The One Gospel

The Gospel of God (Romans)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:44
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The word "Gospel" means momentous, life-altering news. Right from the start, we read that Paul was an apostle that is set apart for this Gospel of God - momentous, life-altering news from God. This Gospel has been promised by God in the Old Testament through the many prophets that he has sent. This means that it is not Plan B for God, but rather that it has been in God's mind since the beginning. This Gospel is also about a real historical person and event that happened 2000 years ago - God the Son becoming the man Jesus, who lived a sinless life so that he could die for his people and redeem them. Through his resurrection, the Gospel is that Jesus is now crowned as Lord over all of creation. This news does not only have earthly significance, but it was eternal significance for all of creation. As we embark on this new journey through Romans, what is your response to this call of the Gospel?

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