Galatians 1:6-10
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Review & Overview
Review & Overview
1. Previous Study’s Review
1. Previous Study’s Review
Who wrote it: there is little to no dispute over the fact that Paul penned this epistle...
Whom it was written to: vs.2b, Churches in Galatia, modern day Turkey 2 thoughts:
What: Key theme: Justification by faith & Liberty from legalism… key verse: 5:1.
Why it was written: like most of Paul’s letters he is writing to correct problems it the church.
There those who were called Judaizers who were coming into the church:
They Discredited Paul’s Authority… much like we saw in 2 Cor.
They Added Works to Salvation… & followed the Mosaic law, circumcision…
They Added Works to Sanctification… Galatianism, this is an issue dear to my heart… putting a heavy trip on believers thinking that the more I do... the more I’ll become…
2. Entire Book Overview
2. Entire Book Overview
How is the book divided: 3 simple sections... & they all involve & revolve around Grace…
Preservation, Explanation, Application
The Preservation of the Gospel of Grace Ch. 1-2
The Explanation of the Gospel of Grace Ch. 3-4
The Application of the Gospel of Grace Ch. 5-6
3. Current Study’s Overview
3. Current Study’s Overview
Today we begin the section: The Preservation of the Gospel of Grace.
In this section we are going to look at several ways how Paul preserves the Gospel of Grace or how he defends the Gospel of Grace.
Today we see Paul preserve the Gospel of Grace by dealing with the Galatians departure to a different Gospel.
Paul deals with their departure in several ways:
Paul Marvels at the Galatian’s Departure Vs. 6-7
Paul’s Command Regarding the Galatian’s Departure Vs. 8-9
1. Paul Marvels at the Galatian’s Departure Vs. 6-7
1. Paul Marvels at the Galatian’s Departure Vs. 6-7
1.1 Their Departure Involves Vs. 6-7a
1.1 Their Departure Involves Vs. 6-7a
Paul’s reaction of marveling indicates a deep emotional connection with the Galatians.
This shows us the pastoral heart of Paul, not just reacting to doctrinal error but feeling deeply grieved by the spiritual welfare of the Galatians.
It's an example of how church leaders should feel and respond when their flock strays.
They were not only turning or departing from the God of Grace... but the Grace of God…
To a different Gospel that is not another Gospel at all... because there is only one true Gospel...
Paul marveled that they turned from the one & only true Gospel... to works, legalism, bondage...
ILLUSTRATION: Talk about how crazy it is when I see or hear people going form Christianity to anything else.
Talk about how why would they do that! Talk about the differences between christianity and anything else.
Personal and Corporate Implications - Their departure from the gospel isn't just personal but has communal ramifications.
Understand when individuals within a community turn from the true Gospel to another, it disrupts unity and spiritual health.
APPLICATION: It is important! That we as a group keep sound doctrinal purity not only for personal faith but for the health of the entire church community.
When it comes to essential doctrines.
Talk about 1 Cor 15
33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” 34 Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.
ILLUSTRATION: Imagine you are aboard a large ship on a voyage across the ocean. This ship, a sturdy and well-designed vessel, represents the Church, and its navigational charts and compass represent the Gospel—the true Gospel of Grace that Paul speaks about.
As the journey progresses, a few influential passengers start questioning the accuracy of the ship’s navigational tools.
They suggest that using a different set of charts—ones they've crafted based on their understanding and preferences—would offer a quicker or more exciting route.
They convince others to join them, and soon there is a significant group insisting on this new direction.
Initially, the change seems small; the ship veers only slightly off course.
However, as time passes, this minor deviation leads to major consequences. The ship strays far from its original destination.
The new route, which promised excitement and efficiency, instead leads into treacherous waters, putting everyone aboard at risk.
The unity of the passengers breaks down into factions, with arguments and distrust replacing the camaraderie and shared purpose they once enjoyed.
APPLICATION: And that is what happens in a church community when core gospel truths are abandoned for 'different' gospels that seem appealing but are fundamentally flawed.
The shift might begin with just a few, but the impact can permeate the entire community, leading the whole church away from the safety and truth of the Gospel of Grace.
Just like the passengers on the ship who initially thought a small change in course was harmless, church members might not see the danger of deviating from the gospel until serious consequences begin to surface.
APPLICATION: By adhering strictly to the true navigational tools—the unaltered Gospel of Christ—we maintain our course and ensure the safety and spiritual health of not just ourselves but the entire church.
This is why, as Paul so urgently reminds us, it is crucial to safeguard the purity of the gospel, for the well-being of each believer and for the collective journey of the Church towards its heavenly destination.
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
1.2 Their Trouble vs.7b
1.2 Their Trouble vs.7b
They turned from God’s grace which brings peace… to man’s works, which brings trouble...
I marvel at believers who turn from the Grace of God to Works… they fall into the more syndrome… thinking the more I do the more I’ll grow, the holier I’ll become...
Listen, it’s all about God’s Grace, not only for eternal life... but for every moment of everyday in life…
16 And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
5 Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name,
2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And you, The ‘More’ Syndrome: Can manifest in a church setting—with more programs, more activities, more metrics of success—all potentially leading away from the simplicity and purity of the gospel.
We don’t need anything of that, because the power is in the Gospel message!
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
2. Paul’s Command Regarding the Galatians Departure Vs. 8-9
2. Paul’s Command Regarding the Galatians Departure Vs. 8-9
Talk about Angels mormons muslims etc…
The Gospel of Grace is greater than Paul… The Gospel of Grace is greater than the Angles…
Paul’s command toward those who preach another Gospel is Destruction…
They are to be accursed: anathema, doomed for all of time & eternity…
15 “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
And Paul makes it very clear in vs.10 he is saying all of this to please God... not Man…
Grace is truly Proclaimed in Paul’s Preaching...
And the question for us is simple... have you received the Grace of God for eternal life...