I Can't Stop Being Me
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sick and shut in update
Donya - chemo, Hugley hospital - 5
Deacon Alston - running test - Jones tower 340
blessing to do normal things
eat, pass gas
note: I did not finish my sermon
Last week - I ain’t got no where to go
This week - I can’t stop being me
there usually comes a time when you wish you weren’t you
life is hard
so tired of your shortcomings
tired of being different
you wish you were like so and so
had their talents, gifts
But I am here to tell you that you are stuck at being you . . . but that is a good thing
I am stuck at being me . . . I can’t stop being me . . . and that is a good thing
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Even before your parents got together, God knew you
Before your mom saw the results of the pregnancy test, God knew you
What does that mean?
That means you are designed - Building a new house example
it’s a cool thing to purchase a home, but it’s really cool to build a new home
Before you build a house, you have a floor plans, blueprints, schematics, diagrams, elevation views
Before the foundation is even laid you know how many rooms, where they will be, what size they will be, restrooms, sinks, closets, pantry, garage, electrical outlets
you know the house before it is formed, because you designed it
and that means that the house is not an accident
it just didn’t pop up, it was planned, well thought out
And God does not just know this prophet, he knows you!
So you were designed too, well thought out
Therefore, you are not an accident
maybe in your parents eyes but not in God’s eyes;
Evolutionary scientist say you are an accident, the Bible says that you are not
You are not a statistic to God - he knows you intimately because he designed you
even has your hairs numbered
And since he designed you, you can’t stop being what he designed
you can fight against it
you can declare it not so
it doesn’t matter, you are what he designed
you can take a school bus, gut it out, take off the wheels, paint it another color, add furniture to the inside . . . and people will still say . . . “I like what you did with that school bus”
There is nothing accidental or random or haphazard about you
you are not just a roll of Genetic dice
Before you were in your mother’s womb, God knew you, God designed you, God planned you
so you can’t stop being you and I can’t stop being me
And before you were born I consecrated you
you are chosen - you have a purpose
good China example
consecrated means to be set apart, dedicated
you set things apart for special reason/purposes
“This” belongs over here, and “that” belongs over there
“this” is for this reason and “that” is for that reason
God sets you apart for special purposes
When I grew up, there were dishes and plates that were consecrated, we called them the good China
we used regular plates or paper plates for normal, everyday use . . . . we only use the fancy stuff, Mom’s good china, for holidays or guest
the dishes were set apart
you COULD make a peanut butter sandwich on this plate, but I don’t want you to make a peanut butter sandwich on this plate . . . because it is set a apart
and since you are set apart, there are plenty of things you could do, but God doesn’t want you doing them, because you have been set apart
sins . . . you could do them, but God would say, “What are you doing? I didn’t make you for that!” . . . you are set apart (holy)
there are some non-sins, careeer choices, you could do them, but I didn’t make you for that
you have been consecrated . . . set apart
There are specific things you are to do in your life
You HAVE a destiny to fulfill
you are the chosen one for what God has chosen you to do
set apart includes what, when, where, how
let’s go back to the good China
what is it for? food
when? special occasions
where? at the table
how? you handle them very carefully
and if one of those is off, the whole thing would be off
if it was a special occassion, and we were at the dinner table, but we used them for frisbees . . .
or if I used it for food, at the table, but for a KIDS birthday party . . .
if it was used for food, Anniversary dinner, but outside at the park . . .
if things seem off in your life, check your what, when, and where
what you are supposed to do
when you are supposed to do it
where you are supposed to do it
how you are supposed to do it
When MOses first started he had the what, but missed everything else
when - 40 years off
where - among the slaves, in front of the king
how - I will convince, (God would convince)
I have appointed you a prophet to the nations
the Hebrew words has the idea of being given to, delivered to, sent to, handed to
God says you are for them, I am going to give you to them, send you to them
example is an endowment - gives year after year
money is given and they work with that money - savings, investments, they make money with that money
give a million and $100k given to school every year
and the surplus is given to the university
the gift that keeps on giving
You are a gift, and endowment to the people God appointed you to serve
God will work with you and you just keep on being a blessing to those he sent you to
Jeremiah was sent to mainly Judah, a few prophecies to surrounding nations . . . God showed me now that he speaks to every nation in the world for past 2,000 years . . . endowment, apointed to the nations
Then I said, “Alas, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, Because I am a youth.”
you are designed
you are chosen
you are a gift
But I don’t feel like it
It doesn’t seem that way to me
Whatever God has picked you to do, you will feel an adequate. You will feel that you are lacking. You will feel that you are unworthy. You will feel that you are not ready.
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, And all that I command you, you shall speak.
Don’t focus on your shortcomings, inadequacies
because I’m going to make it happen
Because everywhere I send you, you shall go
everything I tell you to say, you shall say
“Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to deliver you,” declares the Lord.
Don’t be afraid, I have your back
Then the Lord stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
Don’t be afraid, I will put in you what you need
IN all of this, I am not saying that your journey will be easy. Jeremiah got sick of it and wanted to quit . . .
But if I say, “I will not remember Him Or speak anymore in His name,” Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; And I am weary of holding it in, And I cannot endure it.
How you know God’s calling?
even if you are mad, disappointed, you can’t stop
like trying to stop a frog from jumping or a bird from singing
Be who God called you to be.
Be who God called you to be.
Conclusion - don’t stop being you or start being you
be who God called you to be
you are deisgned
you are chosen
you are a gift
be yourself in God - some of the most successful people - are people being themselves
no one can be a better you than you
Jesus was The Christ
a little different than us
he was the designer and not designed
he chose to be the one to save us
and he was a gift to EVERYONE
THE Chosen one, the anointed on