A Story of Trust
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Today we’re going to look at a passage of scripture that many if not most of you are very familiar with. You may have memorized it as a kid. You’ve probably heard it or pieces of it in casual conversation…on tv…in movies. It has been on posters and carved into jewelry. There have been a ton of books and devotions written about it. Other than John 3:16, this is probably one of the well known scriptures in all the world if not all of history…both for Christians and those who are not believers. And I think there’s a reason…or at least a few reasons.
This passage hits home for many people in all walks of life. In all situations in life. It is one of those go-to passages when you need reminded of how well God can take care of us…even in what we might consider our darkest times.
This is a Psalm that was written by King David. Most Psalms are simply songs that were put to music. David was both musician and songwriter.
Many people have read through this and point to parts of David’s life history…they can see pieces of David’s life in this. I have no doubt those things are correct.
But without any doubt, this is a song, a passage, about God, and how we can trust Him with all of life.
We’re going to go through this passage verse by verse and see maybe, a different way of reading this…maybe looking at this well known scripture in a different light. We will see how it can be a part of your life right now…no matter what you’re going through.
So we know, that this is about sheep and a shepherd. We’ll see right away that God is the shepherd, David is the sheep. And David is going to, in artistic form, tell us about this shepherd/sheep relationship.
All through this though you’re going to hear one thing being alluded to over and over. TRUST David’s trust in God. Not for just some things in life…but with all of His life.
I want to encourage you, in your time this week, to read this passage over and over. Also, read the passages before and after. It looks as if David is focusing on a few themes from Psalm 22 through maybe even Psalm 30. You’ll see lots of references back and forth…so if you’re reading all of that you’ll get a full picture of where David’s mind and heart was.
In my words, my opinion I suppose is this....the big picture David is writing about is You can Trust the Creator…all of your life from beginning to end…you can trust Him. Give your life, all of it over to Him…you can trust Him.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
Other translations say, have have everything I need. He fills every need. or…I shall not be in want. And really you get the idea here right off the bat, this is the verse that the entire passage is built off of.
Think for a second here. David isn’t just writing a devotional thought for his next book or a lyric for his next music album. David’s greatest hits.
David is writing....God is my shepherd. With Him as my shepherd…he supplies everything I need.
This is a truth statement. Maybe this was David’s phrase that he used in life to remind himself of reality when things when life went sideways.
Need for what? Life. Not just the Lord’s my shepherd…so yeah, I’m good. This is…He is everything I need. In fact…He is what I truly need. Without Him…I do not have life. Without Him, I have a false sense of life. A psuedo-life.
David isn’t unaware of the biblical story we can read about through our whole Bible. He’s aware of the creation account. Of the account of sin and how the world became like it is (broken). And he’s very aware that God has in many ways, promised to restore all things.
He knows that his story, his life, is a part of this huge storyline. But he’s not just some little person…He calls God his shepherd. MY SHEPHERD This is personal. The Creator, is the shepherd of this broken man. And this shepherd, God, is going to not only make all things right…but also David’s life. One day, David will be remade, recreated, to live forever with God like it was suppose to be.
This is the backdrop to this song…this Psalm...
I lack nothing…with Him. Yes, there’s ways that I run after life, my needs and wants as I see them, but they won’t give me what I truly need. Only the shepherd can. Only God gives perfect life. In Him…as David says, I lack nothing for real life.
It’s a very humble position before God. Can you say that?
Contrast this one simple sentence with all the messages of the world. All the videos of social media influencers. Anyone who tries to help someone find those, three steps, 5 steps, 10 things that will change your life. Some of those people and things are not horrible things. But David recognizes THE one thing that will bring life…life complete.
Trust in God. He provides everything you need.
He’s the shepherd. We’re the sheep.
In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by quiet waters he leads me.
Ok, so if God is the one who provides everything for life…then here’s some examples. I’m not positive that this is how David was thinking but I’m guessing its close.
In grassy patures, he makes me lie down....quiet waters...
Some people have thought about God and will agree that God created everything, set things in motion. There’s a group that might be called deists or agnostics, these are both senses of belief where someone can say, I think there may have been a creator force…but there’s not interaction with the planet now. Or, there’s maybe or maybe not a creator....we can’t really tell and will never be able to tell. And I think this is many people today who might not carry the title…deist or agnostic.
David says, I know Him, he takes care of me. TRUST
David used the causative form here…a verb form…the opposite would be passive. Passive meaning God created all this and kinda just stands off and watches. For David, God is someone who is active and personal, leading him to “green pastures” - quiet waters…and what else? A shepherd leads…them…says here is food and water.
He restores my life. He leads me in correct paths for the sake of his name.
Restores my soul. This is all God’s work. TRUST WITH ALL of my LIFE
Now, I can certainly put my hand up to God and decline His active involvement in my life…but non-the-less, God is very active in my life, setting things up so that I can have the life He intends me to have. And…it will be the best possible life. But I have choice to decline His work with me.
What else here…verse three He restores my soul…my life. David’s admitting something here. My life…like I want is, is not going to get it. Ever. The only way to get life back like it was meant to be is to let God restore it. He’s willing, able…we just need to get to a spot where we say…you do it…I can’t.
And then....leads me in correct paths…paths of righteousness...
This is in addition to restoring…which is a process…time involved process…He guides me, leads me to make decisions as He would. This isn’t just about make choices for a better life....this is living like God would live if He were me. Again…allowing Him to lead and guide. Us yielding to Him....you know like the yield signs…yield to Him. Give life over to Him…all of it. Hold nothing back…and your daily behavior, choices, way of life, the words you use, your pattern of thinking, all of you will change…and why?
....For His name sake. TRUST this process. This is an interesting answer to the question why? This isn’t for God’s ego. Not for him to feel better about himself.
We live publicly. Our words, actions, behavior, choices....if we’re being led by Him…and we make that known…then what’s that do for God? It makes Him known.
It’s kind of like this…God has a character. He has a way of being…living....so to speak. And if we allow Him to guide and direct us, His being and His life will be shown through our life…for His name sake. (In His Image).
Our name carries a reputation. Early in Peach’s teaching carreer, I remember her coming home and telling me about kids here and there that were just ornery as get out. That’s a southern phrase that just means…well…they’d test you to the limit.
She would say…we’re never naming any of our kids “so and so” because …well… for me know that name has a reputation. That name carries memories. :)
We’re never naming our kid…and I forget the names…but it was because of someones reputation…their public personality.
We all have those things…a reputation…a public personality. How people know us. When they hear your name…they don’t just hear it…there’s emotion attached to it because of past things…good or bad or indifferent.
When we live publicly as a follower of God…we reflect His name. The question is, do we bear His name well? Do we carry it well? Do people see Him as He really is through us. His name’s sake.
David is saying, you guide me and correct me and disciple me…so that others will know how great you are. And me on my own…I can probably make a mess of that. Me allowing you to guide…awesome stuff for you. You’re glory known throughout the world. That’s good stuff.
Trust - Do you trust God with absolutely everything in your life? This is huge because of how much is involved right? This involves literally everything about you. Needs wants behavior choices personality lifestyle reputation.
Exodus 33-34 tells of when Moses received a special gift from God. God was going to show himself to Moses in a special way. When God passed in front of Moses, God protected Him…but Moses experienced more of God than he ever did before. And as God passed in front of Him, God declared…6...“The LORD, the LORD God, is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion and faithfulness, 7maintaining loving devotion to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin…
God is saying, this is who I am.
As we live do we live for the Lord’s name sake? Are you the Lord’s namesake? Do you do and say and think for yourself? Or for God’s name…His reputation? So we live so others see Him and experience Him through us…or do they see more of us than Him? It’s a good thing to think about. TRUST. Do you fully TRUST HIM?
Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.
TRUST - Many believe that this is possibly about the Valley of Elah where David fought Goliath. Very possible. It also may recount many times when David, as a shepherd, had to protect his sheep against enemies or predators.
From watering hole to watering hole…grassy pasture to grassy pasture…a shepherd would lead his sheep through valleys and canyons and ....well it was dangerous. In the area between Jerusalem and Jericho…there is what’s known as the Wadi Quelt. These are places that would be desolate, not much growing, hot, often like dessert like environments. This is the nature of the middle east where David lived and grew up. Raiders, robbers, theives…predators…lions etc. would be in these areas.
Remember, He’s talking as if he was a sheep. In the Hebrew the phrase “darkest valley”, you may know it as valley of the shadow of death” …it is as if one is saying the darkest of all darkest places. The shadowiest of all shadows… This is where fear is very real…and that’s where David goes next…I fear nothing…because “You are with me” TRUST You have ways of protecting me....rod and staff… TRUST in all of LIFE.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
David next goes one step further with this picture. This is a pretty cool picture. Imagine you are a sheep, and you’re in the grassy field, or maybe you’re in one of those dessert wadi’s, canyons…valley of shadows…enemies all around...
Here David writes about this picture. Even there…God is going to set up a table for a feast…even there…in the presence of enemies....you get to eat like you’re at the all you can eat buffet with friends and family around…a party…all while, enemies are all around you…watching you...
No fear, peace…annointed and full of joy. Meaning chosen by God as special…filled with real life…even when it is darker than you can ever imaging…even when enemies are around…you’re at peace. Because God has prepared life for you.
TRUST Complete trust in Him.
Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.
This is like the bookend to the opening verse. Remember what that was? The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
If God is my shepherd and all of my life is in His hands…all my needs come delivered by Him…in His time…then....
Only goodness and faithfulness will pursue me…all the days of my life...
It’s like logical for David. If this…then this. If God is all that He says He is…then surely…it is certain…positive…guaranteed… that goodness and faithful love will follow…all days....
And David’s last line is this...
I will dwell in the house of the Lord the length of days…traditionally forever…and this is a simple logical conclusion for David…there may be an end to this life part of life…broken life…but God dwells in His sanctuary for ever…the idea is this...
I’ll be with God for the length of days…eternally…my life..all of it…now and forever.
Meaning…there will be no end to this. God takes care of me, restores me, protects me, gives me peace and full life…and forever, all of my life I will be with Him…forever with Him.
The Question is can you TRUST God like that?
“As long as we think of the “house of God” as a place - whether in time or outside of time- we are probably doomed to wait in vain for its appearance. As long as we are looking for an experience that takes us out of the pain and uncertainty of living, we will not know what it means to dwell in God’s house forever. But as Psalm 23 shows us, dwelling in God’s house does not mean some sort of translation out of our circumstances of pain. Instead, it means to dwell with God in the very presence of our enemies…in the very presence of darkness. It is possible to experience the gracious presence of God and to receive the abundance of life he offers in the midst of life as it presently is. Now…and forever more....
David had the uncanny way of seeing God everywhere.
When I was in college I worked for awhile in the campus post office. The mail room. We’d stand there with a box of mail…we’d pick up the pieces of mail one by one…and file them into the backside of the post boxes. People would have their key for the other side where they would get their mail.
I got to where I could almost not look where my hand was going to place an envelope…I’d just read the name…and know automatically what box number they were…my hand would go right to that spot. We’d try to see who was fastest…thing was we were all fast just because of the nature of the job.
When I would , we, would walk around campus and hear names…I’d think of box numbers. When I sat in class and attendance was taken or the teacher called someone’s name out…box number....I’d hear their name and think....576…308.... I’d see post office boxes all through the day. Just something that happened.
David…where ever he was…anytime of the day…had the uncanny way of seeing God always. He’d look at nature and see God. He’d be wrestling with dark thoughts, negative thoughts…and he’d think about God. He’d be in a battle…and he’d think about God…he would see God.
He just didn’t see God when he prayed in the morning or on Sunday when he went down the street to the local church service. Right? We get like that sometimes don’t we?
For David…reality was God. God was in and through everything. Everything was about God....
…and because of that…David knew that God was always right there, personally, like a good shepherd…leading him through all of life and into life eternal...
Can you trust God with everything? Do you think you can get to the point where you see God working in and through and for you every single day, no matter where you are…grassy pasture or in those darkest of dark places?
That’s what He wants…that’s the kind of relationship He wants with you.
Give all of your life over to Him…and you’ll see this happen…closer and closer to Him each day.
Some things help and they are simple...
Look for God always. Be with others who are looking for Him always…you will often see God through others…working through others for your sake. Serve with others who are always looking for Him.