Galatians 4
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Intro- tell me about a unique job you have had
Intro- tell me about a unique job you have had
apples can take about 3-6 years before they begin bearing fruit
The New International Version (Chapter 5)
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
You were made to be free.
You were made to be free.
The New International Version (Chapter 5)
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” k 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
Our freedom in Christ is not a license to sin, it is a call to serve.
Our freedom in Christ is not a license to sin, it is a call to serve.
The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians (Christian Freedom (Galatians 5:13–15))
Christians are not men and women who have become free to sin, but people who, by the grace of God, have become free not to sin.
-William Barclay
The New International Version (Chapter 5)
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Walking in the Spirit is walking in freedom.
Walking in the Spirit is walking in freedom.
17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Our desires will often lead us to destruction.
Our desires will often lead us to destruction.
The New International Version (Chapter 5)
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
This list is not definitive but it does give definition.
Naming sin helps us know holiness that brings wholeness.
Naming sin helps us know holiness that brings wholeness.
Know sin, know holiness.
Acts of the flesh (sin) might bring momentary pleasure but they will put you into longterm pain.
Theses are acts….which indict intention
The New International Version (Chapter 5)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Love- Agape is love without conditions or reservations, embodied in Christ Jesus' sacrifice and care for the world.
Joy- It is a feeling of bliss or delight rooted in our relationship with God, regardless of our circumstances.
Peace - From the word Shalom, is more than lack of conflict but also wholeness and harmony, regardless of what is happening around us.
Patience - Sometimes referred to as longsuffering or forbearance, it has to do with our ability to be gracious with others.
Kindness- Looking out for the well-being of others and showing compassion when needed. It assists others and shows courtesy and benevolence to anyone regardless of their “deservingness”.
Goodness- Seeking to actually live holy by making decisions and embodying practices that are inline with God because He is good.
Faithfulness- being dependable in our relationship with God and others. It’s choosing to be true to our word and following through with our promises.
Gentleness- To be kind and gracious with ourselves and with others is to recognize that we are all vulnerable and worthy of comfort and healing.
Self-control - to keep one's self in check through The Spirit. It’s not letting our circumstances cause us to lose control. Self-control exhibits moderation, temperance, and discipline. Self-controlled people show restraint and are not impulsive.
24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Fruit comes from faithful abiding not laborious striving.
Fruit comes from faithful abiding not laborious striving.
Being rooted to Jesus means that the Spirit will be working in you to develop fruit that is lasting and freeing.
Being rooted to Jesus means that the Spirit will be working in you to develop fruit that is lasting and freeing.
Don’t trade momentary desires for long lasting fulfillment and freedom.
Don’t trade momentary desires for long lasting fulfillment and freedom.
True freedom isn’t about doing everything you desire, its about finding all your deepest desires fulfilled by Jesus.
True freedom isn’t about doing everything you desire, its about finding all your deepest desires fulfilled by Jesus.
Love is the selfless, giving, devoted love of God and others. It’s an active display and compels us to put others' needs above our own. Love honors others and celebrates truth no matter how difficult it is to hear it. It gives of self even when it doesn’t feel like it. Love doesn’t allow feelings to dictate its choices. Love is hopeful, persevering, and trusting. Loving people keep hatred, apathy, and self-preservation far from them.
Joy is a deep and enduring state of our soul that no circumstance, event, or human can steal away from us. It’s delighting in God and choosing to rejoice in all things. Because our circumstances don’t rule us, our mood swings are nonexistent. This doesn’t mean we are always in a “good mood” but we can remain in an unexplainable place of contentment. Joyful people don’t allow misery, sorrow, sadness, or despair to rule their thoughts or guide their actions.
Peace is a deep well of confidence that God is who He is and that He will do what He says He will do. Peace comes from resting in the promises of God. It’s choosing to work with others for a common goal instead of insisting on our own way. Peace is often unexplainable and incomprehensible, but we know when we have it and know when we don’t. Peaceful people don’t go to war with their actions or words for they know that brings no relief to any situation.
Patience is exhibiting calmness during the midst of stressful situations. It’s showing empathy toward others when they are not doing things to our standard. Patience is produced when we support the growth in others as they are on their own journey in life. It’s not getting easily disgruntled when a delay occurs that won’t matter in 10 years, let alone 10 days. Patient people don’t become easily annoyed, agitated, nor do they show intolerance.
Kindness is being genuinely kind to anyone and everyone. It assumes that all people deserve kindness no matter the differences, viewpoints, or cultures. Kindness celebrates others and serves when there is a need. It looks out for the well-being of others and shows compassion when needed. It assists others and shows courtesy and benevolence to anyone. Kind people do not display animosity, ill will, or envy toward others.
Goodness is truly desiring to help others. It doesn’t approach or entertain sin. Goodness does the right thing and challenges other people to do the same, even if the conversation is uncomfortable. It is decent, honest, moral, honorable, virtuous, and full of integrity. Good people don’t just do the right thing; they make things right.
Faithfulness is being dependable in our relationship with God and others. It’s choosing to be true to our word and following through with our promises. Faithfulness possesses a constancy, devotedness, fidelity, and steadfastness in all its interactions. It’s being reliable in a world that isn’t. Faithful people are not disloyal nor are they flippant with their commitments.
Gentleness is allowing God to deal with others so that we don’t have to take matters into our own hands. It’s been said that gentleness is the grace of the soul. Gentleness includes being calm, serene, and tranquil. Being gentle doesn’t mean someone is weak. Quite the opposite—it takes great strength to be gentle when the flesh wants the opposite. Gentle people are not harsh, nor are they calloused.
Self-Control is being able to keep one's self in check. It’s not letting our circumstances cause us to lose control. Self-control exhibits moderation, temperance, and discipline. It’s choosing, under significant pressure, to chase after the important instead of the urgent. Self-controlled people show restraint and are not impulsive.
1. Love: “Agape” love is unmerited favor. Love is something to share with everyone. Regardless of relationship, like and dislike, or situation.
2. Joy: Joy is delight in the hope and promises of Jesus Christ. No matter what the circumstances, a person can have joy in the hope of eternal life and being in right standing with God.
3. Peace: – Peace is having eternal security by being in eternal relationship with God because of Jesus’ act on the cross.
4. Long-Suffering/Patience: Long-suffering is having patient endurance to withstand all of life’s trials. Long-suffering is possible because of hope and assurance in God’s promises.
5. Gentleness: Gentleness is being kind to others and being unmoved by circumstances. By a person yielding to and being comforted by the Holy Spirit, he or she can be gentle in all situations. Also, see Kindness.
6. Goodness: Goodness is acting like Jesus as He did when He walked on the Earth and doing the things of God. This is a Godly goodness that is defined by God through His Word, the Bible.
7. Faith: Faith is having the hope and assurance in the promises of God. This is a confident and a trust that is not moved by temporary circumstances.
8. Gentleness/Meekness: Meekness is a humility that seeks no revenge. Meekness comes from a person yielding to the Holy Spirit in all circumstances. It is a state of mind where God comes first, and self comes last.
9. Self-control/Temperance/: Temperance is self-control. With the Holy Spirit in a person, they have a higher purpose to serve God. Fleshly desires are secondary to serving God in all things.