The Bible Series Ephesians
There’s a story of a family who was immigrating from Europe to the US,graciously they were given tickets on a cruise ship to come to the US.They were very poor and saved their money and brought cheese and crackers and things they knew could sustain them on the cruise.
Every night they would hear people going to the dining hall and celebrating and being excited. The family was kind of discouraged: “We don’t have money to go to the dining hall, so we’re just going to keep eating our cheese and crackers.” Until the last night, the father said, “You know what? We are going to the US tomorrow. Let’s celebrate by going and eating like everybody else.”
They got to the dining hall and began to eat, and he asked the maître d’, “So how much do I owe you for the food?” He answered, “Well, the food is free. It’s included. It’s part of the cruise.” The family had been denying themselves and eating only cheese and crackers the entire time throughout the cruise when the food was always available and already paid for.
The letter to the Ephesians is written to saints IN CHRIST who are rich beyond measure… yet find themselves living in spiritual poverty, ignorant of the wealth they have IN CHRIST JESUS!
Letter Information
Letter Information
Paul introduces this letter beautifully… Ephesians 1:1-2
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are saints in our standing; faithful defines our relationship
“Grace” expresses God’s steadfast love toward man and “peace” shows the relational state as a result of that grace.
As we read we see “In Christ” is a key phrase. This is our position!!!
We see this phrase “In Christ” or its equivalent 35 times in this letter.
This is such a essential doctrine for the believe to understand
You and I are as close to God as His Son Jesus Christ positionally!
[Map] Ephesus is a pivotal city in Asia Minor
Paul is writing this from Rome… one of his prison Epistles
[Zoom Map] Paul spent 3 years with these folks
Timothy is their pastor
This letter is carried to them with very little personal touch other than that Tyciccus will relay how Paul is doing
Most likely this letter is entrusted with this church to be circulated
This is a crucial and pivotal church
The letter Paul entrust to this church is beautifully intertwined with deep theology and teaching and gives practical application for every believer in every age… Some have deemed this letter the most profound writing in the New Testament… Let’s explore it together!
As you read and study this letter it does not take much to realize that at its center is a very distinct shift… we read in Ephesians 4:1 the opening word… THEREFORE!!!
Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,
Ephesians 4:1 (NLT) “...beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.”
This verse is the hinge, it is the catalyst that applies the first portion of the letter.
It is a very distinct “IF”… “THEN” concept
The first three chapters deal with Teaching / Theology / Doctrine
The last three chapters apply this teaching,
Puts our theology into practice
Gives us 35 DIRECTIVES as we live out this Doctrine
We learn and discover our Position “IN CHRIST” in Chapters 1-3
We learn what the Practice or working out of that Position should be in Chapters 4-6
The first half deals with the believer's Calling and the second half deals with our Conduct or walk
I want us to consider our standing in Christ… who we are according to the first three chapters of this letter...
Interestingly enough verses 3-14 are one complete sentence in the Greek. It is the longest sentence in the bible.
Paul lays out in this sentence the redeeming work of the Godhead, our Triune God…
Vs 3-6 We are chosen by God the Father
Vs 7-12 We are redeemed by the Son
Vs 13-14 We are sealed by the Holy Spirit
Paul shares this with his readers to encourage, embolden, and assure them!!!
Paul expresses a prayer for them after sharing these things… Ephesians 1:18-19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might
We are adopted into His family… Chosen!
John 3:16 God loved the world
2 Peter 3:9 declares that God desires none perish
Adoption was recieved by the one being adopted (usually one older)
Adoption was PERMANENT!
Adoption was sealed… (Holy Spirit)
Paul clearly lays out that our redemption, our salvation is ONLY the work of God’s Grace to us…
What is beautiful is that it is NOT based on us but rather Him!
No work, no earning, and it is offered to all
This extending of GRACE TO ALL is what is to unify believers
Grace draws us to God
Grace draws Jew and Gentile together as one
Grace draws us together as the BODY (SINGULAR) of Christ
GRACE unifies us “IN CHRIST!”
The closing of chapter 3 is Paul not able to contain himself as he ponders all God has done… truly God has given us “every spiritual blessing!”… THEREFORE!!!! This is the very essence of the key verse Ephesians 2:8-10
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
The application for this message is going to be a bit longer as it entails the second half of this letter...
“therefore...walk in a manner worthy of your calling” The word walk here pertains to our conduct… how we engage in life.
Caring for one another
It is amazing how our walk or conduct reflects the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT!
He discusses the church as the BODY of Christ and how we are to use our gifts together for the purpose of “building up the body of Christ!”
We build up the body in order that we can minister together
We use our gifts ministering building up!!!
As we “walk” and conduct ourselves there should be a contrast
As light we are to REVEAL Christ to a dark world
We are called to change how we live
Once doing the deeds of the dark
Now shining as we live for Christ as His child!
Paul declares that in Christ we are part of His body and He is the Head… headship/authority
Paul deals with our relationships… first with Him and each-other as His church… then:
Wives and Husbands
Children and parents
Slaves and masters
Illustrating that in these relationships we demonstrate to a watching world OUR POSITION IN CHRIST!
We are so RICH in spiritual blessings… we can live like no one else! Children of the King! however…
One comes to this portion of the letter with these 35 directives… one can become overwhelmed.
You’re saying this is hard!
This is difficult and overwhelming even united!
Paul closes with a directive with a militant tone…
He defines our battle as one of spiritual nature NOT with others, NOT with each other
In this mandate to stand firm we are given armor
Paul stresses the importance of the WHOLE armor… !!!
Paul closes not necessarily praying for them but challenging them to pray
Pray at all times
Pray for alertness
Pray for perseverance
Pray for each other
Pray for boldness
Paul even ask them to pray for him...
With that let’s close our time together in prayer… as ones who are so rich in blessing, may we understand our position to the degree that it is lived out and practiced in our lives daily!!!