PhP 4
alway—even amidst the afflictions now distressing you (Php 1:28–30).
again—as he had already said, “Rejoice” (Php 3:1). Joy is the predominant feature of the Epistle.
I say—Greek, rather, “I will say.”
Translate, “Be anxious about nothing.” Care and prayer are as mutually opposed as fire and water [BENGEL].
by prayer and supplication—Greek, “by the prayer and the supplication” appropriate to each case [ALFORD]. Prayer for blessings; and the general term. Supplication, to avert ills; a special term, suppliant entreaty (see on Eph 6:18).
thanksgiving—for every event, prosperity and affliction alike (1 Th 5:18; Jam 5:13). The Philippians might remember Paul’s example at Philippi when in the innermost prison (Ac 16:25). Thanksgiving gives effect to prayer (2 Ch 20:21), and frees from anxious carefulness by making all God’s dealings matter for praise, not merely for resignation, much less murmuring. “Peace” is the companion of “thanksgiving” (Php 4:7; Col 3:15).
let your requests be made known unto God—with generous, filial, unreserved confidence; not keeping aught back, as too great, or else too small, to bring before God, though you might feel so as to your fellow men. So Jacob, when fearing Esau (Ge 32:9–12); Hezekiah fearing Sennacherib (2 Ki 19:14; Ps 37:5).
Summary of all his exhortations as to relative duties, whether as children or parents, husbands or wives, friends, neighbors, men in the intercourse of the world, &c.
true—sincere, in words.
honest—Old English for “seemly,” namely, in action; literally, grave, dignified.
just—towards others.
pure—“chaste,” in relation to ourselves.
lovely—lovable (compare Mk 10:21; Lu 7:4, 5).
of good report—referring to the absent (Php 1:27); as “lovely” refers to what is lovable face to face.
if there be any virtue—“whatever virtue there is” [ALFORD]. “Virtue,” the standing word in heathen ethics, is found once only in Paul’s Epistles, and once in Peter’s (2 Pe 1:5); and this in uses different from those in heathen authors. It is a term rather earthly and human, as compared with the names of the spiritual graces which Christianity imparts; hence the rarity of its occurrence in the New Testament. Piety and true morality are inseparable. Piety is love with its face towards God; morality is love with its face towards man. Despise not anything that is good in itself; only let it keep its due place.
praise—whatever is praiseworthy; not that Christians should make man’s praise their aim (compare Jn 12:43); but they should live so as to deserve men’s praise.
think on—have a continual regard to, so as to “do” these things (Php 4:9) whenever the occasion arises.
both—rather, “The things also which ye have learned … these practice”; the things which besides recommending them in words, have been also recommended by my example, carry into practice.
heard—though ye have not yet sufficiently “received” them.
seen—though ye have not as yet sufficiently “learned” them [BENGEL].
and—“and then,” as the necessary result (Php 4:7). Not only “the peace of God,” but “the God of peace” Himself “shall be with you.”
But—transitional conjunction. But “now” to pass to another subject.
in the Lord—He views everything with reference to Christ.
at the last—“at last”; implying he was expecting their gift, not from a selfish view, but as a “fruit” of their faith, and to “abound” to their account (Php 4:11, 17). Though long in coming, owing to Epaphroditus’ sickness and other delays, he does not imply their gift was too late.
your care … hath flourished again—Greek, “Ye have flourished again (revived, as trees sprouting forth again in spring) in your care for me.”
wherein ye were also careful—in respect to which (revival, namely, the sending of a supply to me) “ye were also (all along) careful, but ye lacked opportunity”; whether from want of means or want of a messenger. Your “lack of service” (Php 2:30), was owing to your having “lacked opportunity.”
I have learned—The I in Greek is emphatical. I leave it to others if they will, to be discontented. I, for my part, have learned, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, and the dealings of Providence (Heb 5:8), to be content in every state.
content—The Greek, literally expresses “independent of others, and having sufficiency in one’s self.” But Christianity has raised the term above the haughty self-sufficiency of the heathen Stoic to the contentment of the Christian, whose sufficiency is not in self, but in God (2 Co 3:5; 1 Ti 6:6, 8; Heb 13:5; compare Je 2:36; 45:5).