1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel (Jr High)   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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“Israel request a King”

1. (V1) Samuels sons were greedy and corrupt

Sound familiar? (Remember Eli’s sons?)
a) Samuel was one of the godliest men in the entire Bible. Yet his action here may be a sin on his part. We never have the pattern of judges being appointed by men or of the office of judge being passed from father to son. Samuel was not right to appoint his sons judges over Israel.
His sons did not walk in his ways: This was why Samuel was wrong to appoint his sons as judges over Israel. Samuel probably could not look objectively at his sons. He excused sins in them that he saw in others.

2. (V5) Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations

a) There was a difference between a king and a judge.
A judge was a leader raised up by God, usually to meet a specific need in a time of crisis. When the crisis was over usually the judge went back to doing what he did before. A king not only held his office as king as long as he lived, he also passed his throne down to his descendants.
This was predicted in (Duet 17:14-20)
b) They wanted to be like other nations
This was a problem because God has called his children to be set apart or different from the rest of the nations
The same thing happens today, as Christians want to live as close to the fire as possible without getting burnt. (Meaning we want the guarantee of not going to hell, but still wish to participate in the things we ought not to do)

3. (V6) Samuel was displeased with their request

a) He went to the Lord for guidance and the Lord answered (Give them what they want)
The Lord points out, they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting Me

4. (V7) God is their deliver and yet the people continue to abandoned Him and follow after other gods.

a) I believe God seeks loyalty from His children
The story of Job, “Satan said the only reason he serves you is because of what you give him”
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