John 20: Jesus’ Resurrection

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Megan Hutchinson....teaching leader....
For those of you who have been a part of our class this year. Mark your calendars for May 8 for our class sharing day!
If you have never been to a BSF Sharing day- you do not want to miss it..
Just some quick logistics…There will be NO BSF KIDS OR BSF STUDENT PROGRAM THAT DAY.
So, if you have children in our Preschool program, so kindergarten and younger, you are welcome bring them to sharing day.
However, do to the privacy and confidentiality of women who are sharing, please make other arrangements for children in our student program, so first grade and beyond for that time.
the purpose of this day is to give glory to God and worship him together for all he has done in and through our study of John this year.
I hope that you are making plans to join us for Sharing Day!
If this is your first time and you are visiting with us for the mini study- welcome.
We have 1 more week of our mini study- so please continue to invite your friends to come and see what BSF is all about!
if you are visiting today, you are welcome to visit next week as well- but if you brought children today- they can only come 1 time as a visitor so please make other arrangements for them for next week.
Also- to maintain the privacy of the women in our groups, only young lap babies can stay with you during discussion group so if you do not have additional childcare we would ask that you stay register for Revelation and pray with us that God would provide a spot for every woman and child to be able to have a place to study with us next year.
Speaking of next year…while the study of John ends in just a few weeks…in September- we will come together again and begin our study through the book of Revelation.
So today- I want to invite our student program supervisor- Hannah Martell and our preschool program supervisor- Ashley Conrad to come up and tell you a little bit more about what Revelation is going to look like with our students and children next year.
if you are new and interested in registering for next year you can do so at and just search for our class here at Kenwood or another class in our area or…our admin. team will be at the table at the back after lecture and they would be more than happy to help you register.
Please know if you are registering children, their registration is not complete until a parental permission form is signed which can also be found on
and with that…let’s pray.
Let’s Pray.
I. Introduction
alright…time for a game..
What do:
Frosty the Snowman
Captain America‌
Harry Potter‌
Snow White‌
and Jesus
all have in common?
They were all resurrected…
…One article says this: “There's nothing like a good resurrection scene to toy with the emotions of a movie audience. We all love a good happy ending, especially when it involves a beloved character returning from the dead…
Filmmakers love to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions…and nothing gets your emotions going like a character you love dying…but then…PLOT TWIST…the miraculous happens and they are brought back to life…
and thanks to this…each and every one of us in this room..lives with Resurrection Amnesia…
we here that Jesus IS ALIVE..HE IS RISEN..and we go..ok..yea..I know..
It causes us to read the story of Lazarus or Jesus and put it on the same level of Snow White and Captain America.
So why is the resurrection plot line so popular?
Because at some level- we all know- that death is not natural…even on a movie screen with totally fake characters we find ourselves unsettled when death occurs.
Today we come to Jesus’ resurrection.
but this isn’t a movie.
This isn’t pretend.
I want you- before we get started- to separate yourself from the idea that this is a fairy tale.
This is real.
Jesus is alive.
and His resurrection empowers believers to live differently.
Jesus’ resurrection changes everything.
So we are going to look at Jesus’ resurrection in John 20 in 3 sections:
Proof: 20: 1-10
Power 20:11-23
and then we will see that his resurrection is
Personal 20:24-31
Get out Bible’s/apps
II. 1-10: PROOF
Transition: In vs’s 1-10 God provides the proof of the resurrection allowing the scene to go from Chaos…to confirmation…
a. 1-2: Chaos
so let’s first look at the chaos in vs’s 1-2
vs 1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.
So here is Mary Magdalene headed to the tomb.
So it’s Sunday morning..Sabbath has ended..
Just 3 days earlier Mary had watched Jesus die a horrific death…she had watched him be beaten, humiliated…and nailed to a cross…
She knew his body had been taken down…
covered with grave clothes.
and then placed and sealed in a tomb…
but it was Sabbath…God’s law required them to rest..
and for Mary and Jesus’ followers- that Sabbath would have been filled with grief.
Grieving can feel overwhelming…exhausting even..
If you have ever lost someone…you know that pain…you know that feeling.
For Mary and the disciples along with pain came fear.
Fear of the Jewish authorities- they had murdered Jesus, would they be next?
Speaking of next..what was next for them…Jesus was gone..what now? where do they go?
They had given up their lives for Him? Was it all for nothing?
So many questions must have been looming in their minds…
So Mary goes to the tomb at the first possible opportunity and the stone that had covered the entrance to the tomb had been moved aside.
So Mary- who just got to the tomb- starts on what would be her 1st of SEVERAL cross country runs of the day…
vs 2…2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first.
So the other disciple is most likely John.
Who- is apparently the superior athlete- as he arrives first.
Mary’s running..John’s running…Peter is running.
Why is everyone running?
because they are CONFUSED!
something was off..
this was unexpected..and just like for us today..
Unexpected situations often cause us, like the disciples and Mary- to be confused…and in our confusion..we often react.
We get anxious….moving fast…chaotically searching for answers.
We might not physically get up and run today- but we run to our phones…to the doctor…we find an expert in the field
we want answers and we want them now.
because we believe and at some level we know…that truth brings calm to chaos.
they are running because they searching for truth.
and that is exactly what they find.
b. 5-10: Confirmed
Transition: in the middle of their confusion and chaos…in vs’s 5-10- God provides confirmation of Jesus’ resurrection.
So John here is taking.. the…. cautious approach.
Chilling outside..assessing the situation.
Then BOOM…sometime later…in comes Peter…in classic impulsive Peter fashion and just storms right into the tomb.
so Peter looks around…he sees the strips of linen….the cloth wrapped around Jesus’ head..similar to what Lazarus had in John 11…totally undisturbed.
as if the body just vanished.
So John- feeling real confident it’s safe thanks to Peter taking the plunge first..also enters the tomb.
he sees the grave clothes…
and in vs. 8…He believes.
but what does he believe exactly?
We know that John already believed that Jesus was the Messiah…the Son of God.
but in vs 9- John interrupts his narrative- pops his head in and says
oh hello. me John..umm..yea the disciples…we didn’t get it.
We didn’t get that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
But in that moment…as John looked at the grave clothes- lying undisturbed as if someone had just floated out of them…
it all made sense…
the word for “saw” in vs 8 in Greek is orao which means “to see with understanding”…
and in that moment John became the first person to BELIEVE in Jesus’ resurrection.
Did he have all his questions answered in that moment?
Absolutely not!
But he knew that the one with all the answers was ALIVE…just like he had promised.
and that was enough.
Remember- John had seen grave clothes just the week before in John 11 when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
but when Lazarus walked out of the grave he still wearing his grave clothes.
Because he wasn’t done with them. Poor Lazarus would die again.
but Jesus was alive..forever…it was finished.
The angels did not roll the stone away so that Jesus could get out but so that John and Peter could get in…
they moved it…to show that Jesus was in fact THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE…just like he said.
Principle: God gives sufficient proof to believe.
How can the proof of the resurrection bring calm to your chaos right now?
Where in life are you frantically searching for answers?
If God gave us the “why” to EVERY circumstance we face- we would be exhausted and constantly filled with information overload..
if you have spent 5 minutes on google you know this….
instead..he says trust me..LOOK at what I have already done…
You may not have the answers to the WHY of all the unexpected situations going on in your life today.
But because of Christ’s resurrection -you can trust that God has given you everything you need to believe in Him.
it’s all right here (hold up Bible)..God has given you everything you need in His word..
and let the truth and proof of Christ’s resurrection bring calm to your chaos today.
III. 11-23: POWER
Transition: As we move into vs 11-23 we are going to see that Jesus’ Resurrection has the POWER to give you a new position and a new proclamation…
a. 11-18-New position
starting in vs 11. 11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
So Mary is back at the tomb…
So John- has this massive Revelation that Jesus is alive and apparently FORGETS to tell Mary…
so here she is..still grieving…
in fact, the word for wept here is a deep sobbing and wailing…
So- taking John’s approach..she cautiously looks into the tomb but doesnt go in….and she sees two angels inside.
now- there is no indication here that Mary knew at that moment that they were angels…
remember..she is sobbing…
so they ask her- why are you crying?
This was meant to be a compassionate question….
They knew why she was crying…but they also knew that there was no need for her tears…
so Mary turns around- and there is another man.
This time it is Jesus- But Mary is so overcome with grief that she doesn’t recognize him.
If you have ever grieved the loss of someone close- you know that grief can mess with you….it can cause you not to think or see things clearly…
Several years ago I can remember grieving deeply to the point where I couldn’t even make a simple decision- and a dear friend came alongside me and just started making decisions for me…she was patient with me…loving and compassionate…
and similarly…Jesus does not rebuke Mary for her tears or her worry…he is patient..loving..and kind..
Jesus knew that what she needed most in that moment…was Him..
she thought she wanted to know where his body was…
who had taken it and all the details surrounding it.
but Jesus knew.. that once she had Him…none of that mattered…
so he doesn’t answer her question.
he simply says one word.
and in an instant…she knows EXACTLY who he is.
Because Jesus the good shepherd promised that his sheep would know his voice….
Mary knows the voice of her shepherd when he speaks…his voice is personal, and intimate…a reminder of the relationship that she had with him.
so Mary grabs on to Him and Jesus says don’t hold on to me…
While we don’t fully understand all of what Jesus means here- what we do know is that Jesus’ relationship with his followers was changing.
Mary was clinging to his physical body which was going away..
she needed to understand that and begin to operate out of their new relationship.
The one that was now possible BECAUSE of his RESURRECTION.
Because of the resurrection- Her position before Jesus and before God had changed.
and now…Jesus wants her to GO and tell the disciples about their new position…listen to what he says at the end of 17, he says…
17 …GO instead to my BROTHERS and TELL them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”
Do you see the change in relationship?
this is the first time in scripture that Jesus refers to the disciples as MY BROTHERS…and the first time that God is referred to not just as Jesus’ Father…but as THEIR FATHER.
They were family.
and because of his death and resurrection….His Father was now, their Father..his God, was their God.
in John 1, John said that to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
you can’t just decide to change families and take the inheritance of someone else.
It requires a judge…someone with the POWER to make that happen..
Jesus’ resurrection has that power- to bring you in- to give you the inheritance as God’s child.
That’s the power of the resurrection…
Restored relationship. a new position. a new family. and new life with Christ forever.
and Mary- who not only gets the honor of being the very first person Jesus reveals himself to physically after the resurrection also gets to be the first one to GO and tell the news.
So- off she goes- again- on another cross country run to the disciples…
but this time…there is no panic or confusion…just joy…
as she tells them in vs. 18 “I have seen the Lord!”
b. 19-23- New proclamation
and now…with the new position as a part of God’s family established…Jesus gives his disciples a new proclamation…
So in vs’s 19-20- the disciples are hiding- still afraid…John and Peter have returned…John has believed….Mary has told them the good news…
but they are not out spreading the news to anyone…instead…they are paralyzed be fear. locked in a room…
so Jesus..steps into their fear..and what does he bring..
he told them in John 14…he said “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your hearts be troubled..….
again…he is bringing calm to their chaos..peace to their fearful and frantic souls…a peace that only he could give…
so then he gives them a moment to take it in…their hearts are filled with joy as he shows them his hands and his side where he was pierced…
but..while they are filled with joy they are also apparently still freaking out because again, in vs. 21 he says again…
Peace be with you…
and with that…he commissions them…
it’s like before a sporting event when the team gathers in close to the coach before the…
they are in their huddle..and Jesus says in vs 21
vs 21…As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
Jesus’ breath on his disciples takes us back to Genesis 2:7 when God breathed LIFE into mankind….and here Jesus is BREATHING LIFE into their ministry..…
what a comfort for them!
They are hiding- scared out of their minds…
and Jesus says- I’VE GOT YOU.
I haven’t left you or forgotten fact…I am sending you…
but not on your own…I am giving you part of myself…The Holy Spirit…he does the equipping..he is the one with the power…you don’t need to be afraid…
and later in Acts 2, the full power of the Holy Spirit would come on them…the focus here is the breath- the life giving power of Jesus’ resurrection..the commissioning of their ministry..
this is the beginning of something new.
Jesus is speaking and literally breathing life into them…
and then he sends them….giving them a new proclamation…a new message…
The disciples job was to carry the message of Christ to all…
Jesus is not giving them the power to forgive..THAT IS HIS POWER…HE ALREADY DID THAT.
but by putting HIS SPIRIT IN THEM he is entrusting them with the power to PROCLAIM forgiveness-the power to PROCLAIM the gospel.
He is giving them the authority to declare that the sins of those who believe in HIM were forgiven BECAUSE of HIS finished work on the cross..and because of his resurrection.
The message of Jesus’ resurrection is a matter of life and death and here Jesus entrusts this message to his disciples…he empowers them..
so that…they can GO OUT of the locked room in full confidence…proclaiming the gospel…knowing that WHATEVER HAPPENS…he is with them..and no one can take that away from them.
Principle: Jesus’ resurrection empowers believers to boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel.
How are you living with Christ’s resurrection power today?
Are you boldly proclaiming the truth of the gospel?
Or are you living in fear- locked up in a room, hiding away?
Maybe you aren’t physically locked in a room- but you keep the good news of Jesus to yourself…
the news that. ..Christ is risen. Your sins are forgiven. death has been defeated..and in him there is life..
this is good news..
the best news…life or death news…
Who in your life needs this truth today? Will you tell them?
Transition: Finally, in vs’s 24-31 John shows us that Jesus’ resurrection gives personal belief…and purpose in life…
So Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus appeared to them.
We don’t know where Thomas was other than that he was NOT there.
so he missed Jesus’ appearance to the disciples..
in vs 25 it says that the other disciples told him…and the verb for “told” here implies a continuous telling.
in other words…over and over again they told Thomas what they had seen…
as the disciples tried to convince him that Jesus really was alive..
But instead of listening to their words…Thomas doubts.
Let’s not forget that Thomas was grieving the loss of of his friend…
it’s almost like Thomas is saying…nope..I cannot let myself go there..
He loved Jesus.
He missed Jesus.
He was afraid to believe.
Afraid to hope.
afraid of getting hurt.
and Jesus knew that.
and just like Jesus did with Mary and the disciples…Jesus hears his struggle…and he meets him right where he is.
Thomas didn’t fake his faith..he wasn’t afraid to say…I’M STRUGGLING WITH THIS…
one pastor called him honest Thomas instead of doubting Thomas
and because of his honesty…Jesus was able to say…I know..
Here I am.
he doesn’t rebuke Thomas for his doubt.
instead…he gives him WHAT HE NEEDED to believe.
Jesus doesn’t feel obligated to meet Thomas’s list of demands here….
The reality is…there was enough proof of his resurrection.
Jesus could have know what Thomas…I’ve given you all that you need.
But our God gives abundantly…he is compassionate and kind..
he tenderly and personally met him where he was.
so here is Jesus…standing before Thomas..
he shows him his hands and his side…
and Thomas cries out…MY LORD AND MY GOD…
One commentator said that “Thomas may have been slow to believe but he was not slow to grasp the implications of Christ’s resurrection.”
What about you…have you grasped the implications of Jesus’ resurrection?
in vs 29 Jesus then tells him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Ladies- if you have believed…then Jesus is talking about you here.
You are blessed for believing without having seen the resurrected Jesus standing in front of you.
If you are struggling with doubt today know that Jesus is not surprised by your questions..he isn’t surprised with your struggle.
Take it to him…be honest about your doubts and fears…
What grief, fear, questions, or doubts do you need to take to your resurrected Lord today?
one author said that the story of Thomas is less about the story of doubting Thomas and more the story of the reassuring Jesus.”
Take your doubts to Jesus, let him speak to you through his word…
and As you encounter the resurrected Christ, let His presence empower you to overcome your grief, fears, questions, and doubts.
He longs for you to believe…for you to have faith and confidence in Him..because he knows that in life.
b. 30-31-PURPOSE in Life
Transition: and that brings us to our final 2 verses were we see that Jesus’ resurrection brings purpose in LIFE.
30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
These last 2 verses sort of sum up the entire book of John.
you can sort of think of next week, chapter 21 as the epilogue to the book.
Jesus did so much- but as we have seen- John was intentional about everything he said..and everything he didn’t say…
Every detail…every story…every word..was meant to point you to personal belief in Jesus…to belief in his life…death…and most importantly…his resurrection.
and because of Jesus’ resurrection
you can live differently…your life has meaning and purpose beyond the here and now.
Belief in the resurrection gives you life…
but it also, changes your life.
it changes the way you live on a day to day basis.
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead- then we might as well all go home and live it up.
In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says- if Christ isn’t resurrected and the dead are not raised to life…then “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”
If he didn’t rise from the dead- then the only person you need to worry about is…you..everyone else is just in your way.
But because he is alive…if you belong to Him…
then you can live differently.
you can live with hope that he is coming back again..
and you can l knowing that you will have eternal life with him forever..
Principle: Jesus’ resurrection gives believers purpose in life.
How has the resurrection changed given you purpose in life?
How does it impact that choices that you make every?
The things you say “yes” to and the things you say “no” to.
Because of the resurrection- your life matters..what you do matters…how you live matters!
Maybe your life doesn’t look like what you had hoped?
and you feel lost..hopeless…and wondering..what’s the point.
Friend…Your life is not meaningless. Jesus came and died to have a PERSONAL relationship with you.
To give you purpose…
Jesus’ resurrection is about bringing the dead to life..
He brings your dead hopes..and dead dreams…and he creates new purpose..and new meaning in Him…
Jesus’ resurrection is not meant to just be something you celebrate on Easter and then come back to again in a year.
It’s meant to give you life..and change your life…every single day.
Christ has victory over death.
If you have believed in Christ…
then live experiencing Jesus’s resurrected life today and anticipating His glorious presence for all eternity. Let’s Pray.
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