I AM Good Shepherd; John 10:1-18
Thieves and Robbers
The Sheep and Shepherd
The Shepherd and Sheep
Reflect and Discuss
1. What image does God give to convey how he cares for his people?
2. Why does God appoint human shepherds for his people? How had the Israelite leaders failed this purpose?
3. How does God respond to the failure of the Israelite leaders in Ezekiel 34?
4. In what ways does Jesus care for his sheep?
5. Take time to reflect on the fact that Jesus knows and calls you by name. In what ways does this stir your emotions?
6. What significance is there in Jesus’s knowing his sheep by name?
7. Why do Jesus’s sheep follow him?
8. How is Jesus the gate for the sheep?
9. What have you been saved from and saved to as a Christian?
10. What hope does the formerly blind man, who was cast out of the synagogue, have in Jesus the good shepherd?