Proverbs 2:1-22: Wisdom is Worth the Pursuit
The Book of Proverbs • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Introduction - You pursue/look for what you value.
Over the course of your life, you’ll pursue many things. You’ll pursue a spouse, a family, a career, friendships, hobbies. Some pursuits will bring you much joy. But, you’ll probably have some foolish pursuits as well. You’ll pursue some of your sinful desires. You’ll get to the end of your life and ask of your pursuits, “Was it worth the pursuit?” Was it worth the investment of time, energy, emotions, etc?
Out of all the things you can pursue in this life, I want you to know that it is worth pursuing the wisdom of God.
However, you will not pursue the wisdom of God unless you are absolutely convinced that pursuing the wisdom of God is an absolute treasure.
Making the wisdom of God the primary pursuit of your life will change how you pursue everything else… a spouse, a family, a career, hobbies etc. Ultimately, pursuing the wisdom of God is pursuing a relationship with Jesus, who is the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:30).
I want to show you two fundamental truths you must believe from Proverbs 2:1-22 if you are going to make the pursuit of the wisdom of God the priority of your life.
You must believe God’s wisdom is a precious treasure that you can possess.
You must believe God’s wisdom is a precious treasure that you can possess.
Proverbs 1-9 - Series of poems by Solomon to his son encouraging his son to pursue lady wisdom and flee from lady folly.
Proverbs 1:20-33 - Lady wisdom is loud - she cries out in the public places calling people to pursue her. She is identifiable and accessible.
Proverbs 2:1-22: No imperatives in this chapter, no commands for us to follow - rather a plea to pursue wisdom. Our hearts need to be persuaded we drift to folly.
Proverbs 2:1-4 - Solomon presents a series of “if’s” followed by a series of “then’s” calling his son to pursue wisdom with everything he has. These verses show the ways we interact with God’s wisdom, but you are not going to interact with wisdom in the way Solomon describes unless you first are convinced that wisdom is a treasure (vs. 4).
vs. 4 - Seek wisdom like a treasure - like silver. An ounce of silver = $28. 100 lbs. of silver = approx. $46,000. If I told you a hundred lbs. of silver hidden in this room - a lot of you would stay after church and not leave until it was found. You pursue with passion what has value to you - what will benefit your life. How does God’s wisdom benefit your life? That’s what Solomon is going to answer.
Paradox: Wisdom is something you must seek (vs. 4), but at the same time it is a gift from God (vs. 6).
How valuable is the wisdom of God to you? You treasure something , and what is valuable to you gets your best pursuit. What do you value most? A relationship? An education? Your career? You are a treasure seeker, but are you pursuing the right treasure?
You’ll only see the wisdom of God as a treasure as you keep the end in mind. Wisdom is not focusing on the here and now as much as it is focusing on the end. Fools focus on the here and now. (Foolishness = What can I get for myself today that will satisfy me today? Wisdom = What decisions can I make today in light of the end goal of living for the glory of God by being conformed to the image of Jesus and being with Him forever?) What do you want the end of your life to look like? Eternity with Him? A legacy of faithfulness? To hear “Well done good and faithful servant?” OR, do you want the end to look like regret over a life that was spent pursuing a lot of stuff that had no affect on your eternal relationship with God?
You’ll only see the wisdom of God as a treasure as you are amazed by the person and work of Jesus. You must constantly remind yourself of what you’ve done, and what Christ did for you (the Gospel). You are deeply sinful, yet deeply loved and forgiven in Christ. Jesus is your treasure. There is nothing more valuable than a relationship with Jesus.
When the wisdom of God is your treasure, you’ll pursue His wisdom relentlessly. Vs. 1-3 describes the relentless pursuit of wisdom. (Consider the verbs/participles)
When you treasure wisdom, it will consume your mind. (vs. 1) - THIS IS THE BIG APPLICATION FOR THE PASSAGE: You’ll accept/receive the words of God with an eager heart and store up His commands. You’ll listen closely. (James 1:19) Are you a passive listener to the Word of God, or an active listener? A passive listener lets the Word of God go in one ear and out the other because his mind is consumed by a different treasure. An active listener listens closely because he knows life is found in the Word of God. An active listener takes notes, thinks about what God says throughout the day. Hungers for more. Seeks out resources/opportunities to learn and grow in the word of God.
When you treasure wisdom, it will consume your heart. WHEN YOU DETERMINE TO LISTEN CLOSELY IT BEGINS TO AFFECT YOUR DESIRES. People who treasure the wisdom of God desire it. The word heart used to speak to our desires/longings. e.g., “My wife has my heart.” I long for/desire a relationship with her. If wisdom has your heart, it’s what you long for. If wisdom directs your heart, it is guiding your heart in a direction - towards God. If the wisdom of God does not have your heart, your desires are likely being directed away from God. What consumes your heart?
When you treasure wisdom, it will consume your speech. You call out for insight and lift your voice for understanding. You talk about what you’re passionate about. If you’re passionate about the wisdom of God, you’ll talk about it. You’ll find opportunities to ask questions, discuss Scripture, talk about how you see God at work in your life, etc. You’ll talk to God. You’ll ask Him for direction and guidance. What consumes your speech? Whatever you talk about the most reveals your treasure.
Do you believe that wisdom is a precious treasure that you can possess? What’s the evidence in your life that wisdom is a precious treasure?
You must believe God’s wisdom is extremely beneficial for your life.
You must believe God’s wisdom is extremely beneficial for your life.
“If’s…” followed by the “then’s…”
Solomon gives the benefits of treasuring wisdom, and the benefits are all aimed at what we most desire in life. Solomon’s showing us that when you treasure wisdom, you’ll actually find what your heart longs for.
We all want to know God. Ecclesiastes 3:11 - Within each of us is an innate desire to know that God exists, that He’s real, and that He’s present. When you seek God, you will find Him. You will discover the knowledge of God (vs. 5, 6). God is knowable. He has revealed Himself through His Word, and ultimately in His Son. You experience God as you make the decision to pursue Him. (Ps. 90:11-12) NOT just know that God exists or know Him in a sentimental way - but know His heart, His character, His desire for your life.
We all want to understand life. Everyone struggles with the big questions of life: why is life the way that it is? Full of struggles and challenges? Is there any purpose? When you treasure the wisdom of God, you will begin to understand life. vs. 5 - understand the fear of the Lord - you’ll see God for who He is, and you’ll see yourself for who you are. You’ll understand that the world is broken and the God of all creation is graciously redeeming and restoring through His Son Jesus Christ. You will understand righteousness, justice, and integrity - every good path (vs. 9). You will understand God’s perspective as you pursue His wisdom. You’ll see how God is at work in life, and this understanding will help you to endure when life seems chaotic or when trials come. vs. 11 - You will have discretion/discernment - understanding will guard you. Understanding how God is at work in the world is powerful - it keeps you from making unwise decisions.
We all want a successful life. vs. 7 - He stores up success for the upright. How would you define success? God defines success as a life lived for His glory, a life of holiness, a life where you bear the fruit of the Spirit, a life on His mission. The wisdom of God gives you the kind of success that matters - not temporal success of wealth and power, but the ability to navigate life successfully as you lean on the Lord and understand His will. You’re successful when you grow in Christ, when you make decisions consistent with His will. You are successful when you imitate His love.
We all want an enjoyable life. You long for an enjoyable life - and you often define an enjoyable life by what you can do. E.g., life is enjoyable when you take several vacations a year, get to do what you want on the weekends, have your dream job, dream family, etc. However, you can have none of those things and still have an enjoyable life when you walk in the wisdom of God. Life is most enjoyable when you know God (vs. 10), when He is the desire of your heart. It’s possible to have everything and have no joy. It’s also possible to have nothing but God, and have the most enjoyable life imaginable. The wise will inhabit the land (vs. 21-22) - promised Land - the place of blessing. If you abide in Christ, you will know the blessing of God.
We all want to be protected throughout life. Wisdom is like a shield - it will protect you from foolish choices and the consequences of folly (vs. 8). Wisdom will rescue from the way of evil and help you to stay away from the crowd that celebrates evil (vs. 12-14). Wisdom will rescue you from the forbidden woman (vs. 16-21). Solomon will return to this in Prov. 5-7. He’s introducing a theme he will develop. He wants his son to stay faithful to the wife of his youth. This is real talk from a father to his son. Solomon knows the temptation of the forbidden woman, a temptation that he would eventually give into, and it would prove disastrous. Late in life, Solomon stepped away from the path of wisdom and walked the path of folly. A reminder that if you walk the path of sexual sin, you will “sink down to death…” This is a strong warning that we will come back to in Proverbs 5-7. However, if you will stay close to the wisdom of God, it is possible to NOT give in to the temptation of sexual sin. By the power of God, you can live a life of sexual purity. His wisdom will protect you from making foolish choices.
Solomon simply continuing to encourage us to pursue wisdom because when you walk in the wisdom of God, you will have what your heart desires. Walking in the wisdom of God is worth the pursuit.
You will not find what your heart desires outside of a relationship with God. You know that from experience. You know the heartbreak, brokenness, and sinfulness that persists when you pursue a life away from God. Some of you, your favorite song is “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…”
God is saying, you can find what you’re looking for today, in a relationship with the ONE who is the wisdom of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus, the wise Son of God, lived perfect in every way, went to a cross, died the death you deserved, and rose three days later so you could have a relationship with God and life with Him forever. Turn to Him and you will find what you are looking for.
Follower of Jesus, never believe the lie that pursuing the wisdom of God isn’t worth it. Renew your commitment to pursue His wisdom. Ask God to help you see what a treasure the wisdom of God really is.