Additional Proof of Resurrection Hope
1. Those Who Sleep With Hope (v29)
2. Those Who Suffered With Hope (v30-32)
“Simply swear by Caesar,” the governor pled.
“I am a Christian,” said Polycarp. “If you want to know what that is, set a day and listen.”
“Persuade the people,” answered the governor. Polycarp said, “I would explain to you, but not to them.”
“Then I’ll throw you to the beasts.”
“Bring on your beasts,” said Polycarp.
“If you scorn the beasts, I’ll have you burned.”
“You try to frighten me with the fire that burns for an hour, and you forget the fire of hell that never goes out.”
The governor called to the people, “Polycarp says he is a Christian.” Then the mob let loose. “This is the teacher of Asia,” they shouted, “the father of the Christians, the destroyer of our gods.”
So Polycarp, praying that his death would be an acceptable sacrifice, was burned at the stake.