The Victorious King
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Sorrow to Victory - story of the underdog movie
The list of underdog stories and movies ever written or made is long
Movies such as: Rudy, Rocky, Remember the Titans, The Karate Kid, Cool Runnings
Humanly speaking when we see the odds Jesus is needing to overcome, if his mission was to live, would put him as a severe underdog
The strong influence of the Jewish leaders over people
The pure brute strength of Rome
The Jewish leaders compulsion to maintain their position and honor
The Roman rulers desire to keep peace at all costs to please Caesar
All leave Jesus without hope of success it would seem
But Jesus was no underdog
In fact, one of John’s main purposes in writing his gospel account was to show that Jesus was the Son of God
In fact in chapter 20 John outright states this when he says,
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
But with Jesus dead, what was there to believe in?
The influential and powerful had gotten their way, or had they?
In order to show us John surrounds this purpose statement with resurrection stories.
This is why we can believe!
I want to look at a few of these this morning and particularly Jesus’ statements within them in order to answer this question
I. It is finished but It’s not over 20:11-18
I. It is finished but It’s not over 20:11-18
Mary Magdalene - freed from 7 demons
followed Jesus
last one at the cross
now comes to anoint Jesus’ body
But the tomb is open
So Mary runs to Peter and John
as Peter and John leave, Mary remains weeping outside the tomb
Mary’s heart is broken believing that someone has taken Jesus’ body away
In hope she decides to look in the tomb herself and finds an angel
Not finding Jesus she turns around and finds a “gardner” standing in front of her
It’s Jesus
She doesn’t realize it until he says her name
She responds with Rabboni (teacher)
Jesus’ response however is “don’t cling to me”
Because it is finished but it’s not over
Jesus was not only her teacher but he was the son of God
This was just the beginning
Every underdog movie has that one moment where everything begins to change.
This proved Jesus was never the under dog but it was the beginning of something huge
I would imagine Mary was there that day in the room amongst the 120 disciples praying when the Holy Spirit was sent.
The ascended Jesus has now become our mediator, intercessor and King, waiting the day he will return
We are here this morning as witness to this
II. He was dead but now he is alive 20:24-29
II. He was dead but now he is alive 20:24-29
Paul is very clear in 1 Cor 15 that the verification of Jesus’ resurrection comes through the witness of those who saw him resurrected
The need for witnesses is common even today
at an accident, when a crime is committed, in legal proceedings
Quick story of accident in Swift Current
These however can be unclear and unreliable
But these witnesses not only saw Jesus but touched him
In fact John in I John begins his letter here
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—
Thomas in his struggle to believe the words of the other disciples finds himself face to face with Jesus and invited to touch the very wounds of his crucifixion.
And Thomas believed
But Jesus says you believe because you see, blessed are those who don’t see but still believe
We can be witnesses because, We have heard the witness of those there and have believed
But what we believe is not easy
It wasn’t easy for Thomas until he saw and touched
In fact Paul says again in I cor 15 that if he isn’t alive then our faith is in vain
But we are blessed as the Holy Spirit has revealed this truth to us
We can say along with Thomas “My Lord and My God”
Jesus is the conquering king, the victorious king who overcame death and sin and sits at God’s right hand.
And therefore....
III. He’s not only saved us but called us 21:15-19
III. He’s not only saved us but called us 21:15-19
Peter’s denial of Jesus was devestating for Peter
Jesus had earlier, as they reclined around the table, said to Peter
“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.”
Peter was so sure this would never come to be until after 3 denials the rooster crows
How many of us have stood there with Peter?
I would not....until
How did I get here?
Our fear, anger, lust, selfishness or pain has perhaps lead us to make choices to compromise
And so we find ourselves far from Jesus
Jesus comes lovingly to us as he did to Peter and he begins to ask , “do you love me?”
Perhaps this is the question we must always wrestle with and fight for
Because in this question is the promise of forgiveness, restoration and life.
3 for 3 with Peter
And so believe means he’s not only saved us but he has called us
light - darkness, death to life, slavery to freedom
And as the Son of God and King of all he calls us
“Follow me”
Great commission - “Go into all the world”
And so to not only witness to the truth of Christ as we gather but as we go to witness to Christ wherever that may be, in our word, our lives anticipating the day when all things will be made new and we will be with him forever.
death = victory
surrender = freedom