Hear Where you are Going
We are still talking about running after all these months!
My prayer is that, as you dive into the Word of God, you are beginning to feel more prepared for what lies ahead: your race - your life
Last week we talked about how our good God provides a light for our feet and path so we don’t get tripped up.
God doesn’t tell us the 10 commandments and then say ready, set, go! Good luck figuring it all out and see you at the end of the race. Thank God
He offers to walk with us, to illuminate the path but it only works if we take Him up on His offer.
Last week I asked you to make a commitment to read your Bibles, to get to know God better, to invite Him to walk with you and light up your path every day.
God has really thought this thing thru and is wanting to set you up for success. Tonight we are going to talk about another way God is trying to help us thru life
Like the light we see, it involves another one of our senses
See, hear, taste, touch, smell
We are going to talk about Hearing where we are going.
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Let’s also look at John 10:28
28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
What do you observe?
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Who are the sheep?
Who are the sheep listening to?
What is a shepherd?
leader, care-giver
John chapter 10 is titled “The Good Shepherd and His Sheep”
Jesus is talking to the Pharisees
He talks about entering the sheep pen only 1 way - thru the gate in verse 1
Climbing over the fence doesn’t count - that is what robbers do
He talks about being the gate in verse 7 - Jesus is the only way - salvation only comes thru Jesus - inviting Him into your life!
He talks about giving His life for the sheep in verse 15 - foreshadowing his death
In verse 16 He talks about going out and finding more sheep that will listen to His voice
So, How do we Hear Jesus?
True followers of Jesus recognize and obey His voice and follow His Direction
They learn to recognize His voice cuz they spend time communicating with God and listening to Him
Do this thru time in prayer and God’s word! - Another verse telling us to read the Bible - huh? Must be important!
We also learn to discern who is not His voice!
Do you know people so well that you know their voice without looking?
That is what God wants!
We also learn to discern His voice by practicing what He tells us to do thru prayer and reading - the more we do the more we understand and can hear
Like a musician that practices and can distinguish or hear their part
Notice that the action words in this verse are in present tense.
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Listen to & Follow - ongoing and consistent activity
How do we apply this to our lives?
27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Read the Bible
God wants to take care of you and keep anyone from hurting you.
28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
He wants to give you eternal life and protect you from the wolves!
Like a musician who knows the music so well, it becomes a road map of where you are going. You can hear the verse building, feel the chorus, and even anticipate the bridge.
Do you want to know His voice? Do you want to hear Him leading you on your path.
Let’s talk to Jesus and listen