Lessons on God's Providence | Matthew 2 | Pastor Jose Brevil

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Father has reopen your word. May you teach us may you fill us with your spirit and help us Lord God to take what we hear and obey your word help us father. That's just to study for study been helpless father to study to obey in Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen here in Matthew Chapter 2. We going to learn some lessons on God's Providence lessons on God's call Providence. And as we continue studying The Book of Matthew in chapter one. We saw the genealogy of Jesus Christ the family trees and see how Jesus came about in last week. We learn about saying yes. Do Jesus in every aspect of our life as resale Mary the Virgin birth and looking at Joseph how they were obedient to the call of God in their life. Mary said that I am the Lord's servant let it be to me as God desires Joseph immediately obeyed God when God told him to take Mary as his wife all do he was confused. How do you get pregnant by the Holy Spirit? How does a virgin get pregnant when you have involved but even in his confusion because God said to take her as your wife what happened to her is from the Holy Spirit. He obeyed God immediately took his wife and did what God had called him to do. So today as we move to chapter 2 we going to focus on God. Providence as we looked at the stories of the wise men and Jesus moving to Nazareth and going to Egypt and at what we mean by Providence in the Bible when we talk about Providence is that God has control over everything and God's Providence means that everything happens for a reason.

Both the big things and the small things and you ready for this one of the good. and the bad

I know some of us will ask Jose. What's good in family members passing away. What's good in a broken family? What good can come out of it? We don't understand it all day. If I could tell you he I could sit here and tell you I fully understand God's Providence. I will be lying to you. These are the things that we cannot understand but what we know and what we received the text of scripture is that everything happens for a reason whether the big things the small things will become president and who is not the good the bad the ugly and the evil everything happens for a reason if you tried to understand that you might go crazy and put some of us with my feel like, you know, that that cannot be I need to understand every single thing. Do you really understand everything? Do you do all your pictures that are stored in the cloud? Do you know how all that works that you just go ahead and drop a picture to somebody else's phone. Do you know how old that works really all the things but we just believe that if we just going to share right now it's going to work. See, there are some mysteries in life. That is a lot of things. We know that they just happen and they happen they are just a Mysteries and we do not understand them as we go through the stories here. We'll see on some things. That might be ugly but somehow they are got in God's Providence and we see that God orchestrate every aspect of our life. So let's look at the message pretty much in one sentence for us. This morning is God's plan will always come to pass regardless of human actions to thwart his plan or try to prevent his plan God's plan will always come to pass regardless of humans actions to thwart his plan. Let's lay together God's plan will always come to pass regardless of humans actions to toward his plan father has restated now, please be with us. Teachers in Jesus name we pray amen. So here we're going to look at the life of Jesus. Everything about Jesus was planning for Oregon his birth as we will look at invoice 6 was already predicted in the Bible. That was Bible prophecy leaving like moving to Egypt. That was Bible prophecy herod's Massacre of a lot of children trying to kill Jesus. That was Bibles prophecy. Jesus living in Nazareth. All those were Bible prophecy. You see that's God's Providence God's Providence. How it works. So before we go flu lesson this morning, it's it's like I did not put the tax. So you going to have to open your Bible and on the walk through the text with me this morning. We're going to read chapter 2, let's walk for the text first and then after that I want to share three lessons with you on Providence three lessons with you on God's Providence. So let's look at the taxes after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea during the time of King Herod Magi from the East came to Jerusalem. And ask where is the one who has been born King of the Jews we sore he Stars. We saw his star. When is Rose and have come to worship Him He says we saw his stars and I've come to worship. Him Herod was a very Wicked King. He just could not stand anybody that would threaten to take his throne. He killed three of his son. He killed his wife and his mother's wife. Anybody that will come in his way that would feel like they were a threat to the throne. He wanted to hang on to that power and did not want to let go so here when it's talking about hair and here this is a very Wicked man. Now you talking about the wise man or the Magi who came to Jerusalem as they were leaving their place probably there for a year that we thinking The wise men as they came following the Stars Val be something to let date they lost track of the stars and went to Jerusalem. That's the capital city and trying to inquire where was Jesus going to be born? So that's where is the invoice through it says, where is the one who has been born King of the Jews. Do you think Aaron would like that? No, heroin is the king of the Jews and now you got those different looking man coming from a different area and they coming and they are wise man and they're saying that eight where is the one to be born who will be king of the Jews? They say that we saw his star when it Rose and have come to worship Him. So that was no ordinary King being born Harold doesn't like that. I think I did come to worship him in the Roman Empire Caesar was worship. It was not just a king of the airport where he was like a man trying to become Gods but here in the store. We will see God actually coming as a man and seeing the difference with what we trying to do as opposed to how Jesus want to come in to save us. They say we sort he's star when he throws and have come to worship Him in verse 3 when King Herod heard this he was How do you say in your Bible? He was Disturbed. Herod didn't like that Jesus king of the Jews. I am the king of the Jews and all Jerusalem with him when he called together all the peoples Chief priests and teachers of the law. He asked them where the Messiah was to be born and the chief priests came in this day in Bethlehem in Judea. They replied for this is what the prophet has written for 6 but you Bethlehem in the land of Judah albino means least among the rulers of Judah for out of you. Welcome a ruler who will Shepherd My People Israel. So Jesus birth was already pregnant predicted. He was going to be born where

It's not a trick question Bethlehem, but the guy went where they went to the capital city, you know things happened in the capital city, you know that in the world areas where we live, but that's not God how God works right see it from the Magi thinking it's the king of the Jews going to be born. He's going to be born in Jerusalem. So that's why they went to the capital city. But God's way is far different than our ways God touches far different than our tots. See Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem. See, here's the funny thing.

We can know the Bible and still miss Jesus.

The chief priests all those people that got hair would called didn't know exactly where Jesus was to be born but where they're looking for him.

No, we're not. But my guy coming probably the travel like a year to two years. Just to come to worship the king. You know family are any really breeds contempt. And I've seen that over and over in the Bible Belt. We are so familiar with the Bible weekend quotes several scriptures. We can speak all the church lingos, but we do not obey one thing that the Bible says.

Feed those cheap received a new Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem, but they were not looking for him. And it makes me wonder how many of us believers who will miss the second coming. Matthew 24 1st Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians, we just steady tell us exactly how it's going to happen. But a lot of us because of indifference we will miss it. Just like all the scribes of Chief priest. The new Jesus was going to be born in Bethlehem that they were not looking for him. But it took people way out there coming to look for him and getting their information from who

BBC one of us. We will help get people to heaven and will not make it ourselves.

We know the truth, but we not living the truth. We are in different over the truth and some people they are just begging to get the truth. And that's what we see here in this story and even do the Magi told him they were looking for that Jesus even then they still didn't wake up today. Maybe I should look for him to Harold didn't look for him either look at my 7 then Herod call the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said go and search carefully for the child as soon as you find him report to me so that I too may go and worship him. I know friend of mine his wife, you know what you would not go to church, but when he would go to pray for me pray for me.

Look right here. Is it Harold was not interested in looking for him it got you go you go you go do it. They worship Him. But it all that he cared about was to destroy that came. Emily wants me not to miss here. If you looking for 6 is but you Bethlehem in the land of Judah you see Jacob Wu was renamed Israel for a father of the Jews for the Israelite Nation see one of the tribe was Judith. You see he had a two wives he had Rachel and he had Leah he didn't really like Leah he was tricked into marrying Leah. The Bible says that Leah was homely he's hard was really really Rachel Rachel could not have children for a long time and Leah had given at least six children to Jacob it still Jacob's heart was for Rachel, but Leah was fighting for attention and really begging for attention. From her husband could never get it until she gave birth to Judah Judah means that you do. My satisfaction actually comes from God. And here look what happened. Bethlehem was found where in Judah You see a lot of time. We're trying to find a tension in the culture from other people getting acceptance from other people while God has already accepted us and God wants to use us and to see here all day Jacob. Harpo's for Rachel, but God didn't use Joseph or Benjamin to get Jesus to come Jesus came from the line of Judah from Leah. The one that was despised. The receipt doesn't matter how people despise us to look down on us, but God has accepted us and God can and God will use us for great things in life. And going back to verse 8 hair. It says as soon as you find him report to me so that I too may go and worship him. We know he's not going to go watch him right now. He just want to kill him after they had heard the king. They went on their way and the star they had seen when it Rose went ahead of them until he's stopped over the place where the child was and he got to love verse 10 and 11 when they saw the star they were Overjoyed in the English Standard Version or the King James it says they rejoice and they were what do you say I have it in your notes there?

Somebody read it for me.

They Rejoice I don't see it. Let's look it up right here. I love the way it says in the ESV in the new King James invoice 10. It says. When they saw the star they Rejoice exceedingly.

They Rejoice exceedingly with great joy where they happy to see the king where they happy to worship the king. Oh you bet. This is the moment that they were waiting for they travel the full year just to find this thing and to worship him about our attitudes when we come to worship. God is our attitude one of rejoicing exceedingly with great joy I get to worship him or are we in different or we take that for granted that is just another service. I don't think they Rejoice exceedingly with great joy to come and bow down and to worship Jesus.

I don't know about you. But as I read this I just realize how far out that we are compared to see how we are to worship Jesus what Jesus really means the US in verse 11 and going. I'm going into the house. They saw the child with Mary his mother and they fell down and worshipped him see the reverence. Next time you worshiping God where they're in your car in your house and your closet at church. Did you really worship? What is their transformation that happen or did your heart's just really connected with his heart or were you just singing songs for singing songs with no connection with the Lord? Here they bowed down and worship him then opening their Treasures. They offered him gifts. The gold frankincense and myrrh, gold that is fitting for a king. When you go see a king. You would bring gold frankincense because Jesus was a priest. That's why you would a priest would use that like in the service. And myrrh. Do you know who you give more to? dead people cuz it was also predicted that Jesus would die for us and that's why we are here and usually when you look at the Magi the wise men they usually show you three because there were three gifts but there's no there's nothing in the Bible that says that there were three wise men came in and then when you look at the Christmas decorations, you see the three Magi where in the manger right there. What does the Bible say there in the first 11? Sorry. I'm going to ruin Christmas for you. You ready or what you love and going into where? into where Oh y'all don't even want to read it cuz you want to keep your saved images of Christmas. Come on. What is it in there and going into the house? Not the stable at this point. If Jesus was not the little baby probably Jesus was 122 years old and that's why you will see as we continue reading the text Harold tried to kill all the kids less than 22 years and under so at this point Jesus had grown up a B12 it says and being warned in a dream not to return to Herod they departed to their own country by another way. They didn't fall into his deceit and inverse 13th. Now when they had departed behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream Said rice take the child and his mother didn't flee to Egypt and remain there until I tell you for hair it is about to search for the child to destroy him and he rose and took the child and his mother by night in the part of Egypt. Got to love Joseph immediately. Obey God just like we learned last Sunday. God spoke Joseph got up and walked and that's the attitude that we need to get as Believers as well when God speaks. We need to move. We need to bust a move and heroes and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remain there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill the Lord. What the Lord has spoken to by the prophet out of Egypt. I called my son all scripture. All those scriptures are found in the Old Testament in Micah 5:2 in Isaiah talks about all those things about Jesus life. That's God's Providence. God everything that happens in life big or small good or evil It's all under God's control the number 16. It says Herod when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise man, they were wise for a reason because they were submitted to the king of King, right? That's true wisdom that the wisdom of the world their wisdom was submitted to God. No, I really wise became Furious and he sent and killed all the mill children in Bethlehem. And in all that region will were two years old or under you got it according to the time that he had a certain from the wise man then was fulfilled. What was spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah a voice was heard in Ramah weeping and Loud lamentation Rachel weeping for her children. She refused to be comforted because they are no more prophecy in Jeremiah. Rachel was one of Jacob's wife. See that was prophesied that evil was going to happen. Why didn't God stop it? See God's Providence. We cannot fully understand. That's why we have to make it to heaven so we can ask him. Okay, but that's God's Providence and then to end the chapter and verse 19 it says. But when Herod died behold on Angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt saying rise take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel for those with said the child's life are dead and he rose and took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. Did you see that immediate obedience again? We can learn a lot from Joseph about obedience. And as our Fame as a church is God rewards obedience. We see that God reward Joseph. But when he heard that are arcadius that was one of herod's son after Harold died three of his son took over in different region to rule over the land. But when he heard that our killius was raining over Judea in in place of his father Herod, he was as wicked as his father 22 He was afraid to go there and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee and he went and live in a city called Nazareth. So that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled that he would be called. What? A Nazarene. You see God's Providence everything happens for a reason both big things and small things both good and evil now three lesson three lessons for us on God's Providence Providence. The first lesson is that Jesus is not simply the king of the Jews but also the savior of the world Jesus is not simply the king of the Jews but also the savior of the world in verse 1 and 2 says now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king the whole wise men from the East. These men were not Jewish people. Become a differently from a different culture Oil and Tire Leaf, but they coming to Jerusalem to worship. The king of King. Jesus is not only for the Jewish Nation. But Jesus is for everyone John 4:42 says they said to the woman it is no longer because of what you said to We Believe what we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the savior of The World God starts with the Jewish Nation, but once everybody from all over the world to be safe. Jesus is not only the king of the Jews but Jesus is the king of kings and Jesus is the savior of the world. Jesus is Lord of lords. And Jesus is forever one. And that's why he died and he came and you see the wise men that came they were not even Jewish. They were the one looking for him. You see that's why I offend you will see a lot of people will being out in the world and then know the difference between the world and what they find in Christ will take their walk with Christ more serious than somebody who has grown up in the church because they really don't know what Ghana save them from. And here those men here, maybe they were the people of Asteria when Daniel was there some Bible scholars believe that they were part of the group when the king had asked to tell them the dream he had and interpret those dreams but none of them killed in Daniel Lannon and and and became like, you know, the chief over all of them. Some people think it's the same group of those people now, they held on to the prophecy of Daniel that Jesus was going to come deers were the ones that actually travel to come and meet the king of kings to Jesus is for everyone because John 3:16 say for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life did it say some people will be says always says woo. Ever ever means we'll ever anyone who would put their trust in God. God will save them. The second lesson see about Providence is that everything about Jesus was foreordained and predicted in the scriptures men's disapproval deception and actions to intervene in the plans of God. Simply will not Prevail. That's a mouthful stayed with me. Everything about Jesus was foreordained and predicted in the scriptures men's disapproval deception and actions to intervene in the plans of God. Simply will not Prevail when Herod and verse 3 When Herod the king heard this he was trouble and all Jerusalem with him. He disapproved of Jesus coming but could not stop Jesus no verse a few tried to deceive and he sent them to Bethlehem saying go and search deliciously for the chow. And when you have found him bring me word that I too may come and worship Him men's deception can not Prevail over God's plan then and were sixteen then when he saw that he had been tricked. By the wise men became serious and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem. And in all that region were two years and under according to the time. He had a certain see men's evil and trying to prevent God's plan will come to pass. See that's that's the devil working in Herre because it says the devil come to kill to steal and to destroy. What is he trying to do? She's trying to destroy God's plan, but that's not going to happen. God's plan always and will always prevail. Look at this look at a contrast between Howard and Jesus number 1 hair and try to preserve his phone at all costs. But at the same time Jesus was willingly left his throne in heaven to come down and rescue us. Remember some 45. We just read your throne o God.

But he left heaven and come down to earth in humility as a baby. What do babies do. They poop.

They cry. They're very dependent on people for everything. That's all. God Jesus king of King decided to come on Earth John 1:1 in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the Word was God God In the Flesh came when you have one trying to hold on to power at all costs while he's still going to leave the power behind because eventually he's going to die but one who had his throne forever decide to live that throwing and come down to earth so that he can say you matter so that he can say I want you to come to my kingdom. I want you to live with me. That's the kind of King that we starve and that's why we need to give him all our adoration all our worship making him the top priority in our life and not fall for the distractions of the culture. you see

second one Herod was very insecure. He eliminated all his competitors even his sons and a wife, but Jesus did not come to compete. Jesus came to say Jesus did not come to compete he came to save the as real leaders in our work our business. That's a lesson for us. We have to compete we serve the king of King when Jesus came to save in to serve its us. We just go and serve because God's Providence right? God will take care of you. God will take care of you and the third lesson compare and contrast we start with Herod and Cheese's is that it was all about what in the forehead. Jim benefits in all that he did. What about herod's Sing Sing Sing To The King?

The Jesus came to give his very own life. to save the world one wants everything for himself, but Jesus just wanted to give

My question for you this morning, who do you want to be your king?

Obviously everybody will say. Keith But my next question for you, are you living your life as if Herod is your king or Jesus?

The Bible says give to Caesar. What is Caesar's but give to God. What is to God? How are you living? Are you living at Heritage your king that I'm going to get all the wealth that I can for myself? Am I giving the culture the priority over everything? Am I over scheduling? My kids were sucker now, he's on Sunday morning that I can skip church because I have to take my kids to soccer. This is so much more important is Jesus your king or is it Herod? Sounds more like Herod.

And we can go in and assess our lives in all the things that we do and we will clearly see was our King. Harrods or Jesus and my admonition for us this morning is that we will choose Jesus as our King. Because this is the kingdom that will last the Bible says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will remain your throne. Will God last forever cheese. Only Jesus strong last forever, you know, whatever thing we get in the Kingdom of this world will not last. Only what we've done for Christ will last let's make sure that we serve the right thing that Harry the Jesus Christ and the last lesson we learned in Providence today is that God has a way of making Supernatural things happen and very natural way of killing. The big lesson for me today. God has a way of making Supernatural things happen in very natural way. See God Specializes is moving things out of your way so that he can take you to where he needs to have you. And a lot of us don't realize that we try to do everything in the world. We tried to do everything in our own strength and we fight for the things that we want, but we don't want to just let go and just obey God. And if we would simply do that, we will see that God making Supernatural things happen for us in very natural ways to show it to you in the tax. And then it's it's way more in different places in the tiger. Just one example in verse 23 says but when he heard that it was raining over Judea in the place of his father hair would he was afraid to go there and being worn in the dream. He reads you to the district of Galilee and he went and live in a city called Nazareth. So he thought that he didn't go to Judea because the King was evil and went to Galilei instead. But why did he go to Galilei instead go to Nazareth? It was already part of God's plan.

But God made it happened so naturally and you would not even realize that it was already prophecy that he went to Nazareth. So that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled that he would be calling as a ring. Is he again? And again God move things out of the way to take us to the place where we need to be that's the message in a nutshell just like God orchestrated everything about Jesus life. He will do the same for you to he will move things out of your way to take you to your next steps and ultimately Your Divine destiny. Simply obey God because the Bible says our steps are ordered by him. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:7 says seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into Exile and I know a lot of people living in the Delta they feel like they are in Exile. They don't want to do anything productive. I'm just waiting for my next exit now. I'm just waiting. I'm just working my plan. Let me get out of this place move to Memphis move to Jackson move out of state. But while you here, you just have a renter's mindset. Let me just do whatever I can do to get by never committed to anything never invested in frames for long-term never invested into your church family like to be really a real church family never invested into the community that it will be your home. But instead you have a renters mindset. I'm ready to get out of here. But Jesus says you need to seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into Exile. It does not about your feelings. It says pray to the Lord on its behalf. You pray for your city for in your city's welfare. You will find your welfare. See that's the way the kingdom of God works whenever you just self-centered you just all in our self and nothing works for you. But when you let go you obey God than all of a sudden because you start obeying God you start taking steps of faith and all of a sudden all your needs are being met. That's what I'm for Hallelujah father. Thank you for your word this morning that you helped each one of us Lord God to obey you to obey you and no father you reward obedience when we obey you act the father help us to stop. Getting all stressed out trying to do everything on our own and just going crazy being over. We're being a working too much Lord God on the problems that we face but instead help us Lord to start giving it all to you and knowing that you will work it all out for our good. This is what you specialized in the father. I pray for each one of us here that you would help us Lord to trust you and to obey and enlarged got embrace the small things and the big things in our life embrace the good things in our life and the things we hang the things that brings pain that hurts but in that moment load God help us to rest on you reflect on your word.

believe what your word says

give it all to you in prayer. knowing that you are in control and you will work it all out for our

God will work it out. God will work it out one thing. I know God will work it out.

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