Romans 8:26-30
Is there a secret to answered prayer? If so, it is praying through the Spirit. Now what I mean by praying through the Spirit is not glossolalia (speaking in tongues), but that when we pray, we are in close touch with the Spirit of God working in us to assist us. The Spirit teaches us to pray as we ought to pray. The more we grow in grace, the more we cultivate the life of the Spirit, the more accurate and effective our prayer life becomes because we pray according to the Word of God and according to the mind of God which is given to us, inwardly, through the Holy Spirit.
It is one thing for me to pray, ‘Thy will O God’—but I don’t know what the will of God is except as it is set down for me in Scripture. However, the Spirit knows both the mind of God and my mind in a way that I don’t know the mind of God nor even my own mind. So the Holy Spirit works to facilitate the communication that takes place between God the Father and his children.