem silly. But Jesus said if you're going to come to the kingdom, you got to be like a child.

You may be seated.

next category

witchcraft astrology channeling psychics crystal balls Rebellion stubbornness Ouija boards Cara cards

Like how I stubborn is under witchcraft will it is trust me?

I'm also in this Category 2.

Do do move this bad if we were under the law. I'm already striking out 343.

All right, you guys may be seated.

The next one I'll do tree.

What's dad's for a diction? That's what used to have things being God you worship.

jolly Irwin still like I need all I did was say addicted to drugs alcohol.

their jobs are Idol easy video game sex and superiority

you may be seated.

Not as we going are you guys noticing about everyone in the room is about standing Frank still standing? He's like I'm

Let's go to the next category.

We didn't see that coming back.

Call Lori self-righteousness self-centered arrogance bragging gossip criticalness judgment. I don't care mines that overbearing embossing mockery Prejudice, unforgiving or forgiveness and bitterness all this is probably dude.

You may be seated.

You know, I should have put one on here. I'll call it out. There are responsibilities the next section.

Drunkenness doubt compromise exception laziness lying exaggeration error making excuses and one more for this one gluttony.

I was I was in all the categories so far so

I can get out of awesome. You may be seated.

Let's talk about this last one.

opposing God that means and I see some areas. I have reset suppose. They resist resist resist in Jesus resisting the Holy Spirit resisting the Bible resistance. Let me explain that when I mean, I don't want any girls. I don't like your that's resisting spiritual gifts. Is resisting the Bible. I don't need the Bible That's resist in the Bible. Come on explaining got away.

What that means is you literally instead of giving dog or you won't explain it away. Well. I can do a miracle but it was because of the wind direction and that happen and they walked through the Red Sea.

false religion false identity critical Church leader and divisiveness

Who was in every category and one sit down? Who was in every category?

You are all but yes, you're in love, but one dude. I was in every category.

What you take a minute if there's any other similar issue that you are behavioral issue that you're struggling with want you to write it down.

You want another one?

Who didn't get one? Purdue is in The Marked One. Could you pass the d w?

I don't want you guys to know this isn't to condemn anyone like a lot of times when we read all senses. It was used to condemn but this isn't what I want you to do that for you after you have that filled out. I want you to fold it.

What do the phone didn't wear the picture that says the blood isn't is covering it?

What's cassia?

Music thank you. hydrant

Thank you. Who else was going to play too? in the background

scripture says that we've been crucified with them. But a lot of times we're still holding on to things that we've done and we can't in the reason why it keeps coming back is cuz we're not letting it go.


Oh, yeah.

He did.


Don't you the photos of those papers up real nice?

Who wants to be first to say they died was crying.

You know I said who wants to be first and only one person started walked enough. Everyone else is with their hand up.

Text Teresa.

Turn this way.

Yeah, I know you have enough papers. But if there's anyone who says I don't have a paper. But I still wanted. I still want my son's on that thing dude. I still believe that my sons are on that cross and that's your mother invites you to take a nail and nail it to the cross.

You know, it's really cool g I use it for you do that. Yours G wife. Christie came up to me and she shared with me a video. She had I believe we were 16. And she saw like Jesus on the cross and it kept zooming up like it went from a distant View to a zoomed-in view. And then exhumed all the way to like his head and into the blood drops are on his head and each drop. She looked at the first job and she saw her reflection in the drop. And then she looked at the other drops of blood and she saw other people's faces.

I think it's super powerful for us to realize in our lives that his blood covers. All of our says one drop is enough. But his blood is totally enough to cover us to cleanse us to make us free to make us whole I do look at this cross and want you to realize that. When Jesus was on it looked a lot worse than that, and it was a lot more Raider.

Really not right here, but we'll leave that up there for a couple Sundays and then we're going to burn it rid of burn every paper on there. The scripture says that he remembers your sins no more. When he forgives you keep forgets. He doesn't bring it back up to 2. It's a shame on you again. He forgets it completely.

Maybe you're here today you like top. I never ever gave my life to Jesus. But there's this is moving me today to want to give my heart and Life to him.

Cuz you never gave your life to Jesus or encountered him or are you not born again if that's you? Would you be bold enough to come up here?

for the rest of us the scripture says.

a joint wisdom

And we can celebrate us being joined together with Christ. I know we're moving around a lot today, but it's okay. Moon invite you guys to take communion.

Whoever has it feels like to you guys are free. I would say come around this way. RoboCop gravel cracker, we are gluten-free go back to your seats run take can get in it and then

I want you to do it with your families. Take it with your families. Want to be personal?

After New Year, I just wanted to let you guys know you're you're free to Fellowship.

We are going to have a baptism. He's getting ready right now. But after communion, I want you guys to just can meet with each other afterwards.

Martinez Brothers

Can you ready?

Hey guys. If you come over this way, we're going to do a baptism. You guys are free. We're getting baptized. Merlin I'm Merlin and the last the last month has been unreal for me that has been leading me into a new walk in my life and I just really felt that thing that ties it would.

I don't know. It just felt just felt right felt led to so. Here we are. I'm ready for it cited. See what God is going to keep doing in my life.

Just so excited right now. So when I get everything I can get.

over this way

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