Fourth Sunday of Easter (2)
Objective and subjective
one and many
hard and soft
As God is Trinity so reflect His creation
objectivity and subjective
can’t toss one other
Rejecting one misunderstanding of Church teaching, today particular
One shepherd one flock
there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved
How to understand
society focused relative
we like our extremes, and out goes the objective baby with the bathwater
keep softer, relational, feminine
…and most imp..personal (as the Trinity is personal)
but if read all thru relative, these lines of Christ and Acts are scandalous
what of the poor individual?
what of those never heard of Christ?
what those misunderstand Christ but seek goodness?
on otherhand, if focus just on objective to exclusion of relative, make these same misinterpretation, but like it.
the answer is to read realitiy like the Trinity, its both and
one and many
objective and relative
Dont take my word for it
hear what Church says from CCC
look at what is more unpalatible (objective) today then what more palatable (relative)
Hard (objective)
read 846
Christ didn’t just come to show A way He is the Way, and only Way
only God Himself can pay cost of sin
He only did that once on cross
we all have one god, no matter how atheistic we are
something we consider our good in life
shades and colors everything
be it personal pleasure
can only be 1 good
to be different is to lack something, but good lacks nothing
so if God is not our good, our god, then we ourselves reject goodness and therefore lack having Goodness which is a synonym for our salvation
There can be only one, and the objective can not be set aside
Soft (subjective)
yet we hear
God wishes none to be lost
has sheep not visibly in the fold
and promises all who seek find
read 847-848
any moral standard, guilty requires knowledge and deliberate
often guilty for our own ignorance,
but how could we know who is guilty or not
damnation not certain just VISIBLY outside
but since those who seek find
red flag if someone is not VISIBLY in the Church, but not a guarantee
nevertheless, guilt is relative to our life and circumstances
However, do not gamble on something so important! We arent very good at telling how bad or good we are
we very easily excuse and blind ourselves where there is no excuse.
our life reveals who our god is, and our big relative question is ‘who do YOU personally say Christ is’?
how we answer has more to do with a good or bad will than what we know
Hold the objective and relative in right tension, both are of the Trinity
One shepherd, one flock, only thru Christ is salvation
but there could sometimes be sheep other than the ones seen who unknowingly are united with the Church
and some who seem to be in the flock are really wolves in disguise
Seek the Good with all your heart and you will, in the end, find Christ.
directed as servant
shepherd flees from wolf b/c pay
pay: ‘honors’, comforts, literal money
basically if just this, will not risk those things or even more, own hide,
St. Gregory says above
God or devil
as I know Father and Father knows me
one flock one shepherd
Better to take refuge in the LORD than to put one’s trust in mortals Better to take refuge in the LORD than to put one’s trust in princes.
CCC 846 no salvation outside of the Church
one flock one shepherd
act 10:34.
I have other sheep (his already) need to bring in
‘my sheep know me’ but ive foudn no Church father yet who doesnt just use this for Gentiles