Resurrected Hope: Livingin light of the resurrection.

Today is the first Sunday after Easter, has your life changed any because of the reality of the resurrection?
Question 1 - why was the man in pain as his sin was being killed?
Often, sin in our lives involves pleasure.
One of the ways God has made is is to seek good, pleasurable things.
The best and most pleasurable thing we are supposed to seek is God.
Often though, sin distorts or twists the good thing we are supposed to seek and replaces it with bad things.
It puts a fake thing in place of the real good thing God had planned and designed for us.
In the man’s case, his false, easy way of seeking pleasure was being taken away from him.
It was painful because he felt like he couldn’t live without that sin.
Question 2 - The second question follows along with that, why did the lizard turn into a horse after the angel killed it?
The horse represented the right use of a God given desire.
The lizard was a picture of a good desire gone bad, the horse in it’s splendor is a picture of the desire redeemed (made new) and used for God’s glory.
These past few weeks we approached Resurrection Sunday looking at the hope we have because Christ is risen.
This morning, on the Sunday after, I want to address the question of what now.
Jesus is risen, what now?
By living in light of the resurrection, as believers we can experience transformation, hope, and purpose in our lives
This happens as we orient ourselves toward the eternal realities of God's kingdom and His redemptive plan for the world.
The passage I would like for us to turn to this morning as we begin is Col. 3.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians is a wonderful book Paul wrote to correct false teaching that was showing up in the church.
In the book, he presents a clear picture of Jesus as supreme Lord of the universe, head of the church, and the only one through whom forgiveness is possible.
Chapter 3 picks up with the words if then -
We need to know that this is a continuation of a previous thought.
Paul began discussing the implications of believers’ identification with Christ in 2:20 and the rest of the book really shifts to some practical application.
To live in light of the resurrection Paul’s first instruction is to seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
To set your minds on the things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Living in light of the resurrection means to pursue a deeper knowledge of Christ himself and all that belongs to living with and for him.
This means building a relationship with Christ through prayer, spending time in His word, and spending time with fellow believers.
This also includes seeking FIRST HIS kingdom.
This means living a life worthy of HIS name.
Why should you live a life worthy of His name - because He died for you!
Our culture tells us to make our own names great, Jesus calls us to make His name great.
The only power that we have to do this is through the fact that as believers we are raised with Christ.
Being “raised with Christ” is the source of power for living the new life (Rom 6:1–14).
God’s irresistible power in our lives, overcomes the irresistible compulsion to sin.
Christ’s exaltation “above” means that believers, who are joined to Christ, should set their hearts and minds “on things above.”
Paul is helping us to see what it means to actually have a relationship with Jesus.
We must also know that Paul is not just saying this is a suggestion - he is giving instruction.
The word seek and the word set are both imperatives - these are commands.
If you call yourself a Christian, then YOU seek the things that are above.
You are to set your minds on the things that are above.
That’s all well and good to read, but that does that mean in our daily lives?
It means considering the desires of Christ and His kingdom first.
A few ways we can do this are by -
Start your day with prayer and pray throughout the day.
Start your day with prayer and pray throughout the day.
Jesus reminds us in Mt 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
The Bible makes it clear that prayer is essential.
Begin each day with a prayer to God, thanking Him for another day and asking for guidance to cope with the ups and downs that are sure to come.
Starting the day with Christ is the best way to put God first and set the day in motion.
Where does your mind go when you first wake up?
You can train it to first go to the Lord.
And it will take training.
Then pray as you go throughout your day as well.
Difficult situations come up, temptations rear their head, pray!
Doing this helps us to do as verse 2 of our passage says.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Saying prayers at each meal or picking other times to remind yourself to focus on God can make all the difference, especially when problems arise.
Make God’s word a central part of your life.
Make God’s word a central part of your life.
This doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of time reading your bible.
You don’t have to become a bible scholar, but you do need to make an essential part of your day.
Think for a moment, what does your current Bible time look like?
If you aren’t currently reading much, I would suggest taking a verse and keeping it in mind throughout the day.
Make a note card, write it on a sticky note, get a dry erase and write it on the mirror.
There are bible apps that send you a verse of the day.
Posting this verse around the house or putting it in your pocket, wallet or purse is a great way to keep truth close to your heart.
No matter what your day brings you, having the Word of God close to you can remind you to seek God at multiple points throughout your day.
Another option to help do this is the Our Daily Bread devotional - we have them in the back, they are free, take one, you can get them on your phone as well.
Maybe you are already doing that, start reading a paragraph, or even a chapter of a book each day.
Get a good study bible if you don’t have one that can help you understand the theme. (I have a few you can look at if you would like help finding one.)
Find a key(important) verse in the chapter to reflect on.
If you find it difficult to read, listen to the Bible.
There are lots of great free ways to do that.
The Bible app by is a great one.
Crossway has a bunch of options to listen through the bible through some podcasts.
God’s word is and essential part of our lives.
Another way to seek God’s kingdom first is to
Keep and eye on the media you are consuming.
Keep and eye on the media you are consuming.
In a world in which questionable messages often come through the media,
putting God first means making an active assessment of what you’re listening to and watching.
It’s easy to slip into bad patterns.
The type of media you consume will permeate your heart and soul.
If you want to put God first, it’s helpful to be sure you’re making wholesome or enriching entertainment choices.
There is a song called garbage in - I thought it was older but what I found is that it was written in 2009
I fill my mind with bad things, so horrible I'd feel ashamed they'd show
I've taken sin so lightly that lately the darkness is all I know
The time is now to leave the junk behind
the moment has arrived where I no longer am blind
It's garbage in
Garbage in, garbage out
What goes in is found out
All can see what goes in me
I pay the price
A follow up to that is to -
Listen to Christian podcasts and read/listen to christian books.
Listen to Christian podcasts and read/listen to christian books.
Another great option really is to listen to Christian podcasts and read/listen to Christian books.
We all spend a lot of time behind the wheel of our vehicles, take a trip or two and instead of listening to music, put on something that makes you think about the Lord.
There is an abundance of sermons available to listen to as well.
When you do listen to music listen to good Christian music.
In youth group we have been talking about music choices a little bit and I have a list of some good Christian artists in different genres if you would like a copy.
As far a books go, there are wonderful book lists that can help guide you in the right direction as you embark on a journey to build a more solid relationship with Jesus Christ.
Send me a text/email, talk to me and I would be happy to make some recommendations.
Daily devotional books are also a great way to deepen your relationship with God and put Him first daily.
Paul reminds us in Gal 5:16
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Participate in church - more than just on Sunday morning.
Participate in church - more than just on Sunday morning.
not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Make it a part of your family structure.
From weekly Bible studies to Sunday services and volunteering in various ministry activities, taking part in church is key.
Making time in your schedule to serve God's people through ministry activities and volunteering opportunities is another way of putting God first in your day to day.
Seek out opportunities for growth.
Guys, our study coming up is opportunity, this past men’s retreat was an opportunity.
I know they can be inconvenient, but to grow in your relationship with the Lord it takes effort.
Seeking God’s kingdom first means if you have the opportunity to do something that would benefit the church in some way, do it.
The church building is a visual representation of God’s kingdom here on earth.
It is the thing that most non-believers first equate with God.
Look for ways to help others.
Look for ways to help others.
Jesus’ first command is to love God, but it’s also important to live that out by loving others.
Jesus reminds us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
So, if you’re looking to put God first, consider finding ways throughout the day to help others.
This help can come in simple forms, as simple as holding the door, anything kind that expresses love for others.
Sometimes helping others means you need to set aside time to sit with someone in their pain, to simply be with them.
I could keep going with many other ways we can seek the things that are above as Paul writes because there are as many different ways as there are people.
These that I listed are some that should be common among us.
Find the ways in your life that you can seek the things that are above, to place God’s kingdom first in your life.
The purpose of all of these things is ultimately to bring us into a closer relationship with Jesus.
Why we can set our minds on things above.
Why we can set our minds on things above.
The reason that we do all of this is because of the reality of what Paul describes in verse 3.
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Paul is using language here that is expressed in the OT in the psalms.
For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the Lord.
Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind! In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.
If your life is hidden with Christ in God, it is secure.
Paul has and is continuing to show the spiritual security available to believers through the union that comes with Christ by faith.
Believers are united with Christ, in death, in burial, and in resurrection.
The Pillar New Testament Commentary: Colossians and Philemon 1. Heavenly Thinking (3:1–4)
Setting our hearts and minds on “the things above” and not on “earthly things” is both necessary and possible. It is necessary because our union with Christ means we no longer belong to the realm of this earth but to the heavenly realm; and it is possible because our union with Christ severs us from the tyranny of the powers of this world and provides us with all the power needed to live a new life
Do you have this security in your life today?
God is working to keep those who believe in Him secure in that relationship.
The way Paul writes the word hidden.
Your life is hidden with Christ.
The word hidden is in what is called the perfect tense.
You are hidden now, and continue to be hidden.
The ongoing result is safety in Christ.
We do all of this because Christ is our life.
Christ our life.
Christ our life.
When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Verse 4 affirms that things will one day change.
Paul’s commands earlier in the chapter flow out of the reality of our final relationship with Jesus.
Our dying with Christ, and being raised with Him is the basis of our present relationship.
As believers our heavenly identity is secure and very real.
There are aspects of this verse that are now, and in the future.
As Jesus becomes more apparent in your life, as you better reflect Him here and now, you will share in his glory.
When Christ returns in full glory, we will share in that all the more.
Our identification with Christ, now real but hidden, will one day be made fully known.
Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
As Paul reminds us though through his commands, we are not to wait to look like Jesus.
We are to seek to look like Him now.
Christ is the believers life, we don’t know what exactly that looks like, and we won’t until He returns or we pass on to be with Him.
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God's love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Living in light of the resurrection is a mindset change.
One that is brought about first by the work of the Holy Spirit.
In these verses of Colossians, Paul shows how identification with Christ leads to a new way of life.
This is a mindset change.
Changing our minds so that our lives reflect our identity in Christ.
The Pillar New Testament Commentary: Colossians and Philemon 1. Heavenly Thinking (3:1–4)
Believers “seek the things above” by deliberately and daily committing ourselves to the values of the heavenly kingdom and living out of those values.
You and I can do this, we can live our lives in light of the resurrection of Christ each and every day.
To allow Him to have an impact on the way that we live every day.
To impact the decisions that we make.
To have an effect on our relationships.
On our jobs, on the world around us.
Christ is risen!
What impact is that fact having on your life today?
To live in light of the resurrection is also to share the hope you have found in Christ.