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How many of you want to know what God’s will for your life is?
How many of you want to know what God’s will for your life is?
This is going to be incredibly simple. To know God’s will for your life you will need to open your Bible and open a map.
How many countries are there in the world? 195
Last week we talked about the great commissions and Jesus says go and make disciples of all nations? and when we hear that we think to ourselves we just need to send some missionaries to 195 countries, but that’s not quite true. Jesus is talking about every nation, tribe, and language. Right? that means we are called to share the gospel to all people groups.
Guys! there is approximately 17,446 people groups in the world. There are roughly 371 people groups in Nigeria Africa. AND WHEN I SAY PEOPLE GROUP this is what I mean
A people group is a group of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history, society, religion, or social treatment.
Let me try to describe a people group another way. In your school you have clicks and different groupings of friends. and these groupings are made up of things you have in common with other people in that group. For example your a soccer player so you tend to hang with the soccer players. You are part of show choir so you hang with people that do show choir.
That was a simplified version of what I was talking about. These groups of people all over their world are separated by language, history, society, religion, or social treatment.
To my knowledge Papua New Guinea is considered the most ethnically diverse country in the world with thousands of different ethnic groups each with their own language.
That’s it. Open your Bible and open a map. God’s will for your life starts with “you loving and pursuing God himself, and loving people.
We are called to see the world the way God sees it.
We are called to see the world the way God sees it.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
1) God loves the world and he wants a relationship with each one of them.
2) God sent his son Jesus to die to reach and save the lost.
3) God wants people from every nation, language, and tribe in his Kingdom.
GUYS their are roughly 7,000 ethnic groups that have been unreached.
Unreached - Meaning - that they have absolutely know access to God’s word through people, or the Bible.
Reached - meaning that if you want to get to know God you could go to your nearest st. vincents and get one. You could go to a hotel and find one in the drawer. You could easily find a church and ask the pastor about who God is.
Their are 7,000 unreached groups.
In the 1990’s the term 1040 window was created to show what is called “The Resistant Belt”
2/3 of the world’s population is in this box that is 5.32 billion people. there is 1 missionary for every 230,000 people. only 3% of the worlds missionaries are in the “Resistant Belt”.
Let’s look at Luke 10:2
Luke 10:2 (ESV)
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Guys out of that 5.32 billion people in the 1040 window, 3 billion people are considered unreached.
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
The harvest represents people that are lost, waiting to hear the gospel. Waiting to hear the good news.
The workers represent followers of Jesus Christ. We are called to work. We are called to make disciples. We are called to jump on board with God’s mission and tell people about Jesus and what he did for everyone!
There was this farmer in Kansas who decided to take his family on their first vacation. Because when your a farmer you can’t just up and take off. So this farmer hired this company to watch and harvest his crops for him while he was on vacation. When the farmer returned he found all of his crops died. He lost all of it.
A harvest without workers is a tragedy
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ then you are a worker and for you not to help with the harvest.....Is a tragedy.
WHY ARE THE WORKERS SO FEW. THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL....But why are the workers so few?
For some of us…it’s because we don’t “SEE THE WORLD THE WAY GOD SEES IT”
You think God is God he doesn’t need our help.
Or perhaps you don’t share the same love for people that God does
Or maybe you believe God can find someone else
Another reason the workers maybe few is that “WE ARE JUST TO DISTRACTED”
We are to distracted by our love for ourselves. Like we talked about last week we want God to jump on our mission and support us. We want to do what makes us happy. We want to do what makes us look good.
We are distracted by our love for ourselves.
The 3rd and final reason the workers are to few. “TO REACH PEOPLE WITH THE GOSPEL IS HARD”
To share the gospel with someone makes us feel uncomfortable.
Going outside of our comfort zone is risky. We think to ourselves what if this happens and what if that happens.
YOU GUYS!!!! We are workers. Their is a harvest in your school, a harvest in our community, there is a harvest in our nation, and a harvest in our world. ARE YOU GOING TO WORK!