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1 Sam 17

Here we have the story of David and Goliath. This story title is often used to illustrate a big guy vs the little guy scenario.
It’s a story typically known by the saved and the unsaved. But do we truly know all the ins and outs of the story.
It’s not just a story about a young boy taking on a giant man.
It’s about obedience.
It’s about faith.
It’s about confidence
Before we come to this particular account in the Bible, David had been anointed by Samuel to be the next king, taking Saul’s place.
The Israelites had once defeated the Philistines but now here they are, back again, challenging and taunting the children of Israel, God’s chosen people.
And even though David had been anointed the next king, he was back tending his father’s sheep. Just because you’ve been anointed, it doesn’t mean you will fulfill that position immediately.
Sometimes God has to move some things, rearrange some things, get rid of some things and change some things to prepare for you to do what you’ve been called to do.
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