The Holy Spirit: You Are The Temple Of God

The Holy Spirit: terms and definitions  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  30:35
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Turn to 1 Corinthians 6:19.
Romans chapter eight taught us that the Holy Spirit takes up residence in a person as soon as they place their faith in Christ. This is a permanent change that happens in the spiritual part of us. We also saw that Christ dwells within us also. Multiple verses teach this reality and we accept it by faith. God has not left His children alone or helpless as we live in this world.


The verses that we are going to study tonight use a particular building as an illustration of a New Testament reality. Paul illustrates the permanence of the Spirit’s indwelling by asserting this truth: You are the Temple of God.
Here’s a short video that shows you what Corinth was like in Paul’s day.
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The Lexham Bible Dictionary (What Do We Know about Ancient Corinth?)
Excavations have… shown that Corinth and its surrounding area were home to dozens of temples and shrines dedicated to such diverse deities as Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter and Kore, Palaimon, and Sisyphus, as well as the Egyptian deities Isis and Sarapis.
The Corinthians were very familiar with the many temples in their prosperous city. Corinth was famous for its religious centers and drew many travellers who came to worship the pagan gods there.
In that context, Paul asks a rhetorical question in his letter to the Corinthians.
Read 1 Corinthians 6:19.
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What is a rhetorical question? A question that has an obvious answer. It’s a question that is asked to prove a point.
In this verse, Paul asks a rhetorical question. Try to put the question into your own words.
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1 Corinthians 6:19: “Haven’t you [all] known that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you…and you do not have ownership over yourself?”
Know: perfect tense, in this context, it indicates a fact that was well known to Paul and to the Corinthian believers.
You: plural
It would be like you coming up to me and asking, “Don’t you know how to tie your shoes?”
I think its a well-established fact that I know how to tie my shoes.
That’s what Paul is saying here about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It was a well-known fact to Paul and to the Corinthians that the Holy Spirit templed within every single believer.
The Corinthians could step outside the front door of their houses and see numerous temples dotting their city. Those were temples that they had once worshipped at. Perhaps some of them, being Jews, had travelled and seen the temple of God in Jerusalem.
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What are some typical characteristics of a temple? When you imagine a Greek temple or even Herod’s temple in Jerusalem, what do you imagine?
A building that is ornate, decorated, revered, well cared for.
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What is the purpose of a temple? What is a temple used for?
It’s a place of worship. It’s a place dedicated to bring honor to a deity.
Since your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and since it is owned by God, what should we strive to do with our bodies? Hint: see verse 20.
Application: We should strive to honor our God with our bodies because He has chosen to reside within us rather than in buildings.
Christian, you are made in the image of God and your body is the temple of God! Since you are made in the image of God, since your body is owned by God, since your body is the temple of God, and since your body is to be used for the glory of God, what are some practical truths that we can go live out this week?
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You are the temple of the Holy Spirit…how should that affect the way you live?
Your body is the temple of the living God. As much as you are able, reflect God’s holiness, God’s goodness and God’s beauty. You are His representative. You are His ambassador. You are His temple.
Your body is the temple of the living God. You should take care of it as best as you are able.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. In other words, God resides within you. Be careful what you do to your body and by means of your body. Do all to the glory of God. Don’t worship or idolize your body, like some humans do, but instead hold it in its proper value as a gift from God and as a temple of God.
Lexham Survey of Theology The Spirit’s Indwelling

The New Testament records the radical shift: God’s people no longer need to visit the temple in order to encounter his presence or stand in the sacred realm of the Spirit. Rather, they themselves have become God’s holy dwelling place.

Ephesians 2:21-22.
2 Co 5:5;
2Cor. 13:5.
Galatians 4:6.
Eph 1:13–14
2 Tim. 1:14;
James 4:5;
1 Jn. 2:27; 3:24; 4:4, 13;
Jude 19;
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