That's Not Fair!
That’s not fair! Let two kids get together to play and, pretty soon, you are sure to hear that statement. But if we are honest, we adults have a tendency to make a similar statement when things do not go our way or when someone else is rewarded over us when we feel we did more to deserve it. We can even find this same attitude in the church. In Matthew 20, Jesus taught a parable about workers in a vineyard to correct some wrong attitudes in His followers. In that parable, a group of workers declared, “That’s not fair!” when the landowner chose to be generous to the other workers. Are there times when our attitude seems to suggest that God is unfair in how He deals with us? How do we correct this attitude and learn to live in humble obedience and show grace to others? Listen in to this message as we apply the lessons Jesus taught and learn how to stop saying, “That’s not fair!”