God’s Love
God's love is not his sparing us suffering and death
his love is mainly his showing us and giving us himself in his glory
God loves us mainly by giving us himself and all that he is for us in Jesus
Jesus loves us mainly by giving us himself and all that God is for us in him
That's mainly the way he loves us
he loves us other ways
but mainly everything is moving towards that
You are loved by jesus when jesus gives you jesus
and all that God is for you in jesus
Do not measure the love of god for you
by how much health, wealth and comfort he brings into your life
if that were the measure of god's love, he hated the apostle paul
Measure god's love for you
by how much of himself he shows you
Measure the love of god for you
by how much of himself he gives you to know and enjoy through it all
in his everlasting glory
I hope you can feel how huge this is
This is huge
so I want you to get this really deep down
so you feel loved in the way God means for you to feel loved
so we confirm it with two other passages in john
surely someone will say to me rightly
‘well when i think about the love of god for me
i think about john 3 16.’
“for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
whoever believes in him
should not perish but have everlasting life “
and to that i say
yes yes yes me too all my life long me too
now let me ask you this
what's eternal life
what's this gift that cost him his son's life
let jesus define it
you know where he defines it in this gospel
clear definition
chapter seventeen verse three
here's what he says
“this is eternal life that they know you
the true God and Jesus whom you have sent “
that's eternal life
To know him
To know him forever
To know him with increasing knowledge
and increasing admiration and increasing wonder
and increasing joy
that's eternal life
if you say it's eternal game
I’m always picking on game
is that right?
No It's eternal Him more and more and more
like a great alpine range and
you crawl up over the first range
and there's another one to climb
and you crawl up over that range of glory
and another one to climb
and you're never never bored
It's all him
eternal life is God revealed in his glory
satisfying this cavernous longing that's in your heart
that you're trying to fill up with television or internet or whatever
It's God
you are amazing creatures
made the only ones on the planet
made to do this
Know him
that's the first confirmation
confirmation number two chapter 14 verse 21
jesus says
“whoever has my commandments and keeps them
he it is who loves me
and he who loves me will be loved by my father and
I will love him and manifest myself to him”
I love that phrase
“I will love them and manifest myself to them”
that's what love is
I want you to feel loved by jesus
when he does that for you
you have to have a different view of love than the world
“go ahead jesus manifest yourself to me
and I will feel loved”
oh how many of us
can testify to this reality
with thankfulness and joy
in the days of suffering
in the days of loss
in the days of darkness
when it seemed that everything around our soul gave way
he showed up
That was what it meant to be loved
Not that the suffering went away quick
Not that the loss ever went away
Christ came christ revealed himself to us
That was what it meant to be loved
It's time to seek the LORD to know him more