Untitled Sermon (3)
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Grace and peace to you this morning—good morning and welcome as we gather together to worship the Lord. If you are a guest or a first time visitor, we want to especially welcome you. We have a welcome gift for you at the welcome center in the narthex on your way out after service and we would love to connect with you, we invite you to fill out one of those red cards in front of you and put it in the offering, or scan the QR code inside the bulletin.
I’m glad today to be able to share a few things that are happening in the life of our church community. First is a reminder that today begins the first week of our three-week Spring New Member’s Course here at Fremont. If you are interested in becoming a member of the church or just want to find out more about what that means, I would encourage you to join us for this course today at noon in Geneva Room.
A quick reminder that next Sunday is a Congregational Meeting at 10am between services. At that meeting we will be voting as a congregation to approve the members of the Senior Pastor Search Team, an important step in our process of finding a senior pastor for our church. We do encourage you to attend.
Finally, our annual VBS is rapidly approaching, the 4th week of June, and it is one of best opportunities we have to share the gospel with kids and families in our community. I’m going to invite up Christine Perales—a faithful Sunday school and VBS volunteer—to share about her own experience volunteering in this ministry.
Christine, tell us about your history with VBS? How many times have you served and how has that experience been meaningful for you?
Why VBS? What makes this week in June valuable? What’s your favorite thing about?
OK, last question—what would you say to someone who is considering volunteering at VBS for the first time?
You can volunteer on the church website, or in the Friday Newsletter, or fill out one of those green cards in front of you and write: VBS on it. Get it in the offering plate and Debbie will connect with you. This is meant as an invitation to an important and exciting part of the life of church.