4/22 Missional Community

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Hi everybody, Luke here. It has been a busy month full of highs and lows. I am not quite sure where to start. As Brandon talked about last week everything that has been happening with their family we have had the opportunity and blessing to help on the home front watching kids and just being available. We have made a couple of road trips this month. This last week we went It started with a road trip to Indiana to watch the e-clips. The event it self was amazing and surreal, it felt more like watching a movie or looking at a picture. As I reflect on it a couple things come to mind. My mind goes to God who created the sun and the moon who put them in their paths. In Psalms it talks about how all creation proclaims the glory of God. As I look at accounts from people who watched the eclipse how they were moved to tears or wonder or even fear of how small their are and how little control we have over this. Most are aiming their fear or adoration in the wrong direction all creation declares the glory of God. It also made me think of Jesus. Jesus at one point falls asleep on the boat while they are in the sea and a storm arises and the disciples think we are all about to die and Jesus is asleep so they wake Him up and Jesus calms the storm. Then at Jesus Crucifixion in the middle of the day it goes dark for three hours. I don’t know if this was an eclipse I don’t think it matters because the creation responds to Jesus. This last month has been a month full of highs and lows. James 1:2-4 says “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” This last month that proved more difficult than I ever expected. However I rejoice that we serve a God who created all things to declare His glory and His power. Jesus is not limited by creation He has power over it and it responds to Him. And this God our God the only living true God who made all of creation is aware of the sparrow when it falls and has said that we are of more value.

f 1 Pet. 1:6
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Jas 1:2). (2016). Crossway Bibles. Luke 23:44 It talks about their being 3 hours of darkness in the middle of the day. Some people propose that this was an eclipse while I was looking many refute this. What I know it regardless there is something powerful about it going dark in the middle of the day and I rejoice that I know the only true God who put the stars in their places and made the sun and the moon and it all point to Him and His majesty. And I can rejoice in Him and the work that He is doing. And we spent most of last week in the WI Dells.
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